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Everything posted by JulesMad

  1. Not so difficult: 12°56'32.8"N 100°53'11.2"E 12.942455, 100.886444
  2. The best thing about Biden is, that he is NOT tRump!!!
  3. USA would go broke as never before! If they can not produce and sell weapons to the other war countries, US economy would collapse... So USA will start other wars (as they normally do!!!), just to sell weapons as they have ALWAYS done before. Don't get me wrong, I have NO problem at all if US economy collapses, but the civilized world should not suffer from america's stupidity and greed. Now with a convicted felon and war criminal as president (who is more stupid as ever before!), it is more likely the orange non-human will just destroy the whole world in WWIII
  4. Being stupid is becoming an art
  5. War criminals and mass-murders like to hang together... (pun intended!)
  6. In coke circles this is called a 'key'; in cooking circles it is called 'kilo'. Who is going to make a problem about 5.44 gr???
  7. This shows ever so clearly how f***ing stupid and degenerate the american (world?) public is! And that black nazi does not even make real music, his only accomplishment is that he has a girlfriend with BIG FAKE tits (as is the american fashion! (as long as it is fake))
  8. Ahh, wishful thinking...
  9. Alcohol is more addictive than cocaine... Too much money money money is involved!
  10. Most hypocrite country in the world, ruled by a mass-murderer, war criminal, racist, rapist, fascist and more inhuman qualifications. Funny thing is americans voted for this convicted felon. Americans are anything but tolerant, magnanimous and good-hearted.
  11. 2 war criminals and mass-murderers have a meeting... What could go wrong? 🤮
  12. All bullies should be put to 'sleep', especially the american kind....
  13. I'd rather be a lefty (even a poor one) than a right wing racist, felon, rapist and 'grab-them-by-the-pussy' type. Your orange ape is lying when he opens his gob, and he opens his gob a lot Have fun with your so-called 'president'... Be proud on your anti-social behavior!
  14. "Does Trump completely lack decency and compassion?" Abso<deleted>inglutely YES. He is the most disgusting person on the planet, and dies hopefully extremely soon!
  15. The whole (civilized!) world already know that tRump is a certified felon and a common mass-murderer. He was, he is and he will always be. Justice in the US is a joke...
  16. He is made an example for the AN members to NOT forget their 90 day report. Or else.... You have been warned!
  17. Don't worry! It is alcohol-free beer, 0.0% What is the problem?
  18. Where do you buy your weed? I have never seen the prices you mention (฿5-7 per gram)... Shop name and order method is appreciated 😎🙏
  19. tRump is a terrorist organization, all by himself!
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