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Posts posted by WarpSpeed

  1. Its starting to rain all you cars behind me at the traffic light can wait until I get me 19baht plastic tarp on.....says the herd of Thai motorbike riders at a green light

    Not a very good example mate. "Share the road" doesn't just mean make some space, it extends into having some empathy too smile.png

    So we should be empathetic to the people that go to the front of the line and then make us wait longer?

    I don't disagree with this. I never said I did, nor many of your other pet peeves noted, I do disagree with your generalized assessment that it doesn't happen elsewhere like the US, I particularly despise the motorcycle lane sharing law that is apparently ok in places like Ca. not where I live thankfully, I think it's absolutely senseless, besides being extraordinarily dangerous it is a menace and distraction to drivers in cars in terms of possibly hitting a cycle that suddenly appears, cars can't maneuver like motorcycles and it does slow down all traffic just like it does in Thailand. Down town in rush hour traffic the scooters are so thick at the front of the line at every light that only a couple of cars get through the quick lights and on to the next one where they block that one up too by moving in front of the cars and they bunch up and keep the cars from even moving when the light turns green, that is a massive frustration and dangerous as well, usually revving the engine before the light turns green clears me a nice lane to advance, something abut more difficult to do with an automatic, fortunately I always drive a manual.


    Then she rides in the car pool lane?? Talking about doing it safely? There is no way to do it safely after talking about her own incident of going down before as well (no, not that kind of going down)..


    You can find these all day long, the second rider was really lucky the first riders bike didn't take him out as well, I don't understand how this practice is legal, what legislators had so little brains as to allow this and besides there are speed limits they have to be exceeding to even do this if the traffic is traveling the limit. The victims here are the car drivers the cyclists are just idiots, (I know that'll get me some irritated responses but I expect that, the videos speak for themselves. [but] we are talking places like Ca. where idiocy abounds so I guess anything's possible they even permit parents the choice on whether or not to vaccinate their children against dangerous diseases but that's for another debate.

    I find it more irritating in the states because drivers here are supposed to know and practice better etiquette because we have laws that are enforced and better drivers training and I find it really irritating when the street etiquette is violated by some who feels more entitled but in Thailand I go with the flow understanding the environment in which I'm operating my vehicle, knowing also that I'm less likely to get pulled over for something nonsensical while so many around me are driving as mindlessly as they do.

  2. Thai's don't like convertibles and no reason to have a convertible in Thailand, too hot, too much sun/moon etc..

    I have a convertible here in Thailand and I can only say you are talking out of your (DELETED) language

    Thai's love it, as do everyone else I know here especially the BIB who have yet to get a ticket from in years of driving it here...never even been asked for my licence. It appears that the only person who doesn't like them are you so get over it and back on topic.... fun sports cars for the OP buy.

    Ermm you're not familiar with emoticons are you? Nor did you actually read much of the thread apparently, I was speaking sarcastically as the emoticons were supposed to convey since that is what I was told by a certain poster a couple of pages back and he took several nasty jabs at my perspective which was on the same opinion as yours, myself and several others here..

  3. @1BADDAT, @2fishin2

    Really, this is the mentality you drive around in Thailand with?

    So there's a bunch of motorsai sitting at the front of the red light queue, it starts raining. You're not satisfied unless they all get soaking wet - including all the mothers and children, while you sit in your nice & dry car, for the sake of a few seconds? These are people too - just one's not as fortunate as you, to be able to afford a car.

    I wish you luck in our country - I think you need all you can get.

    Actually, no, I wish you can learn that what sits on a motorsai are actual people, and that the road isn't yours alone, and that green doesn't mean "go" it means "proceed when safe" etc etc.

    Our country? You are Thai?

    I own a motorcycle. If I was in the situation, I would pull over to the side and put my jacket on. Why, because the people behind me are actual people too. The people I just got in front of 15 seconds ago. You know, the ones who are fortunate enough to own cars. I am courteous enough to think about other people around me. I am a courteous person and an impatient driver. That wont change regardless of where I live.

    Yes, he is Thai..

  4. I don't take myself seriously but I do answer questions seriously when they're asked, was your answer not serious? It should have been. BTW not that my sex life is any of your business, but I get laid plenty, probably more then most here but thanks for your concern anyway

    face it mate. This ain't FLA ...it's LOS. Meaning : Chicks here don't dig tans. Ever seen a regular Bangkok gal (insert SG, KL, HK gal at your leisure) not hiding from the sun at every chance?

    I will concede to you on matters concerning driving / even fixing cars - but bear with me on this one - 20+ years of visiting / living here I have seen a few things - some even by chance.

    Failing that, I suggest you open a car dealership here selling only convertibles and let me know when you passed the 12 month mark of staying in business.

    Well, I have a convertible and my 'chick' happens to dig it. She likes the shock effect of people seeing a woman driving a sports car and says people give way and behave nicer in traffic "face to face". She goes sunblock on and top down. The roof is for rain and Bangkok traffic, my Bangkok Girl says.

    And; No, she didn't even know I had it until long after we got together.


    But but.............. You must be talking nonsense whistling.gif .....giggle.gif Thai's don't like convertibles and no reason to have a convertible in Thailand, too hot, too much sun/moon etc.. whistling.gifcoffee1.gif

  5. Were not mixing them up and here's the regs that proves it.

    (*) If a Manufacturer doesn’t wish to homologate, develop, produce and sell the race version of cars, either directly or through an independent engineering company, IMSA may accept Tuners presenting the best records, provided the Manufacturer is in full approval of the Tuner. A car is not permitted to undergo technical inspection before taking part in an event if it has not had the homologation approved by IMSA. The Homologation Form must be presented by the Competitor during technical inspection.

    2.2.2 Modifications They are allowed for racing purposes: From a base version of the production car and not from a special version based on a restricted or special or limited production; Complying with these technical regulations; The specifications listed in the Homologation Form can be changed only by the Manufacturer or the Tuner and with the agreement of IMSA. Except for safety or reliability reasons, only one evolution per period of 2 years is permitted before the first event of the season in which the homologated model is entered. The period of restriction will begin for 2014 model cars; it will be the same for every car. A car homologated in previous years can use this evolution under the following conditions: • Changes are made on the car by the Manufacturer or Tuner who homologated this car, • The car thus modified is identical to the latest version of the homologated car, • The Manufacturer or Tuner provides to the car owner a copy of the new Homologation Form describing the evolution, • The previous Homologation Form is no longer valid. When elements of the car have undergone successive modification (e.g. rear wing), only one version can be used per year model. For the new cars homologated, 1 evolution

    Take note of manufacturer numbers required to compete, that's so no purpose built cars can compete. They have to begin with a base chassis and most of the factory specs.

    2.2.3 Lapsed Homologation The homologation will become lapsed: The year following the stop of the production if a minimum of 200 road cars has not been produced (50 for a "Small Manufacturer") 8 years after the stop of the production if at least a minimum of 200 road cars has been produced (50 for a "Small Manufacturer")

    In essence this class is FIA Gt 3 class, which is stock based equipment. It's all nonsense anyway to argue that even still Audi, Porsche, etc. couldn't produce a winning car over the much cheaper Viper..

    Wow really, Audi, Porsche, etc could not come up with something to beat the much cheaper ($460,000) Viper...... how much were they spending ?

    Yes wow, certainly you can't possibly be thinking that you can get into either of those cars in race trim for less then a Viper? cheesy.gif You can imagine they spent double maybe triple that, it's quite easy to do..

  6. Nope, best if you keep up.. Traveling all over the country and even into Canada transporting my race car and equipment while traveling to races I've traveled more than most, also drove as part of my living as a repair tech. most of those years, I also traveled quite bit from the east coast to the west coast as a teenager with my family moving, we also traveled quite a bit in my youth, drove 10 years in Thailand. Better part of almost 40 years exclusive as a licensed driver, is that long enough? Forgot to mention I'm STILL driving here and see those examples daily and in some cases several times daily and I don't even drive as much these days.

    Just asked where you have seen in the U.S. them invent lanes naming a city or area where that happens. Simple answer would suffice but you avoided that question completely. (DELETED)

    Whats with the interrogatory and condescending tone? You didn't ask a simple question, I gave you as simple an answer as I could, what do you want dates and times? All of those places and points in between it happens regularly. There are bike paths that run along side the primary roads here where bikes are only supposed to ride but that's when the cars aren't making into a turn lane because they don't want to wait their turn and they come from 30 cars back in the line not just right up on the turn, so the drivers who do wait properly, end up getting pushed back unable to make their turns and it slows both lanes not to mention prevents a safe lane for the bikes it's intended for. Does that fall into the category of "making your own lane"? How do you block that? You move into the lane and now you're the one being a jerk. I always give them the evil eye and the stare down when passing but they already know they're a holes and don't give a rats backside. Got stuck in a line the other day when the driver in our lane was trying to make right turn but because of several other impatient and entitled a holes in the bike lane he couldn't and we couldn't get through the intersection.

    Ok...got it...bike lanes ALL over US and every point in between. Thanks.

    Of course like your first post which was a generalized post regarding ALL drivers in Thailand this one was also in that same vein as it too is snide nonsense and that's how I'll just treat all your posts from now on, I'll respond and then let you make a fool of yourself from there..

  7. Were not mixing them up and here's the regs that proves it.

    (*) If a Manufacturer doesn’t wish to homologate, develop, produce and sell the race version of cars, either directly or through an independent engineering company, IMSA may accept Tuners presenting the best records, provided the Manufacturer is in full approval of the Tuner. A car is not permitted to undergo technical inspection before taking part in an event if it has not had the homologation approved by IMSA. The Homologation Form must be presented by the Competitor during technical inspection.

    2.2.2 Modifications They are allowed for racing purposes: From a base version of the production car and not from a special version based on a restricted or special or limited production; Complying with these technical regulations; The specifications listed in the Homologation Form can be changed only by the Manufacturer or the Tuner and with the agreement of IMSA. Except for safety or reliability reasons, only one evolution per period of 2 years is permitted before the first event of the season in which the homologated model is entered. The period of restriction will begin for 2014 model cars; it will be the same for every car. A car homologated in previous years can use this evolution under the following conditions: • Changes are made on the car by the Manufacturer or Tuner who homologated this car, • The car thus modified is identical to the latest version of the homologated car, • The Manufacturer or Tuner provides to the car owner a copy of the new Homologation Form describing the evolution, • The previous Homologation Form is no longer valid. When elements of the car have undergone successive modification (e.g. rear wing), only one version can be used per year model. For the new cars homologated, 1 evolution

    Take note of manufacturer numbers required to compete, that's so no purpose built cars can compete. They have to begin with a base chassis and most of the factory specs.

    2.2.3 Lapsed Homologation The homologation will become lapsed: The year following the stop of the production if a minimum of 200 road cars has not been produced (50 for a "Small Manufacturer") 8 years after the stop of the production if at least a minimum of 200 road cars has been produced (50 for a "Small Manufacturer")

    In essence this class is FIA Gt 3 class, which is stock based equipment. It's all nonsense anyway to argue that even still Audi, Porsche, etc. couldn't produce a winning car over the much cheaper Viper..

  8. ^^And not only did they pay a whole lot more for their cars, but for the last several years the Viper has held the Nurburgring record until some very expensive super cars recently have taken it back but nothing priced anywhere near the price of the Viper.. Of course they don't have the strongest chassis, they have a light weight chassis that isn't overly expensive & made out of carbon fiber like the super cars have, compare apples with apples not apples with peaches. This is such an old debate, it's been done to death, the 2 best American sports cars being the Viper and the Vette are unmatched in performance versus cost that's not even debatable.. Both come in convertible trim BTW.

    ^I beg to differ, that is most certainly very closely based on the road going model, the rules require it, these are some of the classes I so often refer to, in fact most of the Porsches and others are actually factory built and straight from the street going version could be licensed and driven to and from the track. Most of them are just stripped down versions of the street car with safety equipment added and some shock and spring tweeks, depending on the package.

  9. Try to stay on topic - which is not suntans.

    So can I reply or should his nonsense, off topic, antagonistic post be removed? If it does stand, I will have to respond.

    Go whinge somewhere else, you don't understand why convertibles aren't popular here. I gave you the answer several times. But because this is not Florida you don't agree.

    Keep it up!!

  10. I don't take myself seriously but I do answer questions seriously when they're asked, was your answer not serious? It should have been. BTW not that my sex life is any of your business, but I get laid plenty, probably more then most here but thanks for your concern anyway

    face it mate. This ain't FLA ...it's LOS. Meaning : Chicks here don't dig tans. Ever seen a regular Bangkok gal (insert SG, KL, HK gal at your leisure) not hiding from the sun at every chance?

    I will concede to you on matters concerning driving / even fixing cars - but bear with me on this one - 20+ years of visiting / living here I have seen a few things - some even by chance.

    Failing that, I suggest you open a car dealership here selling only convertibles and let me know when you passed the 12 month mark of staying in business.

    Stop talking nonsense, just get over it, my tan did me just fine when I was in LOS, and it does me fine with my missus now. No woman wants some pasty, half dead looking farang MATE, they want a healthy, sturdy looking man and the tan on a Caucasian ain't the same looking as a Thai tan anyway because of skin pigment. Just because most farangs there are too much like yourself doesn't mean a convertible isn't good for Thailand weather.

  11. Nope, best if you keep up.. Traveling all over the country and even into Canada transporting my race car and equipment while traveling to races I've traveled more than most, also drove as part of my living as a repair tech. most of those years, I also traveled quite bit from the east coast to the west coast as a teenager with my family moving, we also traveled quite a bit in my youth, drove 10 years in Thailand. Better part of almost 40 years exclusive as a licensed driver, is that long enough? Forgot to mention I'm STILL driving here and see those examples daily and in some cases several times daily and I don't even drive as much these days.

    Just asked where you have seen in the U.S. them invent lanes naming a city or area where that happens. Simple answer would suffice but you avoided that question completely. (DELETED)

    Whats with the interrogatory and condescending tone? You didn't ask a simple question, I gave you as simple an answer as I could, what do you want dates and times? All of those places and points in between it happens regularly. There are bike paths that run along side the primary roads here where bikes are only supposed to ride but that's when the cars aren't making into a turn lane because they don't want to wait their turn and they come from 30 cars back in the line not just right up on the turn, so the drivers who do wait properly, end up getting pushed back unable to make their turns and it slows both lanes not to mention prevents a safe lane for the bikes it's intended for. Does that fall into the category of "making your own lane"? How do you block that? You move into the lane and now you're the one being a jerk. I always give them the evil eye and the stare down when passing but they already know they're a holes and don't give a rats backside. Got stuck in a line the other day when the driver in our lane was trying to make right turn but because of several other impatient and entitled a holes in the bike lane he couldn't and we couldn't get through the intersection.

  12. I don't take myself seriously but I do answer questions seriously when they're asked, was your answer not serious? It should have been. BTW not that my sex life is any of your business, but I get laid plenty, probably more then most here but thanks for your concern anyway. In fact took some pics just today while out on the highway of 2 convertibles within miles of each other, top down and wind blowing through the hair. A VW new beetle and ironically a Mazda MX5, 88 degrees and enjoying the breeze, I don't have the patience to post them tonight still have to download them but I will tomorrow just for your viewing pleasure.

  13. Nope, best if you keep up.. Traveling all over the country and even into Canada transporting my race car and equipment while traveling to races I've traveled more than most, also drove as part of my living as a repair tech. most of those years, I also traveled quite bit from the east coast to the west coast as a teenager with my family moving, we also traveled quite a bit in my youth, drove 10 years in Thailand. Better part of almost 40 years exclusive as a licensed driver, is that long enough? Forgot to mention I'm STILL driving here and see those examples daily and in some cases several times daily and I don't even drive as much these days.

  14. I am a bus, I am bigger, badder, and my owner is connected so I own the road

    The only thing that scares me is a fully loaded cement truck

    There are plenty of things in Thailand that scare me more than that. Hint : They pee sitting down.

    When I'm heavily intoxicated, I sometimes pee sitting down - sometimes becuse I just know I won't aim right, sometimes because I'm not really sure what's going to come out. Scary? tongue.png

    Wow! IMHO, Too much info.. facepalm.gifbah.gif

    • Like 2
  15. Perhaps you should have titled your post "Drivers (including US drivers) Do the Darnedest Things". None of your observations are particularly specific to Thailand.

    None of them are specific to Thailand? No way some of these could be applied to the US. Drivers all over the world do stupid things, but the occurrences of them and the behavior are very different in different parts of the world.

    Here is the list from the OP:

    'I've waited long enough, I'm entitled to pull out now.' - OK...maybe in the US

    'I'm sorry, but my time is more important than yours, let me invent a new lane here because I am special.' - No way this applies to the US. If you try to invent a new lane, someone ahead will block you.

    'Let me throw my door out into traffic, there's almost no chance there's a motorcyclist driving by that I could kill.' - Hardly any motorcyclists there, and lanes wide enough that even if you did open your door, probably wouldn't block anything.

    'Oh you made a bad decision to pull out, I'm gonna flash my lights at you instead of slowing down.' - Americans don't flash lights, they honk.

    'That old lady crossing the road better hurry up, cause my Mia Noi is waiting and I don't want to be late.' - this is probably the only time Americans are actually courteous almost all the time.

    'Let me see how close I can drive to your bumper.' - Applies any where people drive aggressively, so pretty much anywhere in the world.

    'You can't see me behind these tinted windows, so I'm gonna drive like a complete maniac.' - Tinting the front windows is illegal in almost all US states.

    'Sure this area is heavily congested and chaotic, but if I slow down, I decrease my fuel efficiency. I'm saving the environment, bro!' - Toyota Prius drivers, America...you win this one.

    'That U-turn is far away, I'm just gonna drive down the wrong side of the road.' - Detroit is the only city in the US where I have seen U-turn lanes. Never once in my 20 years of driving in the US have I seen someone driving the wrong way down a divided road or highway (Or backing up down a freeway because they missed a turn).

    'Sure I've got a entire Burmese city in the back of my truck, but I need to see if I can get this thing on two wheels.'- Rarely see anyone in the back of a truck, especially Burmese

    There's gotta be a bunch I'm missing, have at it.

    I can't be bothered to answer your entire post line by line but let's just say generalized rubbish, especially your post about inventing new lanes, they do it all the time here in the states and it's one of my biggest pet peeves, I try to block as often as possible as it ends up slowing down the entire line with everyone having to merge in the end anyway and those behind never making any progress, but I find myself oddly in agreement with Geez for a change.

    My favorite anywhere too is entering the highway too slowly and the person behind, myself for example, essentially becomes the bumper of slow person ahead as you merge on, to any drivers behind who may not be paying attention, they're going to hit you and not the damn turtle in front of you who'll just keep going never knowing or caring that you got hit because of them. So when I encounter those type of drivers I accelerate as quickly as possibly into another lane around them or the same lane and pass them essentially switching positions, som-nom-na, learn to drive and merge properly.

    • Like 1
  16. Not sure what the definition of a Sports Car is any more. In the 60's it would have a removable top. Sports Cars were sporty or faster than the average family hack and most had only 2 doors. What makes a Sports Car today ?

    Yeah it used to be a 2 seater, but now there are some like the Rx8 that are still clearly sports cars but have four doors (albeit 2 very small ones rear) and four seats and the Scirocco I mentioned with 2 doors but 4 seats, so there you have it, no better answer then your original question, somewhat difficult to define these days.

  17. I guess but who does that? BTW nothing says that you have to lower the top only in daylight, there are plenty of awesome summer nights when a convertible driving on the strip road is perfect ambiance.

    There is a reason why you don't find many convertibles here. It can only be the rain sun or loss of face in not being able to afford one with a roof?

    Generalized nonsense coming from someone who never lived in a similar climate apparently, as I stated in my OP Florida has an almost identical climate (except in winter, spring and fall here are much more pleasant) but still there are plenty of chances there to put the top down on a convertible especially depending on where you live or travel to.

  18. But Cheese you're not considering the fact that they haven't paid the tax of 300% (hence the confiscation, they surrendered them) so even if it costs them 200% of value for example, being original cost plus auction purchase they still save the final 100% and that doesn't include additional taxes added in the original import that would have been discounted through their auction, that's quite a potential discount on say the above Ferrari compared to the original import costs and fees. It also explains why they'd take the risk in the first place and then give them up to auction, likely pay someone to make sure they get notified and so forth, there's a reason they do it, they know the system and the operatives.

    • Like 1
  19. MX5 is the way to go- not a huge engine, light and handles really well- had a MK 1 in the UK for over ten years- never missed a beat- really reliable.

    You can certainly get an older MK 1 for well under a million.

    But unless you have a garage, a soft top is not such a good idea here.

    So the one with a retractable electric hard top would be better- I think they are 2.5 m new, but as you could hunt around for a used one.

    The world's best selling sports car!

    I always here from this people who have never lived in a warm region before like it's gospel and every time it makes me chuckle.. Can you explain this please? Because the weather in places like Thailand is what soft tops are for? They're a dime a dozen here in Florida, every bit as hot as Thailand in the summer though depending on where in Thailand you live you may or may not have weather as nice most times of the year.

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