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Posts posted by WarpSpeed

  1. This little pink shop next to Bangkok bank, the one painted pink is BMW/Merc parts supplier, I watched them grow over the years AFTER I sold my Bimmer, still got my brake fluid and such from them and they got much more organized and carry a lot more parts, I'm sorry I can't do better then this as they don't seem to have a sign with a phone number on it, but they are adjacent to Don Muang airport off of Srong Bra Pa rd. you didn't give any location so I don't know if that'll help or not?


    Then there's this place just under the Mo chit station, it's located on a side street now, and I don't see any signs he just moved here from around the corner, I believe he carries BMW as well, I think he can get anything, the old mans son speaks English, nice people, quite accommodating I used to get all my VW parts from them. Actually if you go to the shop just below, tell the son you got a reference from an American guy that used to buy a lot of parts for SEAT's and VW's and recommended him from the states, via Google, that'd be a hoot and I'd like to hear what he has to say about it? He should remember me I did a lot of business with him and there can't be THAT many Americans going there? Who know's he may give you a discount too, he always did me, but I did quite a bit of business with him.


    Just around the corner from him is another shop, looks like crap but also carries a lot of parts and can get most anything, but their attitude is crap so I seldom used them except in a pinch and usually drive right by to get to the other shop but they also speak English.


    This is literally the entrance to get to the other shop above, this is a one way street and you pass this shop to get to the other shop, you turn in here exactly one block past the other one, you can give them a try if you want, but I'd check the other shop first because they deserve the business if you can give it to them, this shop has an attitude like you're wasting their time or they're doing you a favor and they seem to farang price as well.

    Hope one of these is good for you, good luck.

  2. Yep, all of the above. I was thinking the same as JAS, have the fuses/relay been checked first? Those fans are pretty hardy, not that it couldn't be the fan that just wouldn't be my starting point may end up being disappointed with more money involved. Simple thing to disconnect the plug from the fan, warm the car and put a tester to it to see if it has voltage? Do that after checking the fuse first, that's the easiest way to check the relay as some are a right PITA to get at, no fan voltage and either the relay is NG or the temp sensor is, then just check back from there but all of those are more likely to fail then is the fan motor on a car that age.

  3. So then it seems that maybe I should go with the plan to strip it, begin much of the process of building it, say adding the cage and some safety equipment, putting some graphics on it and then just bring it in looking the part but not yet complete as I'm not likely going to have time to complete it before leaving even if it happens at all. I think I'll probably contact the some racing officials too like at the RAAT and see how they can help, it's certain they have options and go arounds as they've been trying to expand the competition and participation from outside of Thailand and have over the last several years since my last conversation with them.

  4. Hmm I wonder why Singapore? I understood many of them are based in and/or compete in Malaysia where there is permanent track facilities and then make a return or brought in for given events. It's really nonsensical they don't allow a longer term exception for cars that are clearly for competition to be imported, stored and supported in Thailand without a ridiculous run around and expensive bonds required.

  5. The exception to this rule is bringing a car in as temporary import.. Transiting Malaysia and crossing sadao seems the easiest as theres a roro at port klang.

    I know a guy with a ferrari who has it this way.

    Thanks Livin, so Ok regardless it seems that not too much changes, it still seems that bringing it in as a temp is still the best way, and likely more so from a more local country like Malaysia, the thing is I was kind of hoping to ship over an Rx8 chassis and crap motor or 2 with all parts to build it up as they're much cheaper that way and most of them have that anyway and I would be rebuilding and even possibly bringing in a 20B from Japan depending on what class it will run in. But just strip out what I don't need here and leave it or sell it so there won't be any parts with it so to speak so it would be obvious it has no street intentions more less. I'm going to have to look into this more, I'm always still dubious as to what is said is possible or allowed versus what happens when it gets to the gate.

  6. Well in some sense they're already trying to do that for all alternative energy vehicles by overstocking and dropping the price per barrel they way they have been, that's not just effecting petroleum prices, it's making a venture into these more expensive technologies less profitable if not down right losses and definitely going to effect the market with less sales just as it's gaining traction (pardon the pun).

  7. I got interrupted but meant to add so who is a lefty you can think of that races or has raced and wouldn't be happy with having his time bested and this Stig is much taller & slimmer? Isn't Mark Webber a lefty? He's been sports car racing too which makes him easily available in Europe.

  8. BTW incidentally, Matt Leblanc who was nearly listed last is the current celebrity fastest lap holder and has been for some years now.. I'd like to see them get some pro sports car racer/actor Patrick Dempsy over there and see how he fares in that comp., Personally I think LeBlanc is probably faster.

    Update, there has been a few new celebrities that have moved to the top since..

  9. Is it really? No it isn't, a couple more baseless assumptions on your part, keep going though, you're failing miserably but it is entertaining. What is so telling about it? When you go fishing do you catch EVERY fish in the pond? Not likely so not everyone is visionary or capable to get involved in EVERY investment either, doesn't mean jack. I've always seen opportunities others are blind to because I see the big picture and potential not the one most like yourself limit themselves to. Anyway I'm trying to figure out what's it to you or others?

  10. Yes it is, his lack of responding has nothing whatsoever to do with it, there was not a single receptive response in reference to his post, just a bunch of judgmental, unsolicited and personal comments over his request and business concept, which is not what he posted for. I'd not respond again either if I were him.

  11. Who is Will Smith.?. Rubens Barachello,Tom Cruze.O.K.. its not realy Stars its area Celebs mainly. Enjoyed Rubens Lap,shame Stig didnt compete against his time.

    In last week's episode, the Stig was seen beating up a cardboard likeness of Daniel Ricciardo - I'm guessing he didn't just shame the other F1 drivers 2 weeks ago wink.png


    Or one of the other F1 drivers has is moonlighting in the off season? Or maybe a recently retired Brazilian F1 driver who used to be at the top of the list? whistling.gif

    BTW incidentally, Matt Leblanc who was nearly listed last is the current celebrity fastest lap holder and has been for some years now.. I'd like to see them get some pro sports car racer/actor Patrick Dempsy over there and see how he fares in that comp., Personally I think LeBlanc is probably faster.

  12. Chilean cyclist's record quest ends in death in Thailand

    BANGKOK (AP) — A Chilean cyclist's quest to bike around the world in five years has ended with his death in a road accident in northeast Thailand, police said Sunday.

    Juan Francisco Guillermo, 47, was hit by a pickup truck and immediately killed Saturday on a highway in Nakhon Ratchasima province.


    Story speaks for itself, nothing else left for me to contribute. Has a 2 year old baby too sad.png .

  13. Quite an ass/umption in both cases on your part, as it's not a dumb idea in the least and you've no idea how it's doing? He may be too busy making money to come back and deal with the idiocy on here, though I do know he's been back a month or so ago. Amazing the haters.

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