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Posts posted by YouYouYou

  1. 15 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

    If you have been following this little saga, and I am sure you have, you will know that Premchai declined a previous summons to appear, citing he was too busy and would it be OK if he deferred it to a later date. That date being today when the creature showed up and as a suspected criminal, he was accorded all the wais they could muster.

    Umm, Monday 5th march so hes early ...Thong pha phum a bit far from BKK. Busy? Probably running a large company, probably busier than  you eh given your post count. Waiing ...well explained but doesnt fit with bash the Thai so ignore  that eh. Next yawn please.

    15 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:



  2. Here  we go ..TV bash the  Thais "Ive seen it all now" etc. etc. He  came to the police station within time for his summonds and correctly waied the policeman first and the policeman then waied back. Absolutely normal behaviour from any policeman to a person of whatever social standing once waied. Jeez TV members at every opportunity eh. (Watch the video eh)

    • Like 1
  3. Oh blimey, poor Prawit in the media several times a day for like two or more months already. Guess the other 4 million or so corrupt civil servants are lovin it as the heat is off of them. Really whats new? Corruption is endemic from the cadet bobby up to a man like this in his position and everyone in between ...its a pyramid of kickbacks, always has been and will remain so for many years to come regardless. Yep as to who is in power at any given time can then wag their finger at the others and so on, but it still doesnt  make themselves less corrupt ...and so on, and so on.


    My new neighbour is a top ________________ but the newly refurbed  3 mill+ baht house is not in his name, wonder why? Lovely too to see the daily deliveries of boxes and envelopes but not by Thailand post. Love to tell you more but I'd probably dissapear eh at the hands of one of those in the middle pyramid 'cough' civil servants. 




    • Like 2
  4. Wise man to deny all. To admit guilt means you get done. To deny, especially if one has money and underlings that can carry the blame then why not. He could argue it was the mates he was with and his mates will back him up ...e.g. he was asleep all the time and was woken by the rangers surrounded by dead animals and guns; of course his matess will recieve a payment/ favour to cash in.


    Next story as this man will be found clearly not guilty.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    No new law.


    Old law enforced, fines collected while the rego process streamlined.


    Red plates (or possibly a variant thereof) will still exist.



    No not got it ....OP para 3red plates  gone, history, adios. Para 5 same as 30 day maybe a stiffer fine. Oh fine reporting leaving interpretation. Next no got it get it? Nice one Nation

  6. Good move and this new law will save a lot of headaches with the law. 4 new vehicles later and grief on 5 occasions with the BiB ...be nice to cut this out. As for some posters commenting on fancy numbers ...theres no problem with that either as the fancy number can be changed at any time after the initial registration ...just like the UK system which has always made perfect sense to me. Get rid on dem red plates, just  hi-so thing anyway ..buy a new car/bike and be happy, sad if you have to show off too eh.

  7. Oh blimey, poor Prawit is being dragged over the coals a lot by the media ...enough I say ! Come on, in the land of carapchan from the bobby on the corner to the PM, the media has singled him out. If anything it is just another political smear to make our beloved government look bad.


    Oh well, roll on the elections, followed by red shirt power, followed by more chaos in Bangkok and a few more deaths to boot, followed by another military coup (they happen often you know). So cut all this out, leave Prawit alone, and let our beloved  leader Prayuth to do his job eh.

  8. 14 hours ago, bikerlou47 said:

    If this country sits by and allows these stray dogs to multiply.. residents will have to take matters in their own hands.. wake up Thailand control these  animals.

    Best sensible post today.

    Problem starts with people ...buy a puppy, ooh na rak, grows up cannny be arsed, chuck it out on the street to create mayhem. Im so sick of stray dogs barking, fighting, running out in  front of my motorcycle (knocked off twice, ouch), and once biting my wife ...off to hospital for the injection and 2k later. Dont be too quick to judge this man as the authorites do sod all in my town to alleviate this problem ...when no one gives a hoot them some take the solution into their own hands, just like the guy in the story.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Becker said:

    ... the sh!t in Thailand didn't start with Thaksin, nor did it stop when yet another junta took power. Certainly that undeniable fact seems completely lost on you


    ...I would much prefer whatever government the Thai electorate chose to form a government.


    PS. What's the obsession regarding supermarket trolleys - some kind of fetish?

    1) No it didn't ...but what is completely lost on you is the corrupt way the reds just place another family member at the helm ...Somchai and Yingluck and Toxin himself to perpetuate their family coffers ..don't get that? Oh well.

    2) Choice lol. The majority, as I hope you know in Thailand seeings you have been here from the same decade as me, will vote for a red party ...the yellows or any other colour have no chance. So democracy or democratically elected governments in Thailand ends up with a single choice: the reds. So another point completely lost on you Becker is that Thailand is just not ready for democracy ...from one junta to the next junta in a decade there was more excrement than you could shake a stick at as I hope you saw out of your bubble outside BKK. Choice plain and simple: Prayut military rule style or Shinawaster Red style ...crap choice I know, but lets get real ...democracy ain't for all.


    3) Supermarket trolleys, because some folk on TV try to prove their point by getting personal with others ..aka Steven who the hell is he? Is this how you win your arguments Becker when you don't like that someone has an opinion other than your own? So on the that note, get off your bar beer stool and go for a stroll on the beach and clear your mind of paranoia that old posters maybe this man you call Steven.


    Love and peace, YouYouYou.

  10. So public officials sent ...hmmm, taxpayers money, umm my money. But hey a drop in the ocean to that of successive governments wasting taxpayers money. But I suppose many members believe in this kinda stuff ...Toxin Shinawaster did and I remember many years ago him cancelling an important cabinet meeting because 'The planets were not favourably aligned' and lol that was good enough reason to do so. Thailand 4.0 on 0.4 at present.

  11. 5 hours ago, Becker said:

    Hey steven, have you set up another account with TVF so that you can expand your sycophantic ramblings?

    Eh, who r uuu, who is steven? For uuu becker you may want see when my account was set up ...get off yer supermarket trolly beer boy.


    So back to giving opinion on TV, my opinion which is fine to state and doesnt suck up to the OP story, is that Prayut may not be the ultimate solution for Thailand but alternatives could be a lot worse. For many that have lived here since dinosaurs roamed the earth, you may remember, or want to forget the amount of excrement the reds created ... shut down this and shut down that, deaths, corruption untold and so on. Really you TV guavas do you want to see a return to shinawaster rule? I don't and IMO Thailand is way too far from ready to have something resembling democratic rule. Love Prayut or hate him ...get ready for the next round of Reds excrement and then report back and tell me how bad it was under Prayut.

    Just sayin, oh opinion on TV ...go on shoot me down or call me some other person to make your supermarket trolley point.


    Love you. Youyouyou.

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