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Posts posted by YouYouYou

  1. Firstly, any help would be greatly appreciated from the teccies out there.

    I recently updated from 2009 to 2011 internet security and problems started. At first I thought it was my TOT line but the engineers came, plugged in their comp. and all read fine on speedtests (ToT, Adsl, Speedtest).

    I finally found the culprit that it was indeed Kaspersky. When Kaspersky is switched off the download speed is fine and constant ....When on, download speed is erratic giving readings between 500 KBPS to 75 MB ! (75MB being impossible given my contract and the lines' max capability of 26MB) and up and down like a yo-yo each second. Also this erratic behaviour does affect connectivity to websites. However, the upload is always constant. I've tried switching off individual items under 'settings' to no avail. The only thing that cures this erratic download speed is by switching off completely.

    I've also tried 'repair program' and made no difference. The TOT engineer in his opinion said it could be a virus ...so did a full scan, and no virus found ...but if there was a virus in the anti virus ..well maybe its not possible to detect???

    I'm stumped and have another 350 days on this licence ...what else can I do to cure this? Getting through to Kaspersky service seems near impossible ...please help.

    Many thanks : Triple You.

  2. I will start this post with the legal words "Without Prejudice" (as to my own admission of bribery) :

    This is not new and has been reported over the years ... a judge taking a bribe. Yes, it happens in Thailand and many many countries around the world, even our little western havens eh. Taking a bribe is merely a human condition and greed takes over. No one in any authoritative poistion is exempt from the temptation to take a handsome bribe, but it is the will and character of the individual that says yes or no.

    So are judges exempt? ...No they are not, and for some people who sit on the high horse of rightousness frowning upon this activity, whether it is a judge or a traffic cop, to me, it's all the same, and yes I've given a traffic cop a bribe to avoid a ticket. So, am I as guilty for doing that as the judge and his 'alledged received bribe'? ....probably, as it takes two parties to make this work; the bribe giver and the bribe receiver.

    'No one is innocent' ....as they say:ph34r:

  3. Me and 2 other teachers from my school were required in May to do the "Thai language, culture and professional ethics course for non Thai teacher" as the title goes on the cert.

    2 days of your own time (sat and sun) and 2,500 Baht at the Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University, Bangkok. I believe they hold the course once about every 2 months.

    The course is a laugh, but it seems some schools get copped and the teachers have to go through the motions and other schools get left alone (that is, in my home town and some government and some private schools have had to do it .... why some don't, must be good connnections??).

    The course was basically a lecture and minimal participation was required. As you would expect, disorganised but easy at the same time. I've been here 10 years so I learned nothing from this course, but some newbies may learn a little.

    However, the cert. took 9 weeks to reach me and is basically a low quality print job off their computer along with my photo stuck on the back.

    Also, I have a degree in Thai language and SEA dev. studies and did not make me exempt. One other teacher had a degree and Tefl, he was not exempt. As far as I know, only B'Ed and PGCE/ dipEd type teachers are exempt along with teachers who have had a TL previous to mid-2003 (I missed this by a handful of months :( )

    So, if you get copped to do this course, I would recommend the above University (Near Wong Wian Yai, Thonburi roundabout) as it's easy and a good price (I've heard as much as 10K B4) but be patient for the cert.:thumbsup:

    Contact details there: Dr. Areewan Iamsa-ard 081-398-7273 and Mr. Thanin Kong-in 084-207-4095 .

    Chok dii :crazy:

  4. Hey Chantorn ...can you ask the thieving TOT people to sort out my download speed that is a quarter of what it should be for the last 10 days. I ring them ..they ring me back 'It ifxed' ...nope 'it not fixed' ring again ...and so on and so on in a big round circle. That's a bit criminal en it Chantorn.

    Right i'm off out to do some thieving now ...err shopping.

  5. lol seems the figures are still simmering at the TAT. Could be thou that they now class us all as tourists and bunging the expats in there to prop up the figures eh LOL ...just a thought.

    Lots of analysis by many thou out there, but it just seems the simple fact that hotels and GH's are going out of business .... as one poster said, maybe they brought a tent. So with this 'increase' ..why are businesses going out of business?

    Come on TAT get real eh !

  6. Hello, I wondered if there were any amateur competitions going on in Bangkok and surrounding areas. Whether it is for big or small money or just even for the glory, basically whatever goes.

    I love to play tournament snooker, so if any TV members know of anything going on, please post here and your help is greatly appreciated.

    Cheers Triple You.:)

  7. "mainly from Myanmar and Laos"

    So, Cambodia is looking like a pretty good neighbor here - no? Just asking with all the nonsense brewing on the border w/ Cambodia.

    A little misleading: a lot of 'ya ice' does come over the border from Cambodia and according to sources studying the drug traffic trade at Chulalongkorn University, much of this ends up in Pattaya and the surrounding area.

    (ongoing project from 2007 to date and part of a wider project looking at social impacts and narcotic/substance abuse within the younger generation. It will probably be finalised sometime next year and published in English also)

  8. Way to go ...cook them figures and cook em well :lol:

    Just the other day (back in the red encampment times) they said there were 10 to 15 thousand less arrivals at the airports in Thailand each day for so many days ...go figure ???

    And I suppose its right by the topic title that it will "recover soon": Soon ? Mmm ,,,this week/month/year/decade/century .....take your pick, soon is a tad subjective eh.

    But hey tourism will pick up later this year ! Well done, and that must have been rocket science to figure out that it does every year in the cool season and has done ever since I've had a hole in my ***:rolleyes:

    Way to go!

  9. Nice one Howard and good luck with this position.

    You probably don't remember me, but we met some 3 years ago when I was doing research in Pattaya for Chula Uni. Sorry that I never did contact you for the follow up interview ...it all went pearshaped my end with the sponsors and the shift in sponsors ...long story if you want to PM me lol.

    All the best ... triple You :thumbsup:

  10. Lucky boy Mr. Savage ...3 month sentence cut in half due to the guilty plea ....bingo! already done month and a half behind bars ....free to go but deported (as you do). So he is now a convicted person and guilty by his own admission in a Thai court of law.

    But it seems that this would be classed as a 'minor offence' ...thus his ban/blacklist from Thailand is not for life (or so it seems from other posters here and sources elsewhere). The ban figures somewhere from 2 to 5 years but the information on this seems unclear. However, if this is the case, then he can someday come back to Thailand.

    Is that a good idea? Probably not for his own safety and welfare ...he upset a lot of Thai people here by his youtube comments and his other actions that have been revealed from Pattaya 2009. I don't think the Thai police would speedily come to his rescue if he encountered some problems with a Thai person in the future.

    For the sake of me/expats, you, Thai people, and Thailand ...please stay in England and try to get your family over there. move on Jeff and be happy/sane. :D

    post-83248-018405600 1278693177_thumb.jp

    How I will always remember Jeff 'the basket case' Savage. Wonderful pic from last month when he threw himself on the floor in a tantrum ...Nice one

  11. Lol ..what a funny story ..and what a dumb B**** eh. Pretty easy: wanna rip off yer insurance company? Stick to yer 'plausable' story and they're ya go ...pay time!

    This is not just a Thai story so nothing new, happens everywhere, all the time, by all nationalities,and in many situations.

    Hands up who has scammed their insurance co. for an industrial accident/motor claim/travel claim sometime during their life ! Ahh, many hands I see LOL:lol:

    So you you you crazy scammers ...STICK TO THE STORY and don't confess otherwise.

  12. Accidents happen, bit vague the story. But, you can have an accident getting out of bed ...walking to yer car ...driving to dreamworld (and back again) ...and so on.

    Yep I have kids and yep I've been there 3 times with them, no nasty accidents there or on the way there/back or even getting out of bed ... accidents/<deleted> happens, Dreamworld is a cheap and fun place to take yer kids so don't worry too much and don't dissappoint yer kids :)

  13. Oh well, didn't personally like her father and what he stood for, but good luck to her. Some folk are bashing the 'woman' angle and some are ageist. Okay, She's 29, but she sounds quite smart and yes many politicians/politically motivated individuals do change their opinions and sides all around the world inc. the US and UK. So, really, whats wrong with her having a go at running a small political party??

    Come on all, Thailand has been run for many many years by 'old crony men' and they've collectively done a crap job. Imho, this lady at 29 could be a breath of fresh air for Thailand and our current PM is wiser than many think. Me, I'm bored of the old clique runing the show ...guys like Toxin, Samak and Somchai should be a thing of the past so that this country can genuinely move forward ....out with the old and in with the new for me.

    Go girl :)

  14. Okay Okay, thank you for the half dozen or so inputs by Black Mirage ....but really what does this guy have to gain by this if you were oh soo correct? Oh yeah ..err... scam/attention seeking from your perspective and you could be right ...yeah?

    From where I stand, the Thai police (for sure) and the British embassy (maybe) could be writing this off as a 'domestic'. So okay Black M, and make it your lifes' work as a newbie to dish this guy, but consider that it isn't a scam etc. and this could be a genuine case. Where else would you turn Black M?

    Just IMHO, that's all. :) oh and take that comment as you you you will BM.

  15. Yes, I was affected in the most serious way by the curfew in Nakhon pathom, where I may add NOTHING HAPPENED, at all, ever ..but it's a neighbouring province to BKK, so that's that, our bad, and curfew applies :D

    The big effect one night was my run up to the local 'mubaan shop', dam_n didn't look at the time 9.00 PM sharp ....noooooo, local mom pop shut, family mart shut, 7 11 shut, everything shut (yup they took it seriously here in my bit of town) .....result NO BEER :D:D:D

    But hey look at the glass 'half full' (in my case empty LOL), the Thai gov. saved me from becoming a drunk ...thx Thai gov. :)

  16. Well, sounds like a scary story, story underlined for emphasis as this can only be take as a story and not a factual account. There is no 'unmasking' or factual evidence and as some posters have pointed out already, it could just be a creative essay or plain propaganda.

    I am also not trying to discredit the writers of this story, but these writers must also accept that even if their story is true, it would certainly be open to the aforesaid criticism within this thread; it is in a word 'unsubstantiated' and cannot be considered 'concrete' by just stating at the beginning 'they would kill us', sorry it may be genuine but as a journalist piece, this does not make it exempt from doubt.

    "Do you know who is in charge here?" (from the article) .... err, mmm .... said Mr Sheen up river to the crazed looking guy on the banks of the bridge being continually blown up ...err Apocolypse Now? :) sry, maybe its just a conincidence.

  17. Doc Pipat "....has urged the public to call [them] if they find any food or health product to be substandard or have exaggerated advertising."

    Whoops, he may regret that!/ even if reported, nothing gets done LOL. :) (I reckon half of the TV members could 'call them' at least one a day eh with somthing or other LOL)

    Either way a refreshing break from the threads of various coloured shirts :D

  18. From the Guardian article recently posted, it does seem the Thai gov/court wanna get tough with Mr. Savage beyond an easy 2 year sentence through the SOE laws. Yup, he should do some 'small' time and then duly sent back to the 'land of grumpy people' never to return. The talk of death sentence is a bit OTT me thinks.

    Mr. Savage is now realising the consequences of his actions and awaits in the clink for his verdict .... too late for sobbing and moaning about it ... face it like a man and accept what happens Jeff: You did wrong and you know it, you also did wrong in the wrong place (Thailand) and that you know also.

    Compared to Connor the Ozzie, this Jeff appears to have a long record of red shirt involvement and has admitted to several things already, the Pattaya links and BKK events etc. He appears to be, how can you say 'actively involved'?. However, Connor (unless I've missed something) seems to have one crime, his speech on the red stage as he says as a 'witness to April 10th'. I watched his speech on Youtube and yes he was a bit angry, but if that is his only crime then he pails in comparison to Jeff. I think they should just put Connor on a plane back to OZ and strike him off as a tad 'out there' as ban him from return to Thailand IMHO.

    Be good you crazy kids and don't become a Jeff or a Connor in LOS :)

  19. Yup, this ahem 'protest' will certainly have a far reaching impact upon the tourist trade. It will take a long time for Thailand to repair its image and surely many businesses will fold this year due to low arrival numbers. However, I believe the 'low end tourists' i.e. backpackers, university graduates seeking that experience will still arrive fairly much regardless. The unfortunate 'sex tourist' will probably not be deterred and they will continue in their droves to the 3 P's, maybe a little down on figures if they (TAT) cared to differentiate this group.

    But, the 'high end' tourist (the ones that Thailand has been so desperate to increase and attract TAT) will drop dramatically. The figures of '3 million less tourist arrivals this year' is probably an optomistic figure. However, we can only wait until the actual figure is in at the end of the year and duly published by TAT. It's simple reasoning: The high end tourist, and especially those bringing their whole family, have numerous choices of where to go in the world; why would you choose Thailand in your local travel agency given it's unstable warzone like picture within the media globally? Many countries with tropical climates have no problem whatsoever. It's at this point of 'decision making process' of where to go and what can be afforded .... many other places are affordable and safe. Some could argue Thailand is now 'Safe?' but the damage has been done and broadcast worldwide.

    Personally, I feel this is still not over and done with and troubles may continue although I really really hope not for the sake of all Thai's. If there is more trouble though ...3 million less tourists will be a huge understatement. Furthermore, it has been said that they can offer 'incentives' to attract tourists, but prey ..what incentive can you give a tourist to pretend none of this mob behavoiur happened and that it will not happen again? I think Thailand has to brace itself this year economically for a large downturn, not only in the tourism trade, but in the economy as a whole as I believe Thailand will hit a 'mini-crisis' before year end. Good luck Thailand :)

  20. Just a link of an interview of the now infamous Jeff Savage. Sry if i'm duplicating moderators but it is quite an amusing read:


    Please send this guy home, please, please, please ...he's a complete ....fill in the blank.

    Nice guy! If anyone knows where he is we have roast beef, potatoes, carrots and onion gravy tomorrow so would be great if he could stop by. If he's a vegan let me know in advance as I'll have to change the menu! No offence to vegans', not taring you with the same brush and I mean that! Just joking.

    Andrew Drummond sounds like a fool but freedom of speach comes into call here so let the man have his say even if you don't sympathise with him. I for one don't!

    Eh? Andrew Drummond is the interviewer, the name of the foreign criminal is Jeff Savage. Did you make an error there?

    Err coulda done ..yes the name of the guy is Jeff Savage ..but the original source of Andrew Drummond seems to come from the 'London evening standard' :


    My humblist apologies as this link is also on Mr. Drummonds page, thus, the source is from this point ..err ...I think ... but that also says Andrew Drummond is the interviewer. Just trying to be helpful for the readers. Thx :)

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