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Posts posted by Cloggie

  1. Question for all those who work in the Oil & Gas Industry, who solves your IT problems at your work / your projects either on land or sea, is that done by locals, your own company or is it outsourced to an external company?

    I work now 15 years in Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore at various industries (from hazardous waste landfills to the Hotel & Golf Industry) and I would like to move to the Oil & Gas Industry as a career change (besides financial also for technical reasons). Would appreciate it if you can share your experience here so maybe I can learn from it and know how to move to that direction. Thanks for sharing your story.

  2. Agree, the following situations will not change in the next 100 years, if you invest in Thailand you know that:

    - flooding will happen every year, dispite the fact that the govenrment will tell you not to worry

    - police will bribe you, red light, speeding, car to heigh and add more yourself

    - visa rules will change each year

    - political situation will change but wich country not?

    I see Thailand as a "stable instability"

  3. @ Pib - 100% correct.

    After I received my Credit Card and used is for several years, no questions are asked anymore. Not even a salary is neccesary anymore - very strange - but that is what I found out.

    Not received any salary on my UOB account for 5 years BUT still have my credit card and can use it without any problems, just make sure you pay your cc and that's is.

  4. When I do my 90 days, I fill in all the fields, write in a way that other people can also read it, put TB 100 in my passport and hand over my passport and form to the officer.

    He looks at me, we smile at each other and 5 minutes later I am on my way back home again, never a problem so far and both me and the officer are happy.

    When I see / hear all those problems over and over again (overstay / passport expired / forms not filled in correctly / NOT understanding the rules etc etc ) it's not strange that so many officers get frustrated and angry with some people.

    Be polite, dress correctly, behave yourself and smile, keep in mind THEY make the rules NOT you and if you don't like that, don't stay here and go home or elsewhere...

  5. Would make sense to do the whole conversation in Thai at Immigration Office as well...

    I'm fine with that, but I'm actually learning Chinese. Should I demand a chat in Mandarin for my next ED extension? Perhaps the Muay Thai students can throw a few drop kicks in the immigration office. Not sure what the cooking students will do, but somtam boobala always goes down well with the immigration officers.

    Serious though, I fully agree that some students (and language schools) are abusing the system.


    Extension of Visa denied: The officer only understands Cantonese.

    I think this is more related to "wrong counter"

  6. I remember the story of a young guy who also had a ED-Visa and went to immigration for an extension, officer asked his name and age in Thai and he had no idea what the officer was asking, extension denied!

    In my opinion this whole ED visa is just one big scam - people only use it to stay in Thailand, that's it (yes there will be some exceptions....)

    Would make sense to do the whole conversation in Thai at Immigration Office as well, you want to learn Thai anyway correct?

    Second year, paperwork in Thai as well, prove that you are here to learn Thai, just test them.

    Just my few satang.

    • Like 2
  7. Thanks Clear Sky for the link, will use it next time but unfortunately I brought my mobile to the Samsung Service Centre already and they only installed Android, so now I lost all my programs and some data :-(

    Hawker9000, still do not fully understand what happened and why my mobile only rebooted all the time after I installed the Gmail update, never had any problems before with my mobile.

  8. Brought my telephone back to the Samsung Service Centre and they installed the OS again, so now I have a brand 'new' Samsung Nexus mobile phone with an old OS and no applications :-(

    Updated OS to latest version (including GMail app) and still in progress to reinstall all my other apps again one by one - what a nightmare and I even don't know WHY the update of the Gmail app completely f*cked-up my phone.

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