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  1. The 47 supporters seem to be in a race to be the first to defend Putin. I thought you don't like communists?
  2. Well that was a lot of nothing.
  3. So why is Harrisfan still on this forum? Under all his other names you (AN) blocked him.
  4. deleted since links don't work anymore. Mods you can throw this topic in the bin.
  5. You are wrong on so many things! The EU has given way more money than the US. The EU is willing to send troops. And you're on repeat.
  6. Nothing 47 says is the truth.
  7. You're not funny either but I'm not the wannabee comedian, that's you. And sorry to say you're not even decent at that.
  8. Ah apologies, i see you have a full time job already. Thb 300-- a day posting for 10 hours?
  9. Rather an issue. Why are you even on this forum with just "comedy" posts? Try to get a job.
  10. @Harrisfan how long you figure you have this time untill getting blocked again? Susan.
  11. Means nothing. Try reading 1984. Handbook to misinformation 1: Discredit mainstream press.
  12. Try to get out of your 47 bubble and join the real people in this world.
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