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Posts posted by bubblegum

  1. 13 hours ago, petedk said:

    I tried them for 1 month and found that they buffered constantly. 

    I also had a little problem with the billing and the emails I received were not exactly polite

    Strange never had a problem at all

  2. 54 minutes ago, swissbie said:

    Ok, got it. You got very lucky, as most shops usually sell old stock to new prices. Anyway, my local shop ran out of stock long before the new prices had been announced. I don't know the new prices yet, but the shop owners told me if the price increase is to steep, they will stop selling cigarettes as the Malaysian ones around here are much cheaper.

    That's what I just did, Wonder Red 450-- per carton

  3. 5 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

    Has she asked politely?


    I'm sure the owner of the land next door doesn't want broken waist water pipes on his property.


    It's benefits both of you to have everything working properly.


    Its even more important to get along with your neighbor.


    A descent Thai guy would probably agree.

    It's a Chinese lady who owns half of the city and she does not give a flying F*** .

  4. 5 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

    Sorry Jing but i dont trawl the internet to find out that in Uganda they had a straight pride march to kill gays ,i was talking about us in the west,and as to progs being "woke" you just have to see the number of people who now do not bother to watch these shows any longer ,i dont wish to argue with you as i guess your not a bad guy ,but it is getting silly where every series now has to have a black man married or dating a white woman ,or like in Vigil where the female detective has a daughter but is now a lesbian . its just put in to be "modern" anyway lets just beg to differ.

    I have to agree (kind of) with both sides. One is where in a historical setting suddenly knights are black. Kind of surprising to me. Two is when a modern series shows race/sexual diversity, don't bother me 2 much but I have to agree that they (the industry) takes it a bit over the top once in a while. 

    • Like 1
  5. I don't know if it is the webpage designer or somebody from the helpdesk who is answering on this topic but whoever you are you're missing the point. The point is as ubonjoe pointed out a design flaw. He did NOT ask you a "go around" solution (that even don't work on many platforms but your own). He, as a very, very knowledgeable poster just pointed out some flaw in the design of the new webpage. 

    I can understand that as new owners of Thaivisa you might change some things but you basically blew this new design in our faces without giving a <deleted> about the users.

    It is simple and just like ubonjoe says: "IT AIN"T WORKING" so YOU should have a little talk with your boss and fix this forum's webpage. Remember it is a forum where the amount of users dictate your advertisement revenue. Go on like this, users will leave you and the site will become obsolete.    

    • Haha 1
  6. As the OP I have to say the following on your remarks and they always seem to be the same on every topic:


    *Cannot look after oneself, go home (harsh comment)

    *Bashing some country (this case USA) why?

    *Grammar police

    *Bashing "people" for going to bars and stuff 

    *Off topic and assuming: It was Covid (really) Accident Insurance, Covid and I live in Thailand longer than you and can sit on the floor at dinner (Jeez, congratulations)

    *Knowing nothing about Thai/Intn. Health insurance but posting as a pro

    *And then the bickering starts! Always 2 or more obnoxious people will steel the threat just to have a go at one another, neither party listening to the other! It's like the Trump followers against everything. It's boring, it is not polite and not necessaire on this platform.


    Having said that I would like the MOD to close this pls. Tnx    

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Peterw42 said:

    OP, its the same all over the world, there isn't really any such thing as free healthcare, its either tax funded, insurance funded or personally funded. 

    I don't think any insurance is going to pay for a transfer from Surin to bangkok.

    Mine does


  8. I just had my extension done at Chong Chob and there is a whole new crew. Lady Captain is straight as an Australian desert highway. She needed pictures (2 per 1 A-4 !) redone and called me back the next day saying there was a problem with my passport. Tuned out I was missing 1 stamp from when I changed my home from Phuket. She sorted that out. Also no house visit and absolutely NO brow envelope! Took me a whole day !

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