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Posts posted by bubblegum

  1. 19 hours ago, mfd101 said:

    Here in Prasat south Surin wearing face masks has already gone out of fashion. The most I ever saw in one day was about 6 or 7. Now one or none.


    A week ago we went to the local BKKBank branch to pay our annual house insurance. Our 2 girls that we deal with both masked. 2 days ago we went back to pick up the finished papers. Not a mask in sight.


    Similar experience at the local pharmacy in the Lotus building ...


    Fashions come and go when you're young and live in a culture where appearances are what count.

    Correct, live in Prasat as well.

    • Like 1
  2. La Treve  The Break


    Belgium French speaking with hardcoded subs on the usual places. Founf only 1 torrent with the whole first season.

    Nice police drama with a slow build up a la True Detectives.

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

    Just downloaded the first episode of   the name of the Rose ,a medievil story and the Dublin Murders , the first one should have been called ,how to be bored in 3 easy lessons , the second ,very good ,well worth watching .

    The original movie was very good, with Sean Connery. Was made after a book by Umbeto Eco

    • Like 1
  4. On 10/4/2019 at 3:25 PM, DILLIGAD said:

    Series 3 of Goliath is now available from the usual places. This is one of the best US series that I’ve seen in many a year!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Thanks for that one, I've totally forgotten it. About Airport 24/7 Thailand.......is this produced by ....Thailand? What a load of bs.

    • Like 1
  5. I know there is a lady on this forum who knows everything about medicine and healthcare. I have forgotten your name but I hope you read this.


    I need a wholesale adres for Gabapentin, I'm using about the maximum right now (just under) any cheaper place would be very welcome.

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