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Posts posted by bubblegum

  1. A few years ago when living in The Netherlands I had a double neck hernia operation. After, due to the operation I developed something called "spondilicytus" a rare illness that eat away the stuff between your bones (don't know the English word). This resulted in the collapse of the disc's that were operated. I then needed surgeory again and my disc's had to be removed. I now have a titanium neck (pricy !).

    I'm telling this because I have the feeling I developed another hernia. Like before it blocks part of my nerv system, constant tinkling in my left hand and very painfull back. I shit my pants if I have to do surgeory again so I'm hoping there would be an alternative treatment. I live in Phuket and cannot travel too far since this gives me too much pain.

  2. Once and only one I made it as far to be able to see the movie with VLC player. Tried to burn it to DVD and no show. nother time the subs came up mumble jumble ater burning. I have used Workshop and conversx.

  3. I know there have been postings about this subject before but somehow non of the advise helps and neither does the internet. I have tried just about all the software programs I could find and all the DVD burning software as well. Still no Thai subs. In VLC I have gotten to the point that I can stream the English version of a James Bond download with working subs but getting it to DVD noway. Anybody having better luck and/or advise ?

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