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Posts posted by bubblegum

  1. 5 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

    Just started "The innocent"--(Spanish)-good acting, have to thank Netflix for dubbing it, because i really don't like reading Subs and trying to take in the acting etc, makes you wonder why the UK TV channels don't do it. Thailand does it for all those Chinese Soaps that my wife is hooked on--and probably 60% of the movies.


    While I was looking for it, came across "The Innocents"  2018 TV series which is a Norwegian Sci Fi about a Girl who is a Shape Shifter, I must have missed it at the time--in English with Guy Pearce. The series was such a hit--that they made a movie (held up by Covid) comes out This August 2021--same name.


    Anyone not happy with the new IMDB format, it seems that every time I want to ask something I get Join now page-- asked if the movie just mentioned was known under any other name--go through 3 pages then there is a button thats marked Answer--- Press -Join now on special.

    They gave the movie I just mentioned nearly an 8 when it hasn't been released--so must be the opinion of people connected to it.


    What format do most of you look at for feed back---???



    The dubbing they do makes sure nobody speaks English with a normal accent. Same in places like Germany.

  2. Not easy to get them on the phone but finally managed. Its all true only the vaccin is either Sinovac or AZ they won't know until the (almost) date of your appointment. I would have to drive from Surin so will call the day before just to be sure. If you come by car; Q parking zone 4 next to entrance 4 of the hospital is where you want to be.

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  3. Could not find a do it yourself section so posting it here.

    I have a 2 floor house and on the side of my staircase i would like to make some additional space by means of a floor, roughly 1 by 1.5 meters. Now back home I would go to the DIY shop, pick some wood, have ir cut to my preference and build a floor from it. But no wood in Thailand so what to do? Any imput?

  4. For the last 4 years I have been playing on E-Toro website with futures and stocks stuff. Just a little fun see if I win or lose some money. You can buy and sell on most stock exchanges from London to China and the NST and such. I had no problem at all with depositing or collecting my money up till now. Suddenly my bank decided to decline my deposit of the grand total of $ 100,-- yes 1 hundred dollars because of safety measures. According to my bank the BOT has put this website on a "no go" zone because you can deal in bitcoins and the like. I have been on the phone for about 1 hour trying to explain that I have been doing this for years AND It is my money we are dealing with NOT the BOT"s. So now I will get a call back tomorrow (duh) from some exec who will try and explain things. BTW its Kasikorn bank.

  5. 18 hours ago, pixelaoffy said:

    Excellent BBC Netflix production . Great how they recreated 1970s Bangkok .. first episode in YouTube. You can find the rest online.  True story about a serial killer across SE Asia    


    Liked this quote from Wikipedia about why Thai police didn't pursue the guy in Bangkok when Dutch consulate told them about this criminal and the Thais didn't want to 'damage tourism with the publicity '.  Nothing changed in 45 years since 


    "Sobhraj was interrogated by Thai policemen in connection with the murders, but released because authorities feared that the negative publicity accompanying a murder trial would harm the country's tourist industry. ". Wikipedia 

    I thought I was crazy when I heard the caracter of Herman Knippenberg speak Dutch so I googled turns out he is from the UK and acts like he speaks Dutch lol what a bummer.

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