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Everything posted by bubblegum

  1. Unlike you and Trump we believe in democracy .
  2. Partisan bill ! Next
  3. BS Propaganda, Trump had them kill the partisan bill. Or you forget?
  4. Are we now repeating ourselves? I got it from both AA insurance AND WRLive. Thats'all I can say.
  5. The man who lies when he opens his mouth says "they cheat" now, for maga s it's a fact. Anyone disagreeing will be insulted.
  6. From the CEO as I posted earlier
  7. Let the attacks begin, he just endorsed Harris!
  8. Wow how of topic can you get.
  9. Like the email I received?
  10. Bias rating far right. Next
  11. All their rhetoric is like that, all they have.
  12. About half an hour before sex
  13. The enemy from within Vermin Marxist Communist Scum Rapist Child molesters Garbage
  14. You are not at all interested in my opinion! You are spewing fals accusations, propaganda and mis information. Defending Trump is your day job.
  15. Ah because you !!!! do not agree I'm wrong. I don't consider the Kremlin a tourist attraction.
  16. 70 milj Americans, just as vulgar, uneducated and aggressive voted for him. Does not mean he is a good president. It means that a lot of Americans are vulgar, uneducated and aggressive. Anybody living in a touristy place out of the USA will agree!
  17. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Preamble to the Declaration of Independence Don't see Trumps words in here
  18. Can't read a map?
  19. I got a tel call
  20. The racism and fascism Trump’s MAGA Republicans displayed at Madison Square Garden is usually expressed within their media bubble, where it passes for normal conversation. The backlash against it among people in the real world appears to have shocked the Trump campaign so much that the candidate is running away from his own closing argument.
  21. When? They called me today saying it was a misunderstanding between WRLive and AA.
  22. Not even Trump can change your mind, you answer to the boss aka Putin.
  23. It was confirmed to me both by AA Insurance and WRLive that existing policies are NOT affected anyway by this , also no change in in policy by renewal.
  24. If you'd bother to look you might learn something. Oh learning, not your forte.
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