Where did I say no jobs were created? Seems to me you have a vivid imagination. Also you never had any credibility. Why ? Because like a snake you twist and twirl trying to get out of a hole you, yourself created.
So sad these comments like "shut the door behind you" so you really want to live in a country where everybody follows the dear leader like lemmings? Immigrants out, democrats out. Why in the name of everything holy will run your country? Not your lot thats for sure.
Maybe you should read some of my comments. I also recommend a thread I started earlier his year on how tariffs work. But then again you are the soundbite man.
On top of that I place a link by the Wall Street Journal to help you try and understand but it's clear that you didn't bother to look at the evidence. You just want to post something, even if it's totally off topic.
First of all I never claimed raising corp tax will not increase prices. I claim tariffs do. Simple economics. A tariff is a tax who pays the tax? The consumer. You keep on throwing corporations into the equation which show you have absolutely no understanding whatsoever of what you're talking about.
The fact that you do not understand this simples manner is beyond me.
No, immigrants form the bulk of cheap labour that residents don't want to do. What will happen when all those labour intensive farms/industries lose their labour force due to mass expulsion?