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Everything posted by bubblegum

  1. You see the images of 47 signing orders after orders without having the faintest idea what they say. Clearly project 2025 is running the show.
  2. Like Canada taking everything from the supers, now even Sweden is doing it.
  3. Flip, flop, flap. Nobody knows what the F is going on.
  4. Is that the time they recruited you?
  5. And New York was New Amsterdam. Jeez by your logic the USA is not a country, just a self ruling part of Norway (Vikings)
  6. Kiev is roughly 600 years older than Moskou you ignorant twit.
  7. Does your ignorance on everything drops out of your ears or nose?
  8. And you are not educated.
  9. Like them both (at the same time)
  10. Just to get it right: You, the far right are all very pro Israel ? But this guy who is now in 47 th cabinet, Vaughn?? The man behind project 2025. Well he has a daughter and guess what: She is the official spokes person for the pentagon. Now look her up and see what she has been Tweeting. She is more Nazi than Hitler ever was.
  11. Let Mukrat fix it and before you know it all those 47 adorers will be living next to Yagoda in Cambodia where live is cheaper.
  12. Ah like 47 th stories how an old man came up to him with tears in his eyes and so on...?
  13. Sure, good night.
  14. Where the hell do you live? Babylon?
  15. And exactly what has this to do with what he says?
  16. I just completed this quiz. My Score 16/100 My Time 137 seconds  
  17. You don't get it. If 47 (I refuse to write his name) HAD made such a deal his dumbass followers would be applauding. No matter what he does or say they find a way to make him "great".
  18. Had 47 made a deal with Ukraine and put "boots on the ground" all of you fools would be cheering him on, bunch of braindead chicken.
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