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Everything posted by bubblegum

  1. So besides the egg's, the stock market and the downfall of Tesla, how is Springfield these days? All sorted?
  2. There will be peace but not with 47 in the house.
  3. Indeed, like you. Troll. Oh and goodbye. "Ignore"
  4. @The Legend joined just a few hours ago, 59 posts all Putin/47 propaganda. Just go and do your thing on X where they actually like your sh*t.
  5. And stupid people reply "condom" That is exactly the program 47/Muscat rat are so proud to be cancelling.
  6. Pls invest as much as you can.
  7. It's useless too argue with 47 supporters. They don't think, just repeat what they are being told to repeat.
  8. Unbelievable how the Maga's defend communist Russia over Ukraine. Republicans used to be the defenders of democracy, see Vietnam and Korea.
  9. Americans gave their lives to defeat fascism in Europe. He delivered a disgraceful speech that spat on their graves. Not that we should expect any different, given his boss skipped visiting the graves of fallen Americans in Europe for fear of getting his hair wet. He came to Europe to vomit his Christo-fascist bile on leaders from the UK and across Europe The U.S. are to my knowledge the only NATO country to have invoked Article 5 of the NATO charter after 9/11. We, his European allies, met that call with no questions asked. We sent thousands of soldiers to the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq to fight a war on the false premise of Donald Rumsfeld’s ‘known unknowns’. For the record, 6000 Ukrainian solders server alongside American soldiers in Iraq. This, despite Ukraine not being a member of NATO. In 1994 upon signing the Budapest Memorandum they gave up their nuclear weapons in return for security assurances from the US and the UK. Shame on the man who dodged the draft and never served a day in defense of his nation. He is a coward and I would gladly call him that to his face. To all those Americans on social media currently posting vile insults to those who have always been there for America, I say, democracy is bigger than you, as you sit anonymously behind your phones posting poison. America might have the most powerful army on the planet, but remember, that same army fled from Saigon after being handed their ass by a bunch of peasant rice farmers, armed with grenades made from discarded US coke cans. As for your pathetic tariffs, do your worst. You will soon have no friends but thugs and autocrats, so I’m sure Wun Dum Fuc will be right at home.
  10. Got a ryzen 7000 and its pretty good but the gpu is dissapointing.
  11. The amount of dictatorial misinformation on this site is staggering. Are you all banned from Twitter? If that's possible.
  12. Off your meds again I see.
  13. Don't know why this topic is running way out of line. It's abut truth social. Not about whatever the government is or is not allowed to do. And with this administration, the law hardly matters.
  14. Starlink is not available in Thailand
  15. You don't have to ask him, I did or did you miss that? BTW are his mia noi?
  16. Srop deflecting dude. It's well know that Frank loves Putin and if you've been long enough on this forum you would know. Now you want me to go through all of his posts just to show you the words. And if I would do this you would come with another lame excuse. Just like asking for links all the time and then ignore them. That is called trolling.
  17. topic is Nato, not Frank. And why not ask him? Hey Frank you love Putin don't you?
  18. He said he loved Putin many time, look it up yourself or are you to lazy and think false accusations are the new normal.
  19. Does not seem to work, see a lot of posts by people I have on ignore.
  20. https://scontent.fnak3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/480330673_1154378776734120_4089937040872969038_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=833d8c&_nc_ohc=vLvZiB60ZdYQ7kNvgHFnhQz&_nc_oc=AdhKcsEsQV-X-F2SYriQ_0rRj2JG536Rwtay7ZHFlnRGY4ZJdbePP38uyfU94jsM1bQ&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent.fnak3-1.fna&_nc_gid=AIHkRnYuLVSDE5jPMamwtZO&oh=00_AYBq4BHLEnRY8QKBf8h3pRcbTseRe4hEv3GGZlU7sTAvow&oe=67B7C0B6
  21. Obviously reading is a bid hard for you. I will repeat it just for you: The only !! country ever to need art. 5 was the USA ! Get it?
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