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Everything posted by bubblegum

  1. Lived there for a decade and loved it till th traffic got too much. As every local will tell you, Patong is not Phuket and for most Thais Phuket is not even Thailand.
  2. Psychometrics of water , Psychometrics of air I don't understand what the study of water vapor has to do with mental health.
  3. I have seen some where that the're free EN/TH templates but I can't find them. Anyone?
  4. Culprits (TV Series 2023– ) - IMDb Good easy fun
  5. You can make her co-signature of the bank accounts. This is not a joint account but gives her the right to move money. Visit your bank for details because I do not know if every bank has this.
  6. Can't find funny lady. I get an old movie with Barbera Streisant
  7. I also use the cheaper gabapentin but still have an ich at times. Usually with cold weather. Sometimes the powder that Thais use helps but then use the cooling variant.
  8. Seems impossible to get 1337x to work these days???
  9. So the far right is off again with immigrant bashing without knowing a single fact about this story. I educate you: The immigrants from Eritrea are forced by their embassy to pay tax to the illegal Eritrea government using strong arm (loan-shark) methods. I would be upset as well, although I would not hit the street and cause chaos. I leave that to the MAGA folks at the US capitol.
  10. Debating Trumpers is useless. When you point to actual real facts from official sites they tell you its BS but never ever back up their alternate facts. What I don't understand about these guys is that among being racist they are very much anti gay yet vote for a guy wearing make-up.
  11. So much fun reading Trumpers excuses. None of them know the law or think that "every body" in real estate does the same thing and they will now all leave. It's the same thing Trump said campaining against Biden; "The stock market will crash"
  12. BTW do MAGA folks talk louder when they are not in the comfort of their owns ? Just like Americans do when holidaying in non English speaking countries?
  13. Every man who has been married for a very long time won't debate his wife. It is not worth the energy. Same as trying to talk to those Trumpers folks.
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