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Posts posted by bubblegum

  1. My yearly extension was not copied to my new passport because the extension was given in Phuket, not in Surin were I now live. They (immigration) told me have to done in Phuket.

    Lucky the extension only lasts till september so I think I will have a dash over the border to Cambodia, come back on an exemption and do the extension stuff after. Cheaper then going to Phuket. 

  2. Why is there no pinned thread on healthcare in the healthcare forum. To fat drink to much but no healthcare !


    I have been with so many different providers and to me they all suck !!


    There is always a clause that does not fill your need or there is always a price tag that is absurd. 


    Usually (in the end) it seems the best way to go is take the risk or have some money in the bank.

  3. Both Kasikorn and Siam. I have accounts with them in Phuket for the last 10 years ! I have no problems with my wife but I feel discriminated.


    My wife guaranty for me????   How about the other way round.


    And yes do it the Thai way and accept everything they throw at you... well I'm getting tired 

    of this BS.


    Have a house, no finance; have a car, no finance, just want a bank account to get my money in the place I live. 


    For now I stay with my Phuket accounts, they are happy with my money in their bank


  4. I use to do a lot of transfers thru paypal and suddenly by banks (as it seems) refuse to pay. There is more then enough money, I would not run into a debit situation but still nothing works. Is this new ( no can; be cause its a year at least already) or is this a move to get you to "real" credit cards"? My Kasikorn and Siam cards (virtual) never work either.

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