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Everything posted by bubblegum

  1. @fredwiggy Please go make dinner or do something else useful. Your ranting here is not welcome to everybody except yourself. Do us a favour and go and hold hands with ur gf if you even have one witch I doubt.
  2. Here you go again on your mantra. You say you read a lot yet you don't comprehend what is written you're blind to any argument. You have made up your mind. Fine but don't shove your believes up other peoples ass**! The only actual study with real data is published by the UN where it states that about 4 % of the people working in the sex industry does so against their will. So its not all Sodom and Gomorrah
  3. You lie. Yes you flat out repeat your lies. You links are nothing more than some articles written by people who have the same idea you have. They are not backed up by actual world wide data.
  4. Not everywhere but yes were I'm going I'll be skiing wintertime
  5. I'm thinking Bulgaria, easy for us Europeans and cheaper than Thailand.
  6. Sorry my man but you have got it completely backwards. 1. I read a lot 2. I don't visit hookers at all 3. Reading stuff does not make you an expert 4. Close mindedness is sleeping with the devil 5. It does matter if it is legal and the main reason is NOT money but rights; the right to have a union. the right to social security, the right to healthcare, the right for police protection and the list goes on. I am not in denial of anything, I know what ILLIGAL prostitution can do. Sex trafficking and trade all the more reason for it to be legal. You think you are a good person, you say it so often you believe it yourself but to me you are just a religious zealot smothering the world with the fact that you and only you have the right of speech and the knowledge in hand. Come of your high horse dude.
  7. Are you Suzy without the :
  8. Also by Dr. Anna Maria Vella is a opinion piece about how legalizing prostitution would result in chaos and criminality on the streets. Dude you can't be serious! In The Netherlands prostitution is legal, the ladies have their own union for Christ sake ! It took the criminality OUT ! Seem to me you are not researching anything, just looking for articles that confirm your bias.
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melissa_Farley A radical !!! Your source is a RADICAL !!!! Get out, go away ! Give your wife a good one but stop posting! My dear Jeez the man keeps on pushing us tp his link; a piece of paper written by a radical feminist!
  10. Right, and this is how you see the world? People who don't think like you are dogs? So you are a muslim? Who's the bitch now?
  11. @fredwiggy Yakydie Yakydie Yack You an old broken record nobody wants to listen to. Your ex-wifes ran away going crazy from you and your current one will as well, soon. You can live with a zealot like you? You claim you know all while you seem to know nothing of live. You "research" live, not live it. Nothing can stop you just like the evangelists send to Africa 200 years ago. Don't bother responding again, I won't read your sermon.
  12. I just told you about a 4 year study but you have read a lot about it. Man don't you realize just how foolish you sound.
  13. Another right wing click n bait trap. Boring.
  14. Dude you take the moral high ground in every long BS post you make. What do you actually know about the women in this business. F** all if you ask me. You keep telling you're not accusing but then you are, constantly. Tell me your credentials on "knowing for sure " you are right as you claim. I have worked for with a Belgium "sexuoloog" someone who actually made a real study in the field. Now when I compare what we have witnessed and deducted after spending over 4 years with the ladies "in the field" we found that about 90 % were working on their own free will, liked the work and the money. Most of them liked most of their returning client and knew a lot of their private stuff. Men like to talk. Apart from some relative small amount of human sex-slave trade, the business is well organised. Nothing you have said so far is in line with reality. You have not been out since the "50 ts is my guess. Maybe, just like a priest you should not talk about ST or sex at all because, just like a priest you know nothing about it.
  15. Deal but only if you give up all the names and future names you used and will be using. It's not hard to spot you but I might be surprised.
  16. I've got no time left for the bible belt.
  17. Right so you know all about them right? Might explain to me from where you get this wisdom? The bible maybe? Maybe, just maybe swinging is a very satisfying way of getting more variation in once sexlife? Ever thought of that. Oh another thing is that some if not most modern people see sex and love as 2 different things.
  18. OK HOW about swingers? Mr. pretend to know it all.
  19. So what about swingers? Mr. Moral high ground.
  20. I see a whole lot of BS . My God all these stories on how man are made and behave "almost rapist" jeez ! How about all those married woman who have a side kick once in a while? In my younger years I have had plentiful one night stands with married ladies. And to the one or two holier than the pope posters on this topic: I don't trust you.
  21. Water guns like the Songran one's.
  22. Suzy how do you it? Even your emojis' are irritating!
  23. Suzy is back and with a twin?
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