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Everything posted by bubblegum

  1. You think it might be your attitude that stops you from being employed?
  2. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 41 seconds  
  3. Not a single reliable link, just your words that count for nothing. Just like Trump.
  4. I already mention the Ottoman empire and during its time the now Israel was basically neglected, hardly anyone lived there and this went on for such a long time that in the end it was suitable (according to the Brits) to become a refuse for the Jewish population after WW2. Although it's a novel, Mitchener's The Source is an impressive story on this topic.
  5. BYW before Jews and Arabs Israel was part of the Ottoman empire. For you who have not gone to school that means it was Turkish.
  6. Lies and fear mongering is all they have left.
  7. Typical Trumpism nonsense! Nothing happened yet but......IT MIGHT and then the muslim will take teh US state by state and they will destroy and eradicate our so love and peace Cristian religion. My God man come up with something original instead of the same old fear mongering the GOP has been doing since the 80 's.
  8. Snow
  9. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8270219049709493&set=a.112477428817070
  10. and will he find fools like rudi again to do his biddings?
  11. As usual he was projecting again. Remember his inauguration's pictures.
  12. You have investments in the current US market, why not sell now or do you secretly know that the markets/economies are usually better when democrats lead the government? And you don't want to be thieving yourself?
  13. I have to agree on this and at the same time disagree with everything you and Trump stand for. It is a philosophy the right has that will actually destroy the modern western world. A white, Christian (should be in quotes) male society that is akin to Muslim Sharia.
  14. Edit and Manage Your Fax Send Online Online | pdfFiller
  15. First off all you should be telling us all the great thinks Trump has done. Second if you follow the news and do some research you know the answer to your question. Third you sir are a TROLL
  16. No but my phone has esim capability Google pixel 7a and I know how to install via qr code. The thing is they (AIS) offer al sorts of sims but I want just the pre paid one like I have had for the last 20 years.
  17. Must be my age but I still not understand how I can go from my normal prepaid sim to esim?
  18. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1778546312671159&set=a.1304290170096778 Here you go !
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