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  1. Who told you that ?? As long as you are an Australian citizen and your name is on the child's birth certificate, just apply for citizenship by descent.
  2. I tend to agree, she looks fairly old in the picture...
  3. Immigration also asked for my sons birth certificate when we flew out (even though my wife was with me), this was only 3 months ago.
  4. That sucks man, sorry to hear, poor batsards (the dogs) go painfully as well 😞
  5. Because the yanks have overtaken the poms as the biggest whingers on this planet....thanks in part to their politicians...
  6. You mean THIS hardly worth the time it takes for the application
  7. Slow start to the New Year eh fellas.....
  8. Immigration asked for birth certificate as well (this was 4 months ago) at Suvarnabhumi
  9. She was later refused a Visa to visit the US to take her kids to Disneyland after that Patong incident, great friends she had at the time......
  10. HERE is what the majority of hotels have....lived and worked there for 4 years....
  11. lmao....what a load of hogwash !!
  12. Yes I vaguely remember that "scandal/ leak".... Funnily enough, I was on google maps today showing a work colleague Soi Buakhao (he's heading over in March) and there was a little bar with the exact same "Secrets" sign that used to be in soi7 walking street.. lol
  13. Sorry "ole mate, there's no way in hell that "goon" could be classified as "red wine".
  14. Do yourself a favor and have a quick google of "laughing through adversity: the healing power of humour and resilience.....or.....stay away from verandahs/balconies.....your call.
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