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Posts posted by josephbloggs

  1. As others have said, the Labour Department is the place to go, just make sure you have all evidence. My friend got let go by a Thai company I used to work for and they paid no severance as they made up a story that he went on leave without permission. He went to the Labour Department, they asked for all emails, evidence, screen grabs of chats etc. The Labour Department then approached the employer to tell them they are were in the wrong and they needed to pay or go to court - they paid.


    However you don't state anything about your circumstances. Depending on how it happened you may not be entitled to any severance: if you had three written warnings they can fire you, if you are guilty of gross misconduct they can fire you, there will be other scenarios in your contract that stipulate reasons for being able to terminate the contract without severance. If you give more info you will get better advice.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    So if you are out in the boonies with no mobile signal and no recharging station, you can't get going again without a tow truck, and there's no such thing as a jerrycan full of electrons you can cadge from a passing EV.


    I read some time ago 25% of recharging stations on the West Coast of America are broken down, which is not encouraging. I doubt that many gasoline/diesel pumps are in the same boat.


    1. How extremely isolated do you have to be to have no mobile signal? I don't remember the last time I've not been able to get a signal.

    2. If this extremely isolated place is on your journey you're not going to drive there with an empty battery, just as you wouldn't drive in to an extremely isolated place with an empty tank of petrol either. That would be extremely stupid in both cases.

    3. Why would they put a charging station (or a petrol station) somewhere that is so extremely isolated that it doesn't have a mobile signal? There would be no passing traffic so no business case to have either a CS or a petrol station.

    4. It really is a stupid argument.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Lacessit said:

    Could someone please explain why a mobile phone signal is necessary to enable recharging of an EV, I don't understand. In fact, when refueling with gasoline, there are signs asking for mobiles to be switched off.

    Is there some reason why a debit/credit card cannot be used to pay for a recharge?

    When I looked they all operate through an app on your phone. You scan a QR on the charging station then follow the instructions - payment is done through the preferred payment option you've set up in the app.

    Could be different now but that's how it was many months ago when I used a charging station.

  4. 1 hour ago, Thujone said:

    Yuletide greetings to one and all.

    I'm still out on the bench.

    I've tried all agencies/charities I can find, and all those suggested to me by groups who give help to those who are homeless.


    I am not deemed a priority, so am therefore not eligible.

    Others with priority status get the accommodation I would get if I were a priority.

    Some have suggested I should be economical/expansive with the truth to get priority status.

    But we all know what happened to Mac in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest as a result of that cunning plan...


    Employers aren't interested in my applications, due to my situation.


    But, in case it seems I am logging in to moan, I'm not.

    I'm just telling it how it is for anybody who's interested.

    My life has been a series of adventures and this one could be the ultimate.


    There is the fact that over the course of time I have become part of a loose-knit community of people who are also not deemed priorities.


    I hope this post is of interest to some.


    Best wishes to you and thanks for updating us as people are interested/concerned to hear how you are doing.

    I am sad I can't be of more constructive help but hope things come good for you. Keep the faith. 

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  5. 30 minutes ago, AlexRRR said:

    What ever rocks your boat but find it amazing that you would like to go to Brazil and haven't got a clue what the place is about then use someone to "work it out for you".


    Just google top 10 places to see in blablabal, really simple, then if something catches your eye do it, but I was very good at geography at school...ive gone to all the places that interested me.

    Brazil was about 18 years ago. Anyway I appreciated having someone with first hand knowledge of the country to give suggestions and very good they were too, I would definitely have missed out. 

    Like I said, I have only used an agent twice and I have been on hundreds of trips to dozens of countries. So thanks for your patronising drivel, but the OP was asking for a recommendation as he needs an agent so I was helping give some context to my recommendation of a company.


    Move along now unless you have something to say that might help.

  6. 2 hours ago, AlexRRR said:

    Do it yourself/ they will put on min 10% on top of what you can do through google flights or anything else you will use, get the apps "get your guide" "klook" and "Viator" on to your phone they are full of tours pretty much all around the world and can book through the app.

    Generally true, and I always do it myself. I always wondered why travel agents still existed when it is so easy to do it yourself. However I used an agent (DTC) twice in my life to visit countries - Brazil and Japan - with friends / family that I literally knew nothing about. I could have spent weeks researching locations and booking every hotel, destination, internal flight / train, but it's quite nice to have someone with the knowledge and experience to do all that for you, especially if you are going as a group. My Brazil and Japan trips would not have been as amazing as they were without the suggestions and recommendations of DTC - and if I need to change anything along the way I just call the guy and he sorts it. They offer suggestions, you don't need to agree with them, it is more of a conversation about what you like. But in my experience their suggestions were superb: Iguazu falls in Brazil for example I had never heard of it and definitely wouldn't have thought of going there but it was one of the most amazing places I have ever been, and all thanks to the first hand recommendation of the travel agent. Likewise Kawaguchi in Japan - I'd never heard of it and definitely wouldn't have found it by myself, but he suggested it and booked a great hotel and told us exactly how to get there from Tokyo by train(s).

    I didn't use them for any organised tours as I hate those with a huge passion, just recommendations for destinations and interesting places and all the hotels and travel, and I sorted out the rest when I got there.

    In the OPs situation with a group of Thais going somewhere they have never been and likely know little about I think he is right to use an agent - they are very useful in those situations and take all the stress and headaches away. And it was not noticeably more expensive than doing it myself although yes, possibly slightly more expensive.


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  7. 3 hours ago, mistral53 said:

    I have always found arguments based on outlier events amusing - the world does not operate like that, to wit, not every single EV will be involved in a fatal battery accident. As a matter of fact, I am going out on a limb and postulate this outrages argument - very few will.


    In an other life, I have always argued for 'management by exception' - and not the other way around! You will always be at the losing end of the debate when you try to make the potential accident the reason to resist progress.......... imagine cavemen resisting the wheel because a wheeled cart in an accident will run down a hill so much faster than a sled......... I for one do not aspire to live in a cave.

    Excellent reply and excellent analogy.

  8. On 12/14/2023 at 1:58 PM, nana kid said:

    Thank you all for your info...............I am OLD+ so B class is necessary.  Thai .right now , is the cheapest; 

    But Emirates, which is not too much more, is probably 2 grades up.  but 2 shorter flights with a layover 

    vs, direct     eat/sleep/eat is the choice to make

    I'm not a TG basher - I don't mind them generally. But Emirates business class is soooo much better. Much better service on board, better aircraft (assuming you're on the A380 - their older 777s are not recommended), infinitely better lounges. Plus you get picked up and dropped off at each end of your journey.


    Personally I prefer doing the two shorter flights with a short break in-between, but for others flying direct is important.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Guderian said:

    Looking at the state of that airplane, this airline will probably only be serving the Chinese market, lol.

    And then they'll wonder why there are so few Chinese tourists coming...

    Nope. An ATR 72-500 is not flying to China - maybe the very very southern cities but anywhere else is well out of its range. More likely to be serving Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, maybe Northern Malaysia.

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  10. On 12/18/2023 at 9:41 AM, thailand49 said:

    Oh yes Ive been although I dont live in Bangkok been in Thailand close to 20 years, aside from all the citing you do seen it first hand is so why are the people complaining.

    Have you seen the sanitation where it goes, are the sidewalk still walkable, is the traffic on Sukhumvit better, is the air cleaner, can you drink the water, had it stop flooding,  has the corruption been reduced is the education system better, or maybe you are blinded in your isolated life because outside of it Thai people arent happy. What you cite like in Pattaya is location where tourist and masses can see how much improved but overall it hasnt there isnt a masterplan it is still ala carte.


    So you don't live here, therefore you can make blanket statements like "No infractrure to improve people lives." [sic] and then double down when I point out there's been a huge and impressive amount of infrastructure development in the time I've been here. From 0kms of electrified mass transit in 1995 to around 300kms today, to around 540kms in another 5-6 years.


    Have you seen the sanitation where it goes: No, I don't follow it after it hits my toilet.

    are the sidewalk still walkable: Yes, when they have them. Better in some areas than others.

    is the traffic on Sukhumvit better: yes.

    is the air cleaner: yes (outside of burning times when the whole country suffers)

    can you drink the water: yes

    had it stop flooding: generally yes, much much improved over the last 10 years with major drainage tunnels built under the city. Still get localised flooding in some areas after torrential downpours but it clears fairly quickly these days.
    has the corruption been reduced: no, although I would say it is less conspicuous than it was in the Thaksin and earlier days.

    is the education system better: probably not

    We also have more parks (more added in the last 6 years than in the previous 25). It is no-where close to London for green space but it has been improved.

    Anyway, I live here, you don't. I see huge amounts of infrastructure development and I benefit from it, you don't. Bangkok is by no means perfect but the improvements over the years have been amazing. So I would rather go with what I see with my own eyes than listen to someone who doesn't live here who says there has been no infrastructure development. Thank you.

  11. On 12/16/2023 at 9:06 AM, thailand49 said:

    That is why it is just one septic tank as noted it is too late to start need to fix the corruption cause money allow any one to do as they please just do and build as you like no master plan no oversight with any power. While trillions are budgeted each years roads so they can drive fadter to kill themselves 

    No infractrure to improve people lives.

    Have you actually been to Bangkok? There's been more infrastructure development in the last ten years than in the 50 years preceding it. Very few cities globally have built such an extended system in such a short space of time. Drainage is massively improved, roads improved, underground electricity and communication cables in major streets, 2,000 electric busses on the streets with more ordered.

    Bangkok has always been sprawling and messy but saying there has been no infrastructure development just makes me think you don't live here or have never been.


    Bangkok mass transit in 1995 (when I arrived) didn't exist.


    Bangkok mass transit in 1999:

    Screen Shot 2023-12-17 at 20.38.25.png


    In 2004:


    Screen Shot 2023-12-17 at 20.38.39.png


    In 2030 (and a lot of this exists already):


    Screen Shot 2023-12-17 at 20.43.31.png



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  12. 2 minutes ago, Purdey said:

    I registered my passport in the past to use the automatic gates in and out. I have PR. And a new passport. Do we still have to register to go in and out of the country or not? 

    I believe anyone with an e-passport that enters after the 15th can leave with the new automatic gates as the incoming IO adds your fingerprints and passport scan to the system so it can recognise you on the way out and cross check your visa status etc.

    It remains to be seen if people who are already in the country on long term visas can use the e-gates when they leave or not. It would be great if the first person who tries it can post here. Don't think I'm leaving the country for the next 3-4 weeks at least. Logically I think we should be able to use them as our fingerprint and biometric passports are already in the system, but that's just a guess.

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  13. Just now, Mr Meeseeks said:


    It's a typical Thai boondoggle to keep the bus company making money. 


    Someone influencial owns the buses.

    Absolute nonsense. They already said when the new satellite terminal fully opens there'll be enough capacity to not need bus gates anymore. (I think they'll still need them for flights that have landed internationally and will next fly domestically - and vice versa)

  14. On 12/13/2023 at 11:09 PM, greeneking said:

    Another wasted opportunity. They did all the promotion but forgot to taste check what the consumers would think.

    Thailand does not need more average beer. Better quality ingredients and brewing and 10 baht more expensive could be a winner.


    So you think Carabao - which has built up a billion dollar drinks brand and has invested hundreds of millions in to this one - just makes up a drink in a new category and dumps it on the market without any research? Seriously?

    If you want to compete in the Thai mass market an extra 10 baht a bottle would kill your business immediately.

    I love the posters on here thinking they know better than the people who have built billion dollar companies. Why not send them an email and tell them of your ideas, I am sure they would appreciate it.

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