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Posts posted by josephbloggs

  1. On 12/9/2023 at 11:02 AM, digbeth said:

    how is that any good, some stations are skipped, colors are wrong lines at odd angles looks like it is made and appreciated by people who has never seen system maps in their life

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A46nzkPi7m1U1CvjooCnetUk9euUelcf/view this is good in English





    This is better if you actually want to see the whole thing and not have half of the lines cut off before the end.


    • Like 1
  2. Villa have frozen legs of NZ lamb. Cooked one last week and it was fab. They also do shoulders. 

    (Sorry, just realised this is the Chiang Mai forum so my comment is useless - don't know if you even have Villa in CM.)

    As to the comment about Thais not liking lamb, generally this is true and the main complaint is the smell. However I have converted several Thais that now love lamb after they tried it: either roast leg or shoulder or BBQ lamb chops. It is now my wife's favourite meat and several of my neighbours love it having tried it at my house after previously saying it smelt bad and they didn't like it. Lamb rocks.

  3. 4 hours ago, josephbloggs said:


    A very typical outlook for us, we know not to get carried away, ever. But I actually fancy us to win today and keep things going.......but it depends on Ashley Young. My money is on him to get an early booking. I really hope he doesn't start as he tends to be a liability.

    Patterson was so much better when he came on. Really not sure why Dyche persists with Young - he got done by Mudryk twice in the first five minutes - he's just too slow. I really like Patterson.

    Great second half performance, great result. And super pleased for Dobbin. Onwards and sideways!!

  4. 2 minutes ago, BlueScouse said:

    As an Everton supporter, I  hope they will win However past experience shows that after a win or two, expectations are smashed by reality and they lose then next game or two. I expect a draw at best.


    A very typical outlook for us, we know not to get carried away, ever. But I actually fancy us to win today and keep things going.......but it depends on Ashley Young. My money is on him to get an early booking. I really hope he doesn't start as he tends to be a liability.

  5. 31 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    The entitlement shown in this comment is amusing....


    Correctly so, some posters face criticism for their confusing comments which are posted without any attempt to ensure what they write is clear or readily understandable - this is not the case here.


    In this example, NoshowJones, a very clear and readily understandable comment was posted, you didn't know what MSIG is, were too lazy to google it and have now doubled down on your cluelessness and stupidy with a comical sense of entitlement and childishness... 


    If you want to enjoy the forum, perhaps don't pipe up with such dumbness and make just the tiniest dash of effort...  


    Exactly how hard is it to type 4 letters into a google search ?




    Agree. At the very least he could have just replied, "What is MSIG please?" and someone would have answered. Yet he went on the attack instead. Then doubled down. Very childish.

    • Like 1
    • Agree 1
  6. 18 hours ago, Lammbock said:



    I wrote in an expat forum that if you hold a valid non immigrant B visa and work permit you allowed to use the Fast Track on economy ticket. Is that true?


    Thank you


    As others have said, definitely not true.

    If you work for a BOI company you can be issued a letter that gives you access to Fast Track (I have it) but only people in certain positions in the company, you are not necessarily entitled to it by default.

    Best go back to that other forum and correct your mistake.

  7. On 12/6/2023 at 7:32 AM, soalbundy said:

    Isn't that his Job? why the back up, unless a vehicle was needed to transport him, the man was drunk and the cop is armed


    What an idiotic comment. The attacker could easily have been armed. Why shouldn't he have called for backup? Wouldn't that be standard procedure?

    Or maybe you are just a hero that wouldn't need any safety, yeah, one of AN's heroic warriors.

    • Agree 1
  8. 22 hours ago, madisongy said:

    If you head over there, go up to the very top floor.   They have got an amazing selection of classic VW Beetles, Karman Ghias, Porsche, Ferrarri, motorcycles.......and what appears to be a couple of the Royal Family Rolls Royces.....early 50's vintage.   Every single one of the cars in in amazing condition.  

    The noise level on the first few floors is laughable.....the typical Thai blaring music and just the din of all the people.   But once you get up to the top, it's very quiet and they've got some classical music playing, so pleasant environment to view the cars.




    Cool, thanks for sharing. Like the other poster above I had found the supercars but by that time I had spent about 7 minutes in the place and had lost the will to live so I left. Couldn't imagine any reason to ever go back (if I want IKEA it's much easier to drive to Bang Na), but now I have one - would like to check those classics out.

  9. 20 minutes ago, stoner said:


    so you fell asleep at the wheel. nothing micro about that. you simply lost control of yourself. 


    Disagree.  I was perfectly fine, not distracted, not doing anything to "lose control" of myself, just driving and concentrating. Then suddenly I felt very drowsy so I opened a window whilst looking for somewhere to get off the motorway, when suddenly for one or two seconds I nodded off then came back with a jolt. I was powerless to stop it. Never experienced anything like it since.

    It is a real medically defined thing, and is nothing to do with "losing control" of yourself, sorry.


    https://www.thensf.org/what-is-microsleep/#:~:text=Simply put%2C microsleep is when,day%2C not just at night.


  10. 24 minutes ago, khunpin said:

    I hope, the tree didn't suffer from any scratches. 


    14 people (mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers) just lost their lives in a horrific manner and that is all you can say. You should be ashamed of yourself, disgusting.

    This place really has some sickos, as someone else rightly said "bordering on mental illness". Count yourself among them.

    • Haha 2
  11. 3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    What Thais call a microsleep is what most of us call a lack of concentration, the mind drifting off. 


    No it isn't. A microsleep can happen to anyone. I have experienced it while driving on a UK motorway many many years ago, driving along feeling tired then suddenly realising you've been asleep for a couple of seconds. Damn scary. Of course I pulled off the motorway immediately afterwards and found a place to rest.



    Anyway, shouldn't the driver be alert at all times while operating a vehicle, instead of having a microsleep or dozing off.


    As said above they can happen to anyone on a long journey. However if you are well rested the chances of it happening are reduced by a huge amount which is why we have strict driving limits for commercial drivers.  It remains to be seen how much rest this driver had had and how much driving he had done in the past 24 hours.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, kiever said:

    I want to get turkey  visa for my Filipina girlfriend. Turkish embassy is in  Bangkok and we plan to fly Phuket. She needs to leave passport in embassy for 2-4 weeks for visa. But now we can fly to Phuket from Bangkok if she doesn’t have passport ? Passport will be in embassy. And I don’t want to wait in Bangkok. Any advice?

    I applied for a UK visa for my wife this year and they needed it for 4-6 weeks; however we had a trip booked to Hong Kong during that time. My wife told them this on application and they were very amenable and said to send an email stating that and if the visa wasn't ready in time we could "borrow" the passport to go to HK, then drop it back afterwards. As it turns out the visa was fast and borrowing the passport wasn't necessary but I would call them as I am sure this is a common thing and they will surely have a process for it. Pretty sure it won't only be the UK that can accommodate such a request.

    • Thanks 2
  13. 32 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    I recall a number of reports all around the time... in one (or was it two) of the examples, it was reported that the defence was that the alleged shop-lifters walked from one area of the duty-free to the next with an item in hand and were accused of shop lifting - it wasn't clear where the boundary of one shop ended and another started. 


    There were a few cases at the time with some videos circulating of definite shop lifting with people putting things into their bags etc, but also, others charged for shop lifting for inadvertently exiting the boundary of the shop.


    What strikes me as strange is that at the time there was a spate of accusation (mainly from Phuket Airport), and since then, there is no news of anyone shop lifting at an airport... possible reasons for that.

    - There have been no more shop lifting cases.

    - There has been shop lifting cases that haven't reached the media.

    - Bad apples too eager to accuse innocents of shoplifting when they walk around duty free have been recognised and removed by AOT.



    This was the BBC news report...    there were numerous reports of the scam at the time... 





    Smoke without fire and unfair accusations ????









    Yeah, I remember the reports, and no doubt "Tony" is a shady character and there is clear bribery at play when people get detained (there's something about that name and shadiness). But I also never saw any real evidence - I only saw the CCTV that clearly showed people shoplifting.

    Not saying it didn't happen, only that people jump on these bandwagons without doing any research. My research was very much inconclusive and in many cases the rumours were proven false.

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