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Posts posted by josephbloggs

  1. 14 minutes ago, DonniePeverley said:

    The problem i find is the yorkshire puddings they make here - they look and taste like Bricks. 


    Agree with that, always very dense. Never found a good one in Bangkok.



    They also can't do gravy. And roast chicken dinners with the skin on - WTF is that about. Who eats SKIN !?


    No way!! Roast chicken should absolutely have skin on! Nice and crispy. Who the Hell takes the skin off a roast chicken??

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 17 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:

    The seal has an excellent DynAudio sound system


    Thanks for that. Searching for Seal DynAudio I see it has a 12 speaker, 775W system. Nice. The ex30 has a 9 speaker (including sound bar) 1040W output with a subwoofer. I do love the set up of the Harmon Kardon system in my XC40, although not quite as crisp as the Mark Levinson system in my last car - that was truly awesome.

    But a 12 speaker DynAudio set up does sound great (no pun intended). Hopefully they'll let me blast it this weekend.

    • Like 1
  3. 17 hours ago, mistral53 said:


    I picked-up my performance model on October 3. 579 km driven so far, tomorrow will be the first trip to BKK - we will see which side he consumption surprise will fall.


    Some day soon I will make a little write up on to good, the bad and the ugly of Seal ownership - suffice to say I have no regrets, but there are as always some disappointments.

    I have a specific question: what's the sound system like? I don't see any info on it on their site but a good premium sound system is a big factor in my buying decision. I'm going to go to see the Seal this weekend but any first hand experience or review would be cool.

  4. 30 minutes ago, LosLobo said:




    You also mentioned in your post:


    'there will be hardly any difference on the inside..... and even a small difference will be moot as one minute of AC blasting and both cars will be equally cool'......


    seems you were wrong!

    Ok, you win. Happy?

    To me it is still insignificant. Choosing where to park your car is more important than what colour it is. If you want to buy a white car because it is a few degrees different from a black one after sitting in the sun for an hour (when both are unbearably hot) then up to you. Personally I'm going to buy whichever colour looks best.

  5. 49 minutes ago, LosLobo said:

    Light coloured cars are cooler, safer and easier to keep clean-looking, what is so hard?



    No doubt black absorbs heat so the metal will be a bit hotter (although we don't know how long those cars have been sitting there or how long since the engine was shut down - were they both parked at the same time?). No arguing with that particular bit of science.

    I'd be interested to see the difference inside which is what we've been talking about.. My feeling - based on owning both black and white cars - is that there will be hardly any difference on the inside, especially as both cars have the same amount of glass windows. And even a small difference will be moot as one minute of AC blasting and both cars will be equally cool.

    In summary, any car in Thailand that is left in the sun will be bloody hot inside. The colour makes such a small difference as to be negligible.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, SingAPorn said:

    They used to say similar rubbish as you in the middle ages, to those who rightfully claimed the earth was round and not flat.

    Ok. Thank you for your input.

    I mean you could have provided a link to back up your claim but no, some weird jibe about the middle ages will do instead, righty ho.

    • Sad 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, SingAPorn said:

    When something is to hard to understand for the nimble, people prefer the easy way out and squirm "Oh nonsense-nonsense". No hard feelings mate, I understand.

    But when it is unsubstantiated nonsense then it's the correct response. No hard feelings mate.

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Be ready for it, because before you know it, you might actually be kissing it, depending on how quick your reaction is.


    Black cars in my opinion are hot, hotter then white or silver cars as they draw in the heat, whereas white or silver deflects it, and can be seen easier at night.

    As mentioned, in my experience (having owned black and white cars at the same time) it makes literally no discernible difference. But if someone wants to argue they can feel a difference I am not going to challenge them. Given the amount of glass in a car I would say the metal colour is not a big deal.



     Black, especially in Thailand is a status thing, EGO 🤣

    Eh? How can colour be a status thing? Black cars don't cost more than other colours.

    • Confused 1
  9. On 10/15/2023 at 11:42 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    I think a lot of the pollution back in the pre-Skytrain days in Bangkok had to do with diesel vehicle pollution, whereas these days it's more of a seasonal thing related to agricultural burning.


    I well remember lots of originally white exterior buildings around BKK having their surfaces turned black by the pollution at the time.


    I agree, but I also think the banning of 2-stroke motorcycles is the early 2000's (Late 1990's?) had a major impact. Those things used to spew out horrible white smoke.

    Bangkok is so much better now than it was then, although the seasonal burning months are pretty bad and I don't seem to remember that being a thing back then.

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