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Posts posted by louse1953

  1. I agree MTB, more to this than meets the eye as usual. Sorry to say but she has only herself to blame if she actually did get raped at all.

    Lots of false accusations of rape by drunk foreign female tourists in Thailand.

    (at least two in the last year disproved by video evidence later).

    What evidence has been offered here? None!

    How do we know this isn't another false accusation?


    I fully agree, rape is wrong, and rapists should be severely punished.

    But accusations as in this case, why is the guy always guilty without trial or evidence?


    Even western police wouldn't prosecute with the evidence stated her.

    The guy would be pulled in, questioned, then released without charge.

    Did you just read the headlines or is your memory that bad.It says it all in the 1st sentence,DNA evidence and he admitted he raped her after lying in the 1st place.

  2. It amazes me how reliant Thai people are of "superstition" e.g. spending stacks on "lucky number" sim cards, changing car number plates because the numbers aren't lucky. This is just another expamle of a worm convincing Thais that he can foretell the further and supposedly bring luck and good fortune.

    I guess not unlike "faring" around the globe heaping money on dating sites only to find their "love is lost" along with their savings.

    Dump him in the sewer I say.

    Doh,he duped farings in his own country,Russia.Do you actually think Thais would go to a faring to predict their lottery numbers.

  3. I don't even drink anymore but prohibition didn't work out well in the US - how's it going to work here when the main tourist draw is booze and sex.

    This guy is a poster child of the poor quality of education in Thailand. "Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it".

    Maybe someone forgot to shove a few baht in his pocket?

    How you got from shutting down a few temporary beer gardens to prohibition on beer and sex is beyond me.

  4. Everything's against the law theses days.

    It's starting to become like blighty.

    And didn't we escape the old country to get aways from rules and regs for everybloodything?

    The Thais are busy legislating away everything that made their country a uniquely enjoyable place to start with. I have a number of friends who are very long time residents of this country who have moved back to their home countries because they are just sick and tired of the stupidity and small mindedness that seems to have been slowly taking over here over the past decade plus.

    Your friends have been replaced with hundreds more and the baby boomers are coming soon,in droves.

  5. ​This guy is one sick puppy,I wonder if he ever considered being a Mormon ne sure thinks like they do. Get rid of the beer,and you get rid of the tourest.

    Is this what it has come down to,no beer,no tourists.Sad reflection on the rest of the world,don't you think.By the way,you can tell all your friends that beer is not banned,not even 1 brand beer gardens with advertising brolly's,yet.It is up to the Excise Dept. not a thought bubble from Samran.

  6. I guess all they really need to do is replace any umbrellas and signs with beer brands on them. Although until they do I think we as foreigners should set the example, respect the culture and raise the bar. Because that is where we will all be drinking if they shut the beer gardens down.

    Good point. I really enjoyed my time in Kuwait (where all booze is banned), as me & every one of my buddies had a bar at our own houses.

    We'd do the round robin, with one of the 8-12 of us hosting a party at least once a week.

    Side Note...we all had either a Thai, Malaysian, Singaporean or Filipina wife as well, so the eye candy was always nice too!

    But it is not exactly fun to have to limit one's drinking to houses. I don't know about you, but I usually give importance to the atmosphere (and the variety of it) that I drink at. For example, beer gardens in Thailand (especially the one in front of Central World in Bangkok) have been my favorite places to drink at. I really really really hope that they won't be banned.

    Trust me, I most assuredly do agree with you that it is a matter of freedom vs DAMNED STUPID, but nonetheless, in Kuwait, EVERY bar I entered was full of my best friends only. On rare occasion I'd meet some new guy (and his ultra hot Indonesian wife which was nice...guys enjoyed meeting my rather attractive Thai wife as well and I enjoyed showing her off), and invariably, he'd be a super nice guy.

    It was quite unique, in that nobody was ever a stranger for very long, and had all been vetted by a member of our "Club". We were all farangs, black Americans were welcome (I'm a white Floridian but who cares), Beligians, Swedes, French, Canucks, Germans, Brits, Irish, Aussie's.

    One guy's wife was Colombian......WOW! She was hot.

    We all enjoyed the eye candy, but never touched.

    I bet you vote for Jeb.Coveting another men's wives and even letting "black americans"into your club,wow,what a liberal thinker.

  7. While I am a beer lover - more precisely, a beer lover from Belgium, I do agree that the aggressive advertising for beer should stop.

    And I do support anti alcohol campains.

    But what this "official" is saying, is at best 19th century paternalism, if not 1930s fachism.

    What aggressive marketing? Celebrities on Facebook?

    Yes, for example, and in general ALL aggressive, marketing.

    The marketing that equals alcohol with happiness, often disguised.

    The "you never drink alone" type marketing, the "real men" type marketing, the "drink and be successful" type marketing. The "hidden persuaders" type marketing.

    I love beer, but marketeers that force their ideas on us are just as disgusting as this Doctor No.

    Beer is one of the pleasures of life, not less, not more, it does not need to be pushed onto us.

    I have always been against advertising,but only the weak minded let ideas be forced on them.Make up your own mind.

  8. Sometimes you read these posts about everyone's own experiences at this office or another :-) You never know what you will actually need or not? Some posts say need letters from the bank on accounts dated within 1 day, yesterday I was able to update 2 bankbooks with yesterday's dates, but the IO didn't even bother to look at them? Others say bring all your utilities bills/receipts, monthly rent, electricity, water usage, didn't need those either :-) Other say bring copy of lease rental contract, didn't have anything, and he didn't ask? Different documents needed for others, or different offices?

    I was #17 in queue yesterday, # 15 +#16, a nice couple from Switzerland, and #18, a guy from Australia....both needed copies of their bank info, sent home to get, they didn't bring them, the guy from Australia said, last year wasn't needed, but they wanted to see the bank accounts? I can only assume that they were using the 800k method, and needs to be seasoned...but we all had to come back at 1630 for our passports :-)

    The only thing to save me was the notorized income form, from the US Consulate here in CM :-) 1650B, notorized and stamped, to verify my monthly income and address here.....my 2 combined bankbooks had a total of over 800k with yesterday's date, but he didn't ask me to show them?

    Today the #18 guy going back to Pattaya to get his return entry permit, as they said too late to do it yesterday because waiting all morning, afternoon, till closing for our passports :-( He has a condo here in CM, and a hotel business in Pattaya? I had thought retirement extentions don't allow any working income here to qualify? Funny, he said Thai women here can be difficult...said one of his fancies tried to have him killed by a hit an :-) er

    You most certainly did not receive an extension of with a income of 1650B /month unless that was combined with other financial resource which the immigration officer would most certainly have wished to see.

    You might be best advised to retain a agent to assist you with any further extension applications.

    Read again.

  9. Easy to say, but not that easy to do.....I've been in CM for over the last 3 yrs...this last year easy except no Thai IO ever pointed out to me, my date of expedition, right, it's not their job to help or assist you :-(

    Specially, when many of the forms are in Thai? A good example like today, okay sign here sign here, and there? Don't a person deserve the right to even know what they're signing?

    My 1st 2 yrs, in/out to home, they stamp here and there in your passport, then I was going back/forth to Mae Sai every 2 weeks, stamp here/stamp there, when that failed, then to Nong Kai/ Laos same thing, stamps here and elsewhere :-) No one tells you shit, just collect monies and stamp the hell out of your passport....do you really think that it's really easy to know or who/when where, and the dates stamped?

    Not that easy my friend ! I tell them one thing, I came here on Nov. 19th, 2012, and been here at the same address as noted on the arrival cards written in the past....yes today, I know Nov 3rd, 2016 is my next year's deadline, only because the IO showed me where it was stamped, because I asked them to please help me :-)

    Forms are in Thai and English.Sorry to say mate,but you better pick your game up.Fair enough if your past it,get an agent.By the way,your on this forum,more than enough info here.If you ask they will tell you shit and more.

  10. The one time I queued I expected everything to be on the up and up since it was a government run program. But the taxi driver refused to turn on his meter. I told him to stop so i could get out. He finally turned on the meter. Never again.

    I agree. I had trouble getting them to turn on the meter both leaving BKK and departing lower Suk for the airport. Next time I will travel lighter and take the train/BTS connection. Not the money, but the hassle factor.


    In 40 years i have never had to ask to get the meter turned on,just lucky i guess.Many moons ago i would leave soi 3 and say Cowboy,50 baht,no meter,flagfall was 35 baht.He was going that way anyway and i got a short ride at peak hour and he trousered the 50 baht.

  11. You talk of pathetic arguments and then you go and contradict yourself... A moment it's air con and now it's not. How much I tip is immaterial... I could say 10k or 1 baht... But it wouldn't change the point about the original video... Which is where to get picked up if you want to avoid the fee and the queue.

    Now going back to silly arguments... How long is the video, I don't know around 5 minutes. How many times does that go into thirty? If maths isn't your strong point you could square the number of minutes and be below your stupid 30 minute haggling figure.

    Anyway - having a beer now. Have a nice evening, as I will smile.png

    Yes my bad. I assumed you could afford air con room but after watching your video , turns out you can not even afford that but a fan room yet still need to cheat to run electricity for 24 hours, your words not mine.

    You do not tip, it's just a fact .

    Enjoy your beer, 7-11 selling alcohol times just started,make sure to stand by the door so you can get air con breeze when doors open.

    Keep an eye out, they might sell discounted cans if someone drops it.

    May be idea for new video, drop and damage cans to save further 2-5 baht. wink.png

    How can you know what I can or cannot afford? If I'm comfortable and happy in a fan room why should I get an air con room because you perceive it to be better? Are you judging me because of your perception of my wealth (or lack of it), or because I "cheated" some electricity.

    You need to look up the definition of a fact. If I tip or not is none of your business. However if you are confident in your assertion I'd give up running a hotel in a third world country and take up buying lottery tickets.

    I do enjoy a beer from 7-11 though. I'm not a big drinker, but when I'm chilling on a balcony having a beer is nice. Does your beer taste better/worst depending on where it is purchased from? I'm not sure I'd want to purchase a broken bottle. But I'll bear it in mind.

    Have you always been so sad and bitter? You are in an amazing country with loads to see. But you chose to come on the internet and be negative. Try being happy and seeing the good in things. It will make you a better person.

    P.S. Where is your hotel? I'm travelling around I'd be happy to meet you and have a beer. In person I'm sure you are a nice bloke and we could get along. I'd even buy it!

    Yes, in your video you clearly love fan room, hence the sweat, giggle.gif

    While your offer is tempting, unfortunately my hotel might be little out of reach for you, i do not have fan rooms and prefer to avoid cheap charlies like you.

    Stick to fan rooms and 7-11 for beer drinking, i am not a 7-11 kind of guy, and prices in the bars might be too expansive for you, unless you plan to smuggle few in from 7-11thumbsup.gif

    Is that right,you can't bring drinks in from outside.I'm not here to make other farangs rich with their overpriced beer.I stick with drinking with the locals.

  12. So freaking sad.

    So after 19 hour flight, you would want to have more headache to save $1.50 just to see if you could save $1.50

    I guess different people have different priorities.

    I've said twice in this thread and atleast once in the video that it's not about the money. I could have gone and waited in a line with my bag on, then had someone fill in a form for me and then hand the form to someone else who then walked me to a car... I chose instead to stand on an escalator (could use lift) and walk 20m to talk for around 30 seconds to be on my way.

    The video was aimed at people who wanted an easier way to get a cab from the airport. It's not for everyone. But respectfully - Thailand is probably the number one gap year destination on the planet. Travelling on the cheap is important for a lot of people who come here. If I'd have payed that 500 he asked originally that equates to 5 street food meals to a student.

    Anyway - please don't look at my other videos of how to get the electricity to run without the card or you will think I'm really really sad smile.png have a good day mate.

    "Anyway - please don't look at my other videos of how to get the electricity to run without the card or you will think I'm really really sad"

    get the electricity to run without the card = Is this legal? Do you do that in your home too?

    Tell us more, interesting...

    I have no idea if it's legal or not. I'm not a lawyer and know less about Thai Criminal Law than I do about English. I'd guess that if it was a major problem they would have notices saying not to do it. However life wouldn't be so miserable if you didn't find something to whinge and complain about would it... I've created a couple of video's to try and help people who are travelling and coming to Thailand. I have no problem if you don't like them - you can tell me. But seriously - you must have better things to do with your time than worry about ridiculous hypothetical legal arguments about stealing electricity via using a piece of paper rather than the piece of plastic provided.

    Anyway - have a nice day mate. I'm getting a sleeper train later. I'll be breaking the rules by taking some alcohol with me. I'll share it with whoever else is on my train. I know it's incredibly naughty, but I'm a natural risk taker smile.png

    Mmm,i can see a statistic here,won't take long with your attitude.I guess risk takers don't need insurance either.

  13. Forget the METV for long stay it's just a trap. The easier way to stay in LOS is still the ED VISA. Of course it cost more but you can stay 1 year n Thailand whitout showing any proofs of revenue earned. I live in Pattaya so i know a scholl called Excel Language Centre who offer a 1 year ED Visa with english courses for 17 000 baths. And if you purpose is to stay Thailand only for sunny vacation you don't need to follow the english lesson. Ask the manager when you will apply, she is very comprehensive. You just need to be present when the police immigration come to check. That's all.

    Well done Gatsby,now the whole world knows,including Immigration.

    • Like 1
  14. I just spoke to the thai embassy in canberra australia and to apply for the new 6 month visa you have to be in your own country of residence and you cant do it from neighbouring countries so every 6 months you have to go home to re apply.. Its a multiple entry visa and you have to leave thailand every 60 days and it cost 225 australian dollars...

    Are you <deleted> kidding me? So in practice if foreigners want this new visa we have to apply for it in our home land and then leave every 6 months to reapply in our home country? Ok then that is that idea out of the window for me the whistling.gif

    Well,if you actually read the posts above yours,you would know that you can stretch this out to nearly 9 months.Surely this is more than fair if you are a tourist.

    • Like 1
  15. Tourists must be searching for new reasons to be here at all.

    That's why I left and most likely won't be coming back for any extended stay at least. I feel sick when I contribute money to their economy and their tourism bottom dollar when these idiotic, abhorrent offenses to tourists and thai people continue to happen unabated. The only thing they understand is money. So I choose not to contribute.

    If you can't understand the rules,that is not immi's fault.

  16. " the affected Thailand-Cambodia and Thailand-Myanmar border crossing received the instructions by telephone late Friday afternoon."

    "and all are said to be affected, with local variations as to who can enter and who can not."

    Ever heard of email? It makes for clear and explicit instructions.

    To read and understand an email requires the recipient to:

    1. Have access to a computer that is connected to the Internet

    2. Be able to switch on that computer

    3. Know which software can receive emails and be able to start that software

    4. Have reading abilities advanced enough to understand the contents of the email

    I wouldn't be to sure that any of these requirements are present with the staff of all the border crossings.

    I can understand this completely.... after 20 years of emailing... its unbelievable what you hear... i prepared my final test and gave an pre-test from the lesson in the book... and the students could not even comprehend the word "Subject" in the email address line(even i wrote on the board, "what your email is about")... only after translating it into Thai...they understood... i just can't believe how idiocy works here.

    A good tradesman doesn't blame his tools.

  17. " the affected Thailand-Cambodia and Thailand-Myanmar border crossing received the instructions by telephone late Friday afternoon."

    "and all are said to be affected, with local variations as to who can enter and who can not."

    Ever heard of email? It makes for clear and explicit instructions.

    To read and understand an email requires the recipient to:

    1. Have access to a computer that is connected to the Internet

    2. Be able to switch on that computer

    3. Know which software can receive emails and be able to start that software

    4. Have reading abilities advanced enough to understand the contents of the email

    I wouldn't be to sure that any of these requirements are present with the staff of all the border crossings.

    You forgot that the sender needs to have access to the same technology and abilities. If you send an email from Yahoo with too many recipients, you get flagged as a spammer. This must frustrate so many people in the Thai bureaucracy as none seem to have official email addresses. Must be part of that elusive Thainess we keep being told about.

    They can't use gmail either, use to many addresses....bounce....nothing gets sent! What are tourists to do? They've booked tours, accomodation, flights etc.........say what? whistling.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifgigglem.gifwai.gif

    May i suggest,with a bit of lateral thinking,back to PP and fly somewhere,anywhere,even Bangkok.

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