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Posts posted by louse1953

  1. Sam Harris explains why

    Why does the heading not say:

    Bangkok bomb suspects, identified as Muslim Uighurs, set to be indicted

    why is everyone scared of printing the word Muslim and tell it how it is? my post will probably get removed as racist and again thats how it is '

    Do Christians get identified by religion when they bomb and murder people.It should be Chinese Uighers.Maybe Chinese is the word they are scared of using.

  2. I was on the scene 3rd person actually when a window cleaner had fallen to his death spread eagle over the concert payment, the basket had given way one side and the guy wasn't wearing a safety harness, his mate looking over the edge down at us, this was near pantiff and centre world a few years ago, why does it happen?

    Lack of government action, lack of unions, lack of public awareness, do they have workers compensation? pretty dam sure if insurance companies were insuring workers they would put pressure on employers to up safety procedures, all shit hit the fan in construction in AU about 15 years ago when a plasterer fell to his death from an open stair void on a house under construction, maybe it was one injury to many that caused the shit to hit the fan.

    It is the Unions that put the pressure on,on behalf of the workers.No leadership came from the boss's that's for sure.Same as asbestos,still a problem in Aust and far bigger in Thailand.RIP Bernie Bampton.

  3. My wife lets my 3 year old daughter sit in the front seat. I told her millions of times that the air bag can kill her. Her reply was that she drives carefully and my daughter is wearing a good luck amulet and not to worry.

    No seat belt either or one that will strangle her.My niece and nephew sit in the back behind the seats or they don't go.Start climbing on the middle glove box,get back or else. Cheeky buggers asked me,or else what.I said, i don't want to be cleaning your brains and blood off the windscreen when i have an accident.

  4. Why the f??k do you care not having a go out you at all , just why would you care I said the same to my thai girl friend she tells me I not care so if Thais not care about Thais why would someone from the west care about them .

    She tells me this is thailand not like your Country and she has been to see how great my country is and she loves it .

    So like I tell her about how f??king stupid Thais are on the roads she just says this is thailand not like your country .

    And I say to her I think it is about times Thais care about Thais but she says Thais not care so I have give up and not say a thing not my country so now I think like her I not care .

    Remember TRT(Thai Rak Thai) party,what a farce that turned out to be.

  5. Few months back, stayed home because of security reasons.

    Last month, worried about rain.

    Last week, high season and car crashes scared me

    Now I must stay home because of the heat?????

    on a serious note....i am convinced the two real killers in Thailand is heat and pollution. third might be aids, not sure.

    if old....avoid the heat and save your life.

    if really young.....tell your parents you are not safe

    when the pollution AND heat comes.....the cost savings of moving to Thailand will become negative...

    Well Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia are cheaper then Thailand.....

    Good,i can die cheaper.

  6. most likely the 4 youths entered the open store, trying to buy alkohol. then the owner chased them away by shouting at them, then he followed them and they felt being attacked and reacted in selfdefense. with drunken thais such things happen 100 times every night. btw, the 2 thais dont look at all like being beaten up, they look more like kickboxers. each one of them would have knocked unconsious all 4 within seconds, if the really attacked him.

    5555,they felt attacked by ONE 52 year old man.

  7. Still, they were wrong. Drunk and break in. The Thai only defended his livelihood. Quality tourists making other farangs look bad.

    I'd say it was breaking-and-entering, theft, assault....these scumbags should get a few years in the slammer, deported, and blacklisted. Hope they don't get to pay their way out of it.

    OMG, have you never done something silly whilst young and drunk. A few years in a Thai jail is a serious penalty.

    If they

    "beaten" up persons would rather get some money and drop charges why the hell should you care.

    Some farang love putting down their own kind as they sit on a barstool with Noi stroking their poong just to justify their own inadequacies.

    he who cast the first stone and all that.

    And after Noi and me have a quality conversation upstairs for an hour i go home. I don't break into shops and fight with the owner.Even though i might be a bit drunk i have respect for peoples livelyhood and the people i live amongst.

  8. The real train of events.

    Four drunken foreigner tourists broke into a store for a laugh. The store owner appeared on the scene and the tourists made a run for it being closely pursued by the store owner. As usual the Thai man called for reinforcements to beat the crap out the tourists, but were overpowered and the tourists turned the tables on them.

    Making things up as you go along does you no favours,just shows your preduduce.A Thai man was passing by and decided to help,even though he was out nubered.If it was 4 Thais on to 1farang people on this forum would call to keep your nose out of it,might get hurt.Well done,the Thai good Samaritan.

  9. Are living wills legal in Thailand.If your in a coma or have dementia somebody must take control of your affairs.I have heard of a man in a coma for a long time,but his wife can't access his finances to pay the hospital.What about Power of Attorney.The legal eagle on this forum seems to be taking a break,so i am throwing it out there to bush lawyers.

  10. Australia pays the smugglers to take the boat people back out to sea, or builds detention camps on far away islands, run like prisons, to house ones unfortunate enough to make it.

    Aren't most Australians immigrants originally?

    Yes we are,British gunboat diplomacy won the day,and the originals are still paying for it.Aust migration policy is a disgrace to human rights.The govt off loaded responsibility to private contractors who cut services to the bone.How about bribing Cambodia to take refugees,$50 million,and 4 have gone.Hun Sen is laughing all the way to "his" bank.

  11. I am afraid that once some people get to the right position they bring in like minded people to consolidate their own position. Head as been mentioned, he sees a different picture than I do most of the time, meanwhile back at BBC HO there are and always have been some rum characters there, some of them look unemployable and their behavior is rather odd, add this to the PC Brigade ( who are bunch of lefties most of the time) and you end up with the sort of bias that more and more are begining to notice. The big problem is how to weed them out and install a more neutral group of people to run what used to be a great organization.

    As regards the goings on on Christmas Island the Aussies I know seem to be of the same mind of people in the UK, go back from where you come we are full, we cannot afford to keep you!

    Your last sentence is wrong as a lot of Ozzys don't think like that.Aust is far from full and we have an obligation to true refugees,escaping mostly from terror started by the Coalition of the Willing,which includes Aust.

  12. it looks more like his father wanted to talk to him and the son hit him. From there it was on....

    That's one thing I love about Thailand, a man sorts his problems out! He doesn't run to a police like a pussy or sue the person for damages. Police/court = money for the government, that's why we don't sort our problems out in the west anymore cause it's a nanny state!

    When your lying in the gutter with a broken jaw,smashed cheekbone and broken ribs i will remind you,that's how men sort it out,5 to 1.

  13. You have succeeded when you convince your Thai wife to make a will leaving 100% of everything in her name to you as sole heir. It does not matter if she is 20 years younger than you she still may die before you. Accident, sudden illness you name it. Without a will you end up buying one-third (assuming both her parents are alive) of the value of houses and cars that you've already paid for. You will also lose one-third of any cash in bank accounts in her name. You will also incur attorney fees in excess of 100,000 baht and wait a year for any settlement.. Don't forget to name yourself as Executor. Old man's prayer "Please Lord let me die first".

    Cynical.If you have donated,given or been hoodwinked into putting a house and land,money in bank,cars bikes ect,into the wife's name it is hers to do with what she wants,or are you an indian giver.If you where fool enough to do the above,you deserve to lose the lot,as many fools do and continue to do.

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