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Posts posted by louse1953

  1. 1 hour ago, barry553 said:

    Offensive gestures can be richly deserved due to selfish or stupid driving. Its not clever but on the other hand I dont want to live like a coward.


    Spot on Bazza.When some selfish person comes headon at me in my lane,flashing his vip headlights and tries to kill me,the least i could do is give him the finger.I'm glad it's offensive,it meant to be.When the windows up,i don't get time to stick my arm out but close up to the windscreen has to do.Thank goodness the widening of the 24 will be finished this year and will save many lives.There will be a big ditch between the lunatics and me.

  2. 1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

    Personally I think trhe taxi driver is being frugal with the truth as to why he didn't pick the customer up.


    And as another poster pointed out he had no trouble stopping to get out and threaten the guy.


    He is an arse.

    Of course,he was angry then for the car damage,emotion takes over.Before that he was trying to follow the rules,for a change.Hiso couldn't handle it,stop where i tell you to stop or else.

  3. 5 hours ago, Tracyb said:

    Hey taxi driver, ....Boo-Hoo.  

    Don't let your temper get the better of you and you won't have to go hungry.

    Another fine example of Bangkok's kind, courteous, customer service oriented, happy, smiling taxi drivers.

    It's UBER for me.

    So i can come around and i will kick and damage your car and then we can sit down a have a beer and laugh about it.Your buy as i am the guest.

  4. 28 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

    The rear seat belt laws apply to cars registered since 1st April 2012, suggesting that that's the date when rear belts had to be fitted to all new cars by law.


    A similar law was applied in the UK in 1991.

    So  common sense prevails,i was only guessing.Common sense is something missing by many posters on this forum,as time and time again they jump the gun and always play the man,the Thai man or women.

  5. 46 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:

    Saigon to Nha trang, two hours late taking off  -  Nha Trang to Saigon three hours late taking off, won;t fly them again, pay an extra $20 and fly on time...............no cold beer in the waiting rooms either.

    Mmm,that's the flight i'm on.

  6. 1 hour ago, Gold Star said:

    My favorite pair for motorcycling are safety glasses, with the bifocals built in to the lenses on the bottom to help these old eyes see the gauges and GPS. Impact resistant, UV protection, and large enough coverage to offer good eye protection from dust, bugs, and road debris, while still looking like sunglasses. I have them in shaded, and clear for nights. Bought them in Canada for about $5, can't find them here in any safety supply shop...

    That's what i got,couldn't read the digital gauges.They popped the lens out of some Ray Bans and put the tinted glasses in.Lot more than $5 though.

  7. 1 hour ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

    Please do your research first. He has a number of pictures taken hanging out of trains in the days leading up this this accident. The mail online did a article on this. 99% chance he was acting irresponsible rather that a big bad Thai conspiracy.

    Mail online is always where i look 1st for any Thai train deaths.Some of us posted before the photo was seen,so i rekon you should follow your own advice,eh.

  8. 14 minutes ago, pepi2005 said:

    Let's just hope this is an April's fool joke.


    What's concerning though is that it sounds so realistic these days, with the military government doing their best to turn Thailand into yet another boring country - just without the natural protection and city planning measures.


    The blackmailing hotspots with alcohol checks at early morning hours by police troops like they have them in Pattaya now are so typical for Thailand: rip off tourists as much as they can, not thinking about tomorrow. Having such outlets and degrading tourists by having to show all kinds of documentation would be yet another straw on the camel's back.

    What blackmail?You mean catching pissup farangs,probably with no license,riding or driving while intoxicated.I know who is not thinking about tomorrow,waking up in hospital with a broken leg and no insurance.

  9. 7 hours ago, KMartinHandyman said:

    Going after the private business sectors profits and ensuring the tax collection. Didn't they talk about state run grocery stores coming awhile back?
    What's the political name for a society where the state operates all the enterprises like gas,electricity,water,transportation etc.?

    The word is better society.Remember when they privatized all public utilities and said competition would keep prices low.How's that working?Capitalism just allows the big boys to gouge nearly every last drop of blood out of you but not kill you.Dead people can't pay after all.

  10. 7 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    So if a Thai or Farang travels within Thailand, they can not buy beer or liquor?

    Another well thought out plan.


    I think it is a good idea,good enough for Sweden.There will probably be special permits from immigration,stating you are an alco., at a small cost.Maybe a letter from your doctor,stating you can't operate as a human bean without 6 longneck Changs to start the day.This permit will be the same as the driving license,with a photo on it,so you can't abuse the well thought out system.Hoarding will not be tolerated,so expect to be checked on by police and immi.You must drink you daily quota.

  11. 2 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:


    Are you sure this is an April fools joke. Can you joke about the military Junta. Joke about article 44. Joke about Songkran which brings in so much tourism. Risk losing that tourism for a joke.

    This can't be a joke. The newspapers reporting this would be closed down.

    How many people leave the country because of Songkran.This is not a joke and law and order must prevail.

  12. 56 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Good news for Brits who enjoy Songkran:

    " contrary to popular belief that the Pound Sterling is converting to plastic notes for countering counterfeiting it has been announced that the real reason is to stop damage to notes during the up and coming "British Songkran ".
    As Thailand are abolishing Songkran the British are taking up the challenge.
    " British Songkran will take place on any day during the British rainy season ( 1st January to 31st December) and revellers are invited to simply set foot out of their front door, actually throwing water is not necessary, water will be provided by the British Meteorological Society "

    Source: dodgyarticles.com

    Who whould want to counterfeit the pound,it's next to worthless.

  13. 6 hours ago, realenglish1 said:

    Another reason Unelected officials are bad for society  They will such tradition out of the fabric of society 

    It's about time they acted on this so called fun,i can venture out.I can cancel my trip to Vietnam now.Every farang caught breaking the law should be lashed,jailed,fined and lashed again for good measure,then deported and blacklisted.We can't have these water terrorist spoiling Thailand's good name.

  14. 5 hours ago, stravers said:

    The farang volunteers' intervention has saved many lives where culture/language was really the cause of the problem. If you can't speak Thai and/or don't have a life line, they're your only friend. Respect.

    Had cause to go to Soi 9 once with a tale of woe about a skim scam.Actually i only wanted form for review of the atm camera.Volunteer asked if he could help,i thought he'd go get the form.No,still waiting.Finally my new mate takes me over and sits with me and starts talking to the cop in English,which was not his 1st language.Hang on a minute mate,can you speak Thai,no.Ok mate,i'll handle it from here,in Thai.He didn't hang around long.Now my new police mate tells me they have a skim scammer out the back.I showed him a copy of photo i got of TVF.That's him my new friend says.Can i visit him for 5 minutes,please.Who said soi 9 were bent,love nor money couldn't get me in the back cells.We had a good laugh though and were very helpful when i had to get copy of banks atm cd.Gave me the cd to go and make some copies.

  15. I was just thinking young Dirk seems a bit green,fair enoughwe all have to start sometime.Then i thought about a mentoring service,dinkum.Some of you nice CM members show him the ropes.If it doesn't clik,just walk away.He maybe kind enought to offer lunch or a few frothies.We could have mentors in each city/town.

  16. 16 hours ago, 55Jay said:

    No.  Please tell us where you are at.


    If it's lack of nightlife you seek, you've chosen Chiang Mai wisely.  Your entertainment budget will be minimal. 


    Sorry, you're from Jersey so you may not understand what I meant.  I mean, if it's lack of nightlife ya'all seek, ya'all dun chosen Chiang Mai wisely.  Ya'all's ennertainmint budget ought to be minimal.  Ya'all.

    I didn't think NJ was that far south,youall.

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