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Posts posted by fullcave

  1. 26 minutes ago, atyclb said:


    when he says beans from all over the world it means they are pre-ground and in the nespresso cartridges already.


    i had a nespresso machine over 10 years ago in the usa. the cartridges were not overly expensive but guess in thailand they may be. we used to refill them a few times with coffee of our choice. recently there are 3rd party cartridges designed to be refilled.


    nowadays a multi cartridge machine seems a better option


    my current espresso machine below


    It's still just pre-ground coffee filtered through a plastic cup only now you've added fake cream and artificial flavorings! 


    That's not espresso, mate, it's Nespresso. ?

  2. 16 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

    You grind the beans and then heat up your machine and then make the coffee and throw away any leftover.  Takes Nespresso about a minute to heat up and pour a perfect espresso.  Steamed milk takes a minute.  I have 13 coffees to choose from every morning depending on my mood from beans all over the world.  How many do you have? 

    Nope, you don't have any beans you have a little plastic cup. Bisphenol A (BPA) produced by running scorching hot water through that plastic cup does not enhance the flavor in the slightest (man-boobs are another issue) then you throw away the leftover plastic cup. I can throw my leftover coffee beans in the garden as fertilizer. 


    If you are short on time, for about the same price as the Nespresso you could pick up an automated machine and use real coffee beans.


    Of course, coffee beans are available from all over the world depending on my mood but my favorite right now is Two Volcanoes Organic Guatemala Whole Bean Dark Roast Single-Origin. Wow, makes unbelievably great coffee but unfortunately not available in the plastic cup version. ? Enjoy.

  3. 22 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

    They grind coffee beans package it and pull the shot at 19 bars of pressure.  Sure it is espresso.  Better than most with more variety.   My latest order just came in.  It takes a day or two from order.

    nes (1).jpg

    I'll stick with the freashly ground coffee beans, thank you. Why pay more for ground coffee? 

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