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  1. Good lord. Someone who's actually done some serious reading outside of X and Facebook. Nice. Also means you're aware of the harm principle of course.
  2. I suspect things like that get put on the temple accounts so the abbot theoretically doesn't 'own' them.
  3. Agree. And it will also mean that the measures/improvements/recommendations of the previous inquiries will be further delayed till after the new 'inquiry'. It's just about 'whipping up a froth' as the Germans say.
  4. So much for the clampdown on school bus safety they promised after the inferno a few weeks ago. They (transport and education authorities, police, school admins etc.) really don't give a fruit fly's fart. If they did they'd actually do something. But they really just don't care. It's more important not to 'give offence' or 'lose face'. They'd rather have innocent kids roasted alive or broken into bits and pieces in the backs of trucks not even fit to transport cattle. But then again they're all lower status kids aren't they? And only kids at that. So why care at all eh?
  5. I wonder why ... 🤔
  6. I thought that's what bars are ...?
  7. I was wondering about that. Maybe he's been set up?
  8. As I left the place after a diving expedition in 2008 I vowed never to go back. In between times it only seems to have become worse ...
  9. OK, maybe a third of the way now in 2025 but the message is quite clear. Steer clear of Phuket taxis and tuktuks. Even when they're being decent they're ripping you off. Badly.
  10. They probably have to pay for the locks themselves.
  11. I think there's cheese in some Polish Krakauer sausages.
  12. This a real man bites dog kinda story eh?

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