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Posts posted by EnhancePlus

  1. Consider if this was well planned...it would explain some things.....

    The man wore a bright yellow t-shirt....and wrist/arm bands.... it was almost like he was trying to attract attention.

    I know he attached a backpack/bag to the fence...but I wonder if he was a decoy.

    Who would wear a shirt like that, while doing this...and being so identifiable? Perhaps he was rushed out of the country already.

    Wearing yellow on a Monday is an honored tradition.

  2. The fact that university students still have to wear uniforms - dig those short skirts, though - is rather insulting to someone who is considered an adult in a higher learning institution. So now they are also being penned in a nanny state withholding their rights as an adult to drink. My university, eons ago, had bars/ 7-11's not further than 25 meters from campus. We even had free concerts on Fridays in the middle of the campus that had beer trucks. Nobody was getting behind the wheel of a car to get a drink.

    300 meters is pretty large swath of land. Not very well thought out plan to reduce ... uh, I don't know what? I don't even drink, but I know many jobs and business' will be burdened by this and as always a payout to someone in power.

  3. Hi - I need to apply for my retirement visa also. My question is I'm currently on a Tourist visa with 5 days left on my 60 day stamp, but I will have another 30 days if I get the next stamp from immigration. Can I just apply for the retirement visa now and not have to get the additional 30 day stamp? I already have all the necessary paperwork to apply.


    You need the 30 days extension first, because 15 days remaining stay are needed for visa conversion. You can do both with a single visit to the region HQ immigration office.

    Thank you very much Paz wai.gif

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