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Posts posted by EnhancePlus

  1. Oh, I remember the celebrations when Obama won. Look at the good ol' USA now - a spiraling out of control country with massive debt, loser wars, abhorrent laws turning into a police state, falling home prices and deep unemployment. Hope became hopeless. Change was a make over. Jeez... and I'm an American that voted for that clown. Let's hope that LOS doesn't descend any further down the trail to oblivion.

  2. Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

    Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

    Thaksin is the elite. And now expect Thailand to be under his one family rule for decades. North Korea, Thai style. Be afraid.

    I live here before during Taksins last reign while the airport, skytrain and underground were finally getting built, never noticed anything sinister, only problem for me was the bars closing earlier, but get used to that again now, I don't think a women PM and naughty nightlife going to mix to well

    Never stopped them in the Philippines

  3. If we take some time out to do the maths, 35 million people are expected to cast their votes. So, 50% is 17.5 million people, and enough for a majority.

    Now, the word from the countryside is that 300 baht per vote is the going rate. That's approx 10 USD.

    Ergo, the clear implication is, that power can be purchased for 175 million USD.

    Moving along swiftly, a certain person, recently residing in Montenegro and Dubai, is reported to be out of pocket to the tune of 45 Billion baht, or 1500 million USD, to keep the maths simple and easy to understand.

    That could be called a risk/reward ratio or something like that. --- either 1/6 or 6 to 1.

    What I would like to know, is how can Farangs buy a ''part of the action''

    Invest in Thaksin corporationscool.gif

  4. Yep, as always another "suicide" but this time IN police station. I wonder if the foreign suicide will ever stop in Thailand.

    After all, the only thing i am struggling with is why would someone fly to Thailand to commit suicide? can they not do it back home :blink:

    i personally do not think he committed suicide !!! but thats my view on things , im thinking that a majority of us are thinking the same ? when are the scams going to stop ? thailand is only hurting its own tourism industry for all this s**t they are dishing out to tourist and ex pats ref visa regulations, scams, etc etc etc mad.gif

    But the punters just keep on coming. Not many have a frickin clue before they come to LOS.

  5. What, no mention of the terrorists , sorry, citizens, occupation of the airport?

    "I want to remind the red shirts that the amnesty would mean there would be no inquiry into how and why the 91 were killed." - what has been happening for the past year then?

    This election is simply a school playground slanging match between two opposing sides neither of which seem to care little about representing the country and looking to the future.

    Well said.

  6. I just went to the websites of my 2 alma maters to check the current fees including tuition, books and supplies but not including room & board.

    Undergrad 12 quarters (public U, in-state resident rate) 88k

    Doctoral 12 quarters (private U) 260k

    I went through in the 70s, now can't even imagine....

    I was very fortunate to have a parent pay my tuition - public university and back in the 80's. I ended up extending my studies with a loan. I avoided that loan for 20 years. The interest for it got to 80%. For ONE class.

    I'm just finishing paying for it after 6 years of $60.00 a month.blink.gif

  7. Students graduating a quarter mil in debt today have no chance

    that sum and my limited time spent at a U.S. university lets me assume that there's something wrong with the education system, i.e. colleges/universities are much too expensive compared to Europe.

    example: the maximum student loan in Germany one can get nowadays is ~€ 8,000 / $ ~12,000 per annum. assuming an average duration of 5-6 years to obtain a master's degree the max total debt is less than 30% of the equivalent "U.S. debt".

    Well as usual I was overstating the case a bit but there are graduates from some private professional schools with that kind of debt.

    Just saw this-

    It's a hard road. There's no escape clause, either. Can't claim bankruptcy. They'll follow you to your grave and to your children's grave. Really sad. Raping the future before it even get's a chance.sad.gif

  8. Good place for FL'sunsure.gif Who the hell goes to a country of vast cultural heritage to sit in an over priced dump being bombarded by stale american rock???????????

    i 'partially' agree. (for a short-term visitor), But not everyone wants to eat local food every day when you have been in thailand for more than a few months/years.

    There is nothing wrong in going to a familiar place.

    have you been to a thai variety show? - so, maybe Hard Rock isn't such a bad place.

    i agree that their menu is awful. they revamped it and removed all the Vegetarian options.

    anyway - American (or international) Rock is what hard rock is based upon. its their image.

    People go there to hear it. - its their choice.

    Rap hip-hop and R&B deviating from their theme.

    all the memorabilia on their walls is reflecting famous bands from yester-year. - again, another reason why people visit.

    most thai people would eat at a thai restaurant while they are abroad for more than a few weeks. there's nothing wrong in seeking out your own culture while you are away.

    Dude I've had an enough of my culture - I AM my culture. I'm an american and have heard those freakin' songs one billion times too many. I play rock music too. I'd rather go to Khan Isaan.

    Don't you wish they had a Wal-Mart and another mall too?bah.gif

  9. How about putting a sack full of dog biscuits on your bike instead of rocks? I love dogs, but nothing is more horrible than a child being mauled by one. Yes, I do agree on your last point: if you own a dog take responsibility for it and keep it securely on your property.

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