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Posts posted by EnhancePlus

  1. I've worn Argyle socks since I could afford to buy them......those other guys probably wear black socks with their sneakers!

    I don't know where in Bangkok you can get them but you should probably try the upscale stores. I used to get mine at Mervyns in the states......

    Now I know why Mervyn's went belly up- too much overstock for argyle socks :)

    They look great with sandals, stripped shorts and a SAWASDEE t- shirt in orange

  2. AA has saved my life, or better yet, given me a life. I went to meetings for on and off for 10 years until I finally was willing to admit I was powerless. I've been sober for almost 12 years now. I am able to be present for the loved ones around me and the ability to care about myself. The God thing was always a challenge for me too, but once I started to work the program I learned that I was loved and watched over by a source greater than myself. AA was my higher power. I just kept showing up and my life started to change. Of course, I worked the steps and do everyday now.

    No matter what happens in my life i now I always have a place to call home ... AA.

  3. It's great to see the friends of Bill W here in LOS. My last drink was Jan. 20 1998. I have been given a gift and the only way to appreciate that gift is to share it. Anytime you need someone to talk to you're more than welcome to PM me. It takes an immense amount of courage to stop drinking so I commend you for that.

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