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Posts posted by EnhancePlus

  1. Lets start cleaning up the PC farangs and tell'm to mind their own business :D

    Political correctness is right up there with Alzheimers. :D

    and just like an alzheimers patient they need to be treated gingerly with kid gloves or they might stab you in your sleep :)

    Hey, I'm all for keeping environment safe but I'm not going to tell people what to do when I'm a guest in their country.

  2. My neighbour above me makes "evil noises" with his subwoofer :)

    I heard he does not like that I smoke a cigarette or that I drink a beer on MY balcony. :D:D

    What would you do?

    If he's getting your smoke in his room, evil noises is the least you deserve. I've had that from inconsiderate neighbours before and hate it intensely.

    I'm glad you're not my neighbour. I can't abide the intolerant, holier-than-thou type. We all have to put up with our neighbours' personal preferences / habits to a degree. It's called live and let live.

    Ok, if what they do is really out of order and disturbing, then something must be said.

    But cigarette smoke drifting on the wind? Do me a favour. Go live in an oxygen tent somewhere. The real world is not for you.

    Sorry but that's bullshit. I'm not holier than thou at all, but I have little tolerance for smokers or their odours or their casual disdain for anyone who objects to taking their crap. Only a smoker would think that weird noises were something to complain about, but having your private space invaded by that filth was something one has to like or lump.

    Touchy lil' fella ain't thee

  3. Some 100 disabled people break into Government House

    A very energetic disabled, huh?? May we withdraw the "disabled" label??

    the security there is pretty bad, lol.

    Security?? WHICH security??

    C'mon...Perhaps you forgot where you are, dude.. :D

    Didn't like 10,000 disabled people break into government house last year? Well, they were mentally disabled, in the least, but, enabled by brainwashing and greed :)

  4. We have a saying in the movie business when we complete a scene, "Movin On." The OP should do just that. Live and learn. I've had a similar 'green' dream of asian love when I first started visiting LOS. Fortunately, I didn't marry her. She was immature, uneducated and had the poison of BG wisdom coursing through her veins. She was Lao too. Met her in a MP, though.

    There's many a great women in LOS you just have to be as sure of yourself as you of her.

    Chok dee.

  5. First concert was Hawkwind 1976 at Southampton Gaumont as an impressionable 16 year old.

    Became an avid fan and embarked on gaining an extensive collection of records and then CDs of theirs on which I made a small fortune selling on eBay before my move to Thailand.

    I have a two week trip to the UK at the end of November and have just found out that they will be touring UK a week after my return to Thailand....gutted.

    A tour by Hawkwind of Thailand with a gig in Kanchanaburi during the "Light & Sound" festival would be nice.

    Hawkwind back together!! I change my choice of who to see in LOS to HAWKWIND then.

  6. The American service men spoiled beautiful places like Phuket and Pattaya over the years turned them into huge cesspits and brothels exploited the general population. Thet deserve everything they are going to receive. They think the whole world is thier toilet and think can shit anywhere and on anyone whenever they want because they think they are superior to the rest of us. The ladyboys will only be doing to them what they have been doing to the rest of the world for years. Hope they all get a dose while they are at it.

    Have you nothing better in your life than to spout off bitterness and resentments?

  7. lay off the yabaa and get on with it. Live and learn. I'm sure everyone's been burned in a relationship one time or another - with all races. This original post sounds like what rambles through a crackheads brain - just replace money to crack. How could anyone EVER have a relationship with such a never ending list of paranoia checklists.

  8. 1st was Alice Cooper on the "Welcome to my Nightmare" tour @ Syracuse war memorial. I was 10 and was hooked forever on concerts.

    Most memorable? I don't like concerts in big arenas, prefer it in a club where you more intimate setting, better sound and you can actually see the band.

    So for big arenas it would be a toss up between Ted Nugent/ Blackfoot/ Scorpions w/ michael Schenker (yes, all on the same bill) or AC/DC (with Bon) UFO - no schenker :D , he had just left.

    In a club the Butthole Surfers with my band opening up for them!

    Aerosmith would be good to see here or GWAR :) But, honestly, I prefer to hang out @ the Molam clubs and hear the thai grooves.

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