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Posts posted by EnhancePlus

  1. te]


    Video News - ABC News interview


    As the chosen Number 1 position holder on Pheu Thai Party's Party-list of MP's, one can presume the consensus within the Party is that she is the most capable person in their Party to lead this nation.

    The cream of the crop, the best of the best, as it were.


    Don't you mean,"Cream of the Crap."biggrin.gif

  2. I'm all for freedom of expression, but personally I think tattoos are just body graffitti. Doesn't it state somewhere that I person cannot take an image of buddha out of thailand?

    Some say having tatts exhibits there unique personality? Well, how about invoking an interesting conversation to show your personality? When every Dick and Jane is all marked like a NYC alley I can't really see the uniqueness of one's self when they all look the same.

    Y'know I kinda like a woman's skin pure and naturalwink.gif

  3. Hey, man - I wish you a great and safe journey. Don't pack too much. You can buy clothes here for a dime. Treat the ladies good and don't be a fool with your money. I envy your gumption. Wish I would've had the balls to take the trip when I was your age. Hopefully you'll earn a masters degree in the school of life. But, please buy a roundtrip ticket. SE Asia isn't for everybody and you only need 1 laptop.

    Chok dee

  4. are we to presume that these individuals were just shot by the authorities for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

    might be this picture.


    this picture does seem little odd to me, there is only blood under the bike, and looks like the bodies been placed there, as they lay in perfect position.

    I somehow agree with you...I have never seen a pic of people lying like that all in the same direction etc etc...

    If you enlarge the pic you'll see a body on the other side of the bike on the ground and it's his/her pool of blood that's saturating the sidewalk.

    Sia jai . Really heartbreaking to see this happening to this wonderful country :)

  5. I just started using this product and I'll tell you the first time I tried a regular cigarette afterwards it tasted like kii muu. I'm at the point of no return with e-cigs. This will change life for the better. All these reports from the FDA are just trying to protect the tobacco industry. Yes, I know this is giving up one addiction for another, but I'm breathing better, have more energy, don't stink like a tiikiiburii and saving tons of money.

    Forget the disposadable cartridges you can go buy the juice for it at 300 baht that will last you at least 2 weeks. Go do some research on the subject before you make any decision. Don't take the word from a couple negative posts.

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