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Posts posted by EnhancePlus

  1. Yes, lannarebirth, is correct in the source. Still, curious as to the legality of suspension, has this been done before in any other markets?

    Yes, it's standard operating procedure in most markets if a given percent drop has occured within a defined time period. For example:


    Thanks for that bit of info and you too IMA FARANG. I just never knew that a market could just shutdown like that. I kinda ignored the news for a week or 2 during 9/11.

  2. I wasn't suggesting that "they" will try to identify illegals through Thai Visa.

    It is a known fact the Immigration read Thai Visa, and especially anything to do with visas etc.

    If it became apparent to them that there was a growing number of illegals in Pattaya, they could do either of the following:

    1. Raid "low end" bars, mini-mart drinking places and other locations where farangs with low disposable income may meet and drink, (Pattaya Tai market springs to mind), and check their visas. They would probably catch quite a number.

    2. Check immigration records and print a report of all those farangs who have been here a few years, but have recently failed to renew. Their addresses should be on file, and some of the more likely ones could be checked out to see if they have left the country. If their computers are half way efficient, departures should have been recorded at the border from which they left, but I doubt this would be possible - but who knows? OK, many of these farangs may have moved or given false addresses, but there are always a few mugs who have failed to realise the danger of staying at the same address as that previously reported.

    And finally, a riposte to all those "holier than thou" posters with their supercilious comments about those who for one reason or another, are less fortunate than themselves.

    Many of these elderly farangs, who now face visa difficulties, have been here for a number of years - some of them for decades.

    The retirement visa requirement is either 800k in the bank or a monthly income of over 60k, as certified by their embassies.

    Many of these unfortunates have funds below the 800k simply due to the strength of the Baht and the current world recession, and in any event, if they have limited funds, the last thing they wish to do is leave 800k in a Thai bank earning no interest for an indefinite period.

    Many of these folk have small state and/or occupational pensions, plus additional income from overseas investments, and are able to live here, a little frugally, but quite comfortably. Many are also supporting Thai wives and families, having previously bought them houses etc in their more prosperous days.

    Their "official" income, as required by the authorities to qualify for a retirement visa may be below the minimum requirement, but they are still able to live comfortably with a much higher income than the average Thai.

    Yes, there are some "down and outs' who should be deported back to their home countries where they would probably be better taken care of, but instead of denigrating them - how about a bit of compassion for your fellow men? Many of these are either alcoholics or suffer from mental illnesses and cannot help them selves.

    And as we all know - Thailand may be wonderful place, but it can still kick you in the balls in a way few other countries can, as is evidenced by the high rate of farang suicides.

    There but for the grace of God.....

    Nice post. :)

  3. Thai Town in Los Angeles between Hollywood Blvd and Normandie Ave. Restaurants, bars, video stores, supermarkets, gift shops, newspapers, magazines, books -- all in Thai. Oddly the Thai Consulate is on Melrose a few km away from the neighborhood.

    More than 80,000 of California's estimated 120,000 Thai Americans live in Los Angeles.

    No go-go. :)

    Actually, some thais used to own a strip club called MonteCarlos 2 or 3. It was on Sunset/Harvard by the 99cent store. All farang women dancers, though. I live right on the edge of thaitown. They own a couple cool bars with very amusing thai lady bartenders.

  4. Yes, I've heard the stories about the Thong Lor division cops pulling that. Me, I don't even carry a wallet. Just the money I intend to spend and my ATM card. Never had a run in with the BIB and hope never to have the displeasure. I have a laminated copy of my passport but always forget to bring it with me. My passport doesn't leave my safe.

  5. I just returned from a trip to LOS. Swampy was packed. I love thailand and have NEVER had a bad experience here. If people stop coming new people will discover it. I believe 99% is what you bring yourself. If you bring 99% contempt and enbitterment you wouldn't have a good time in a wet dream.

  6. If Thailand would educate the poor starting at community outreach programs and in the schools their health problems would be reduced. There really is no reason to close the borders, as for persons closing the border with Mexico and the US it didn't happen. The border was still open but the border patrol was trained to look for persons with the symptoms. They also had medical personnel standing by to assist the sick. Thailand has alot of problems and even thinking suggesting to close the borders is nothing more than the Thai doctors being lazy. When I was in Thailand I learned that there are huge gaps between the people and alot of nonsense that the regular citzens believe because of the false information spread by the wealthy. It seems that the medical care that you can receive in Thailand is what we in America would call criminal. As for the political unrest it seems more like a child hood arguement than a real political system. Yellow shirts versus red shirts. I remember when I was growing up that when my friends and I would dislike someone we would band together and ultimately shun them or try to turn the other persons friends against them.

    Are you a politician now? :)

  7. yes be very careful with weather in thailand, I have a rare guitar I wanted to bring here, but discouraged after some people suggested me to don't do it.

    Perhaps not bringing them and buying a used guitar is an option for you.

    The weather here is not good for guitars. There are stores that carry all of the string brands, but they are expensive in Thailand.

    Capos are also expensive here.

    I bought a very nice, used Takamine at Second Hand Music (near Pantip Plaza).

    I did take my acoustic guitar with me on one flight (inside a soft case)........and had to check it in (could not take it on the plane).

    The guitar arrived uninjured.......the only problem was that my capo was stolen at the airport......so, don't keep anything in the zipper bags because they will go through them and remove anything of value.

    That's where I keep my condoms:D.

    I might be jumping out of the topic but how much can you get a guitar for in LOS. I'd rather not bring mine over and hassle with the transport.

    I'd like to pick up a Ibanez hollow body electric. They go for about $180.00 here in the states. If I could find one at decent price I'd probably just leave it in LOS with one of GF's (maybe not too wise) or donate to a school or run into some kid looking to learn how to play.

    I miss my guitar everytime I come to LOS :)

  8. Didn't students try to make a change back in 1992, but ended up being shot dead in the streets. Until the military is under a government control (that is all active political parties involved) change is going to be suppressed. The elite will have to be brought down.

    I like your optimism, though.

  9. Agree. You'll have the time of your life! Expect rain everyday. A heavy shower that is. Ever been to NYC in the summer? Now give that 10% more in temp and humidity.

    Coming at this time the girls will be more than happy to see you :D Stay on the beaten track, smile and jai yen (cool heart). Use the taxi stand at the airport, don't jump in the first taxi you see - you'll see a line of tourist as you exit arrivals: made.

    chok dee

    "Use the taxi stand at the airport, don't jump in the first taxi you see - you'll see a line of tourist as you exit arrivals: made.

    chok dee"

    I also hope to arrive in July at the airport but do not understand above advice.

    The tourist line will be leading up to the taxi stand. There's actually one inside too as soon as you exit out of customs. Coupla girls behind a counter in blue blazers. They'll ask you what hotel you're staying at and give you a free map of Greeng Teep :) Then they'll direct you to the taxi stand.

    Happy trails!

  10. Agree. You'll have the time of your life! Expect rain everyday. A heavy shower that is. Ever been to NYC in the summer? Now give that 10% more in temp and humidity.

    Coming at this time the girls will be more than happy to see you :) Stay on the beaten track, smile and jai yen (cool heart). Use the taxi stand at the airport, don't jump in the first taxi you see - you'll see a line of tourist as you exit arrivals: made.

    chok dee

  11. Add to that the escalators can be used to get your bags on to the BTS station - but not off (from the ones I've used).

    The up'salator isn't always on & the down'scalator is non-existant.

    Just chuck'm down to the street. Preferably landing on one of the awnings of the million and 1 vendors who make the sidewalk a futility. :)

  12. In all the time I have spent in Thailand, not one company has ever contacted me (apart from Bangkok Air) with any form of offer or incentive to book with them in the future.

    I suggest each company involved in the tourist industry starts looking at their own marketing strategy and start directing their efforts at targeting past customers, and not rely on customers coming to them, go out and find them!.E mails cost nothing to send and nowadays most companies have a database of past customers.

    ya i think the first positive post in this thread lol

    constructive criticism is good if they use it.

    i travel once a month to a NE city where i book one of the best suites in the best hotel. they never remember me. my wife and i eat at the restaurant of our local 5-star hotel 3x a week but my name there is still farang. people in other 3rd world countries (like Mexico) always ask my name AND REMEMBER IT. Thai people just want the money that comes with my white face. "farang" is easier to remember.

    (we truly are all tourists here) even my home country of America lets people call themselves Americans after they jump through some hoops. nobody wants the farangs here to stay - and its starting to show. but i digress...

    regarding tourism marketing, one thing you never see here is all-inclusive anything. you think it would be easy for Thai Air to get together with Tourism and create some affordable all-inclusive vacations.

    but hey, we're thinking outside the box. that's not the Thai way lol

    All the girls remember me :)

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