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Posts posted by arunsakda

  1. You are talking rubbish.

    There is nothing such as an "electric concentrator" that fills a room with oxygen (o2).

    There are such devices available that will provide enhanced O2 directly through a mask or nasal cannula.

  2. >>It is surprising however poster "anto" had no idea that at least some of the ladies there are available for "take away", <<......not so surprising as i never got a sales pitch there .I am well used to sales pitches having lived down in Pattaya before .I did wonder about the rather butch LB there who has tried to give me the eye on occasion lol .

    If a bar runs a 'bar fine' system, then it's a hooker bar.

    Straight bars don't do bar fines.

    Yes ,and thats another reason i would not call Number one Bar a hooker bar .

    As I have been made to understand if one pulls a "girl" out of Number 1 Bar during her working hours one must pay a so-called bar fine, to the establisment. I have confirmed this with a girl who has a history of working there whi I am FB friends with.

    I think the term "hooker bar" is crass but if that is the definition it is what it is.

  3. Some of the lesson modules should prove quite interesting for these intrepid young Canucks.

    • First Poutine stand in Chiang Mai! (Until "Casse-Croute Maeping” opened 6 weeks later across the street).
    • Backhand 101. How to deal with bent cops and public officials
    • Everyone’s favorite time of year “Music License Scammer Gang Season” and finally
    • Cultural Learnings for Make benefit of Canada-Thai relations , or “Why there are 4 old cars blocking my shop unmoved from 6:00 AM each morning"
  4. Before somebody chimes in with "how about obeying the law instead of worrying about cameras" thing about this is whilst driving in place that has a culture of running stop/caution lights it is IMPERATIVE to check your six before stopping.

    If there is somebody on my tail who looks like they are likely to rear end I'd run the light if it it is safer option.

  5. Think I should have liked to have been born about 10 years earlier. Be that much closer to retirement.

    And to death.

    Never know about that. I'd quit tomorrow if not worried about running out of dosh. Then again one could be taken out by a bus on the way to work tomorrow.

    Being a young Gaijin in Japan in the early 1990s was great. Heard early 1980s was insane. Foreigners still enough of a novelty very average looking palefaces were getting modeling and TV spots and the gals would come from Tokyo/Yokohama to hang around the gates at NAF Atsugi to pick up guys. Now it seems if you don't have the flash suit and extremely high paying Finance job they could not be bothered.

    I know there were a bunch of coups going on but would have liked to have experienced BKK in the 80s, Samui also before mass tourism.

  6. I think these days it's more politically correct to call it a Mouth Harp. They exist in different forms all over the world,

    considered one of the oldest musical instruments, and has no particular connection to Judaism.

    The highest musical refinement realized as the "Morsing", a percussion instrument in the Carnatic tradition of classical music of

    South india.

    Check out the solo at 01:55 where S. Kannan begins his interplay with the mrdangam.

    These are elite artistes.


    The tani avartnam continues to the end, it is a good one.

  7. If certain offenders are a danger to children overseas target them. Not every bloke who had to pee.

    Many are also unjustly convicted.

    Supposedly paedophilia is incurable, so keep nonces on legal probation for life hold their passport if they have one and restrict travel.

    Judges are not unintelligent people but when politicians get involved mandating rubbish and the typical prosecutorial overreach of District Attorneys the results can be very unjust. I know of a guy who was caught in his girlfriends college dorm room after visiting hours. Convicted of some degree of "criminal trespass". This is for life, does not go away, and any employer, agency, or policeman at a traffic stop who can pull it up look at him like he burgled the crown jewels of the United Kingdom.

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