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Posts posted by dagling

  1. Anyone know what a Toyota 1UZ-FE-V8 (1989-2004) costs in Thailand, approximate price and where to get hold on one?.
    See several MB who have had the original engine replaced with a Toyota engine.
    Want to buy an MB 126 300-500SE 1988-1991, but want a Toyota V8 engine.
    Anyone know of a workshop that takes such jobs in Bangkok or in Chonburi area, and what will such an "operation" cost?


  2. Is this still possible and is it recommended? Have heard over the years that this is discouraged,
    you risk losing all of your investments and you can, from what I have heard, risk being deported from Thailand for several years?

    If this is still possible, which law firm is recommended and what are the costs of setting up such a firm?
    I live in Chonburi Province.

    What is the truth about this?

  3. 51 minutes ago, Led Lolly Yellow Lolly said:

    Go to a decent private hospital. Immediately. Talk to a doctor about trying Alprazolam (AKA Xanax, short acting Benzo). It'll help you get your sleep in order in the short term.

    FWIW I am also medically diagnosed with GAD (not my own diagnosis) and suffer severe panic attacks, also related to childhood trauma. I went through this most of my adult life without seeking help but I have this under control now with very good psychiatric help that I've had in Thailand, and the support of my wife and children. Alprazolam has been highly effective, I now only take it in very small doses occasionally, a couple of times a week to help me sleep or for emergencies. I am a chronic insomniac, my problem is sleep initiation, but once asleep I have no problem staying asleep. Your problem may not be the same, but in my case, immediate release, short acting GABA medication is extremely effective. Taken with caution, and occasionally, it will not lead to addiction.

    I take it in such low doses now, my doctor has moved me onto occasional Zolpidem, just for sleep initiation as needed, but I keep an emergency dose of Alprazolam in my wallet, just in case. I find that reassuring.


    DO NOT self medicate. See a doctor. Get your sleep patterns in order, stay off the alcohol for a few weeks. Things will get better. Good luck to you, friend.





    Thank you very much for an honest and comprehensive answer, yes I have to contact a psychiatrist / doctor at eg Bangkok Hospital.
    Will gladly accept more answers to hear their experiences.

  4. Can you buy this at a pharmacy in Thailand without a prescription?
    I need help finding a good / recommended medicine with the least possibility of addiction. I realize that is almost impossible to ask for, but I can no longer manage this life, I do not function normally.

    Is exhausted and almost constantly tired, constantly tense and eases dizziness.
    I also lie for hours (up to 6-7 sometimes) before I get to sleep, a thousand thoughts an hour rage through my head, unable to just close my eyes and relax, find peace to fall asleep.

    Have talked to psychiatrists about this problem several times, but it's just about my childhood, growing up blah blah ...
    Have told that I do not know what I'm thinking, I can not find any specific problem to talk about.
    Ok, I did not have it so easy growing up / youth when my parents divorced when I was 7 years old.

    I have dignosis general anxiety, have checked all symptoms even on Google and I can cross off 80% of them, so I trust the diagnosis.

    So can anyone help me and lead me in the right direction?

    • Sad 1
  5. I want to buy a 4 door Isuzu D-Max (new model), not used one.
    But is there anyone who can help regarding how big a difference there is between a 1.9L and 3.0L when it comes to everyday driving, as well as overtaking? Does the 3.0L provide a better driving experience than the 1.9L?

    The 1.9L sound a little small in such a large car? 1.9L is a bit cheaper than 3.0L, but this is of a little less importance, would rather buy a car that I know I can be happy with, than end up making the wrong choice in terms of engine size.

    All help is gratefully accepted.


  6. Can not find the right forum for this, so I put it in here.

    I plan on buying a 40-50 foot in about 3 years, type of motor sailor, ie a boat that combines sailing and motor, as desired.

    This kind of "sailboat" is planned to accommodate for more comfort and space than a typical sailboat.
    The plan is and spend 1-2 years and stay in the boat, while traveling in Thailand and neighboring countries.

    1. What laws apply to anchoring off an island, distance and number of days?
    2. Are there many excellent marinas around in Thailand and what it costs per. days, or one must be a member and use the port?
    3. What service harbors where one can get fixed problems?
    4. Which insurance company can be recommended for the boat?
    5. Do I need any certificates in Thailand / Asia, or other papers?

    If any of you have experience of living and traveling around in a boat, it would have been nice and hear from you and your experiences.


  7. 13 hours ago, KhruGin said:

    There are numerous dealers around BKK that offer 2nd hand harleys but the finance deals are often on the steep side ....check out mocyc dot com big bike page (big bike link and can search specifically for Harleys) ...they often come with an example of 'down' and months X installment ...from there you can figure out if its good or not.

    Will check it out, cheers;-)

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