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Everything posted by Credo

  1. Well, I certainly understand your feeling. The doom and gloom does get a bit tiresome, but the warming world will be very different for many of us and for the flora and fauna. There will be winners and losers. The problem is the rate at which this is occurring is going to be problematic. Our existence and survival is somewhat tenuous. It won't take large scale crop disasters -- because it was too warm for them, too wet or drought. We have watched vast stretches of forest burn along with other disasters. It's the conflict between groups for resources in areas that are going to be losers that will result in large scale displacement. Some of that movement happening now is in part due to changing conditions. So, no we aren't all going to be sloshing through seawater, or dying of thirst in a massive desert. Some people will be quite lucky when their cold, miserable area becomes warmer and more hospitable. We do need to do what we can to slow the warming down to avoid some of the very nasty things that can happen.
  2. Bangkok traffic will be the real litmus test as to the value of A.I.
  3. The conservatives are going to be in for a big surprise. The LGBTQ is very used to fighting for every right they have ever had, pretty much everywhere. They will not go away. Gays have always been around and always will. They are taking on a cause that they can't win.
  4. The article seems to center more on marijuana use among youth, and that is without a doubt most likely true. As for the rest of the article, it's sort of like saying drinking makes you drunk. Pretty much anything that we use has some side effects.
  5. Well, I think you could do your own research because this is starting to stay way far afield, but here's one link to tide you over: https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/553835-gop-resistance-to-election-reforms-shows-disregard-for-us-voters/
  6. As a general rule, the Democrats don't disenfranchise any group, whereas the Republicans do. They close voting sites in predominately minority areas. A good example is the many attempts to limit mail-in voting. Then there is the Georgia controversial voting law known as Senate Bill 202. But we are straying from the topic.
  7. Voting restrictions: Republicans in several states have proposed or enacted voting laws that opponents argue disproportionately affect minority communities. These laws make it harder for certain groups of people to vote, thus suppressing democratic participation. Gerrymandering: Republican-led efforts in some states have resulted in skewed district maps that favor their party and undermine fair representation. Attempts to overturn elections: including false electoral slates and culminating in Jan. 6. Embrace of "alternative facts" and disinformation: Some Republicans have spread misinformation or promoting conspiracy theories, which can erode public trust in democratic institutions and the media. This includes instances where Republican leaders or media outlets have made false claims about election fraud, COVID-19, climate change, and other significant issues. Opposition to campaign finance reform: Republican opposition to campaign finance reform measures, such as limiting the influence of money in politics or increasing transparency, can undermine the democratic principle of fair representation. They claim that large campaign contributions from wealthy individuals and corporations can skew the political system in favor of those with financial power. Did you want more?
  8. So, do you consider yourself to be morally superior to gays, or are they just morally inferior? Who are the others that you are upholding your moral obligations for?
  9. Your comment is interesting. Around the same time, a boat loaded with 750 migrants sank off the coast of Greece. At least 350 migrants drown. It was largely ignored or dropped from the news cycle in a nanosecond. The news was squarely focused on how much air was left in the sub. We know that many of the remarks about migrants drowning focus on how it's their own fault, where did they get the money, why don't they stay home and make their own country better, etc., etc. But we get chastised for less than solemn remarks about the enormous amount of time the news has spent on 5 people in a sub.
  10. It's all very confusing. As near as I can tell, somebody said that somebody heard that something happened, but nobody seems to know for sure if it did -- except for some people want to believe it did. And then a business partner in China paid money to a law firm in the US. Is that right?
  11. Kari Lake has her own battles ahead: Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer sues Kari Lake, her campaign for defamation PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) — Maricopa County’s top election official is taking legal action against former Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake due to her reported lies about the 2022 election. Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer filed a defamation lawsuit on Thursday against Lake, Lake For Arizona, and Save Arizona Fund, Inc., a corporation that fundraises for Lake. According to the 104-page lawsuit filed Thursday in Maricopa County Superior Court, Richer is going after Lake for two central claims about the 2022 election in Maricopa County. https://www.azfamily.com/2023/06/23/maricopa-county-recorder-stephen-richer-sues-kari-lake-her-campaign-defamation/
  12. Why do I have a feeling that they are processing an application to make Mar-a-Lago a private prison?
  13. No, and it is precisely because they are a member of NATO and spending money on defense.
  14. Most psychologists will tell you that the best indicator of future violence is past violence. Trump has shown us that he is very much capable of unleashing unprovoked violence. He, and he alone, discredited the 2020 election. He started the Big Lie and he has perpetuated it. He instigated the Jan. 6 insurrection. I am not sure how this will all shake down. Whether he is nominated, wins the presidency or not, he will continue to spew the hate. Both his ego and his finances are bolstered by the hate and division. Violence is just a part of his playbook.
  15. Well, being a person who values life, especially my own. I'd be inclined to join when all is well in the world! The military used to have a lot of foreign recruits who were then given the option of citizenship. As I recall, Trump threw many of them out of the military and sent them back to their country of origin.
  16. It is a sad indictment on him and those who support him that they have such a low opinion of the law.
  17. This is some of the typical right-wing propaganda. The number of views has little to do with the number of watchers. But it sounds like that's about all they have. For those who are interested, take a look at the front page of any section of the forum, and it will show you the number of views and the number of replies. Some of those topics have thousands of views but very few responses.
  18. Is 'sweaty and rat-like' a case of projection?
  19. And a number of those who died were gay, but that was against the law, against military rule and were grounds for dishonorable discharge. The percentage of self-reporting gays is actually higher in the military than the civilian population. But, hey, those people who gave not only their lives, but their identity apparently do not have the right to be honored. Take the time to think about that. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5538666/
  20. If he wanted to scrub the servers, he should have consulted with Hillary.
  21. Well, there are 574 recognized Native tribes in the US. They haven't had much luck on actually getting real estate back. They still get it taken away, though. I wish them the best of luck.
  22. I think you mean lofty goals. I think if they get even a small step toward their goals, there will be a drastic decrease in mass shootings.
  23. Nothing like a deflection from the problem. You see, the problem isn't Pride Month, it isn't the LGBT community, it's guns. There are no mass shootings without them.
  24. Every technology has a downside, and every technological advance has faced challenges. My next vehicle will be an EV. Even if the electricity it uses is dependent on electricity generated by oil or coal, it doesn't always have to be that way. More renewable energy is being generated daily. If I buy a conventional car, I will be dependent on oil forever. Oh, and I see, OPEC, or at least Saudi Arabia, is cutting production.
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