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Everything posted by Credo

  1. Well, it's rather interesting that the Russians lay charges on Lindsay. It's also interesting that they don't say what the charges are. Personally, I'd be nervous if the Russians were targeting me. He might just end up with that polonium glow.
  2. The Biblical scenario over creation is not a theory. If you are a believer, then it's not a theory. Calling it a theory is doubting, and doubters are condemned to hell. To call it a theory is an insult to theories. This type of thinking does not belong in any school setting receiving any government funding. If it belongs anywhere, it belongs in the church. I don't know why so many people think we need the 10 Commandments and this type of material in our schools. Do the Churches have no responsibility for anything?
  3. I have never heard of anyone on the left being terrified of her. Is this the start of a new narrative?
  4. Well, we had the Obama's in the WH, and they were a nice looking young couple with cute kids. Are you suggesting that they were perhaps the wrong color? I am not voting for a first lady or gentleman, and I am not voting in a beauty contest.
  5. If I recall correctly, during his townhall on CNN, he said he would pardon those involved in Jan. 6.
  6. If that's banned, I can only guess how long before the plaque on the Statue of Liberty is struck from every book in Florida.
  7. Trump did meet her. There is a photo of them together. It's the same photo where he misidentified her as one of his ex-wives, Marla Maples. In that exchange at his deposition, he pretty much blew his 'I don't know her' defense and his 'she's not my type' claim.
  8. This is BS on steroids: Solar mandates: Please tell me where solar energy is mandated. There maybe targets for green energy, but that is not a mandate. EV mandates: Again, no mandates in place. And before you bring up California's proposal, it doesn't mandate anything. Higher gas prices: Nothing to do with anything other than supply/demand ..... and geopolitical conflicts. Higher food prices: directly caused by Climate Change causing droughts and floods. Higher taxes: zero evidence to support this claim. Higher electric prices: Due to climate change -- water shortages and less hydroelectric power, for starters. Electric Stove mandate: Again, no mandate, just a hysterical reaction from the right. Everything else mentioned is merely a hysterical reaction to a real situation that is affecting us now and will continue to affect us for the long term.
  9. I have always admired Harry and, by extension, Meghan. It's not just 'privacy' that they seek but safety. The paparazzi are more than photographers, they are intrusive individuals trying to catch people in a compromising position. They are willing to do things to compromise people and use a photo for financial gain. Harry's beef with the palace has primarily been their unwillingness to protect him from the paparazzi. The paparazzi are like a pack of wolves and Harry has been the meat they throw to them while the rest of the family remains relatively safe. Harry did relatively well and didn't seem to mind the cat-and-mouse game with the paparazzi to much until he got married. Like a good husband and father, he did not wish to see his wife and children suffer at the hands of their misdeeds.
  10. Well, actually they don't. Most of them had no idea this would happen. Most of these people faced grave danger to get to the border. I highly doubt that any of them, or almost any other reasonable person, would anticipate that they would cross the border to reach safety and freedom only to have your children forcibly removed from you and you not be told where you are going or where they are going. Family unity is the very basis of immigration policies in almost every country. I can't easily move to another country to live permanently by myself. If I marry a citizen, I am eligible. If I have a child who is a citizen, I am eligible, etc.. Every law we have concerning children and families is geared toward keeping the family intact. Trump managed to violate the most basic unit of human society, the family.
  11. So was slavery. States should not have the authority to deprive people of rights over their own body.
  12. We've listened to the rantings and ravings of the right-wingers with an almost total disregard for the facts. 61% of the people crossing the border in 2022 were either returned to Mexico or deported. Without any assistance from the screaming-meemies on the right, Biden has managed to begin implementing procedures to give some semblance of order to the border situation. These procedures could not be implemented sooner because the Trump-appointed judge who stopped the lifting of the antiquated Title 42. Once the court ordered it to remain, those were the rules under which the border operates. ...And, please note, Biden has managed to do this without putting kids in cages, removing them from their parents and leaving nearly a thousand of those children taken from their parents, still in care in the US while the whereabouts of the parents are unknown.
  13. I made it a point to watch a number of local stations as well as a couple of the national news channels covering this. It was rather amusing. One anchor (actually a person I know) was standing at the border at a crossing and there was nobody there. Not one migrant. At another crossing, there were a handful -- less than 15. The plan that Biden has implemented should see a big drop in the number of people coming to the border, but the problem is far from over. The difference with Biden is that he is doing the best he can to respect human rights, keep people out of detention, especially families, although a Trump-appointed judge has made that more difficult. Unlike the previous president, this one actually knows how to get things done and it ain't by sitting and watching TV and sending out tweets.
  14. Biden has done as much as he legally can. He has received no cooperation from the Republicans. He issued a series of executive orders including strengthening regulations on ‘ghost guns’, regulating stabilizing braces, which can be used to convert pistols into more lethal weapons. Initiating the process to publish model "red flag" legislation for states, which allows the temporary removal of firearms from individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others. Addressing the proliferation of community violence by providing support for evidence-based intervention programs. Directing the Department of Justice to issue an annual report on firearms trafficking. Biden has called on Congress to pass comprehensive gun control measures, including enacting universal background checks for ALL gun sales, including private sales and gun shows, repealing liability protection for gun manufacturers and banning assault weapons and high capacity magazines.
  15. What is pathetic is the unwillingness of the Republicans to take action on gun control. Those shootings lay squarely on the right-wingers.
  16. ....but you said anyone. I am someone and it does not reflect my experience. It doesn't reflect the experience of others I know. But since you seem to be an expert on Subway Murders, will this be listed as a murder on the subway?
  17. He was dangerous and violent before this. He certainly wasn't ever going to be a good father.
  18. I have mixed feelings about this. People who present themselves as being possibly dangerous may need to be dealt with. What makes this situation problematic is that the guy may not have been particularly dangerous, and he may not have used any violence, but it's very different being in a confined space with someone who presents themselves as a problem. I most certainly feel sorry for everyone concerned.
  19. Not true. I was just recently in New York and rode the subway all over the place. Never had a single problem, never saw a single incident of violence. Never saw anyone yelling. Oh, and I am someone.
  20. One of the irritating things about Thai roads is how they are used for everything. They are a sidewalk for those walking, they have tables set up on them during lunch and after work. There are all sorts of animals, but mostly dogs on the roads. Other than the roads that are 5 meters above ground, roads in Thailand maybe accommodating everything and anything.
  21. Most of my family are hard-core conservatives. Fortunately, many of them are not Trump-type conservatives. I have no problem is hearing the discussing the conservative point of view when it comes to policy and economics. I do, however, have a problem when I have to deal with people who engage in conspiracy theories and outright lies. I don't think it is in anybody's interest to have liars allowed to present a known lie. Trump lost the election. He wishes he had won, but he didn't. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
  22. I've lived and worked in a lot of countries. I've found that how well or badly people drive is largely dependent on how much law enforcement there is. The more police around and the better the driving.
  23. Well, it makes sense. They tried to blame the Jan 6 insurrection on Antifa.
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