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Posts posted by Credo

  1. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    My response to your post was in the context of your reply to a post that included " Maybe a visit to one of those dreadful mines in the Congo where kids are working for peanuts in hazardous conditions?".

    Ergo, IMO it was not a deflection. 

    No, your post is a deflection.  Children working in mines has nothing to do with it.  Zero.  Nada.  Nothing.  


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  2. 1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Its a bit rich coming from Harry , him accusing others of leaking "sensitive information" , he has just released 400 pages worth of sensitive information and he seems to have made incorrect claims about Camilla , accusing HER of leaking info  .

      Harry has been releasing numerous bits of sensitive information to the media about various people 

    I think you all are getting mixed up between sensitive and salacious.  

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  3. 3 hours ago, statman78 said:

    Something is going on.  The first set of documents were discovered in November but it was not reported in the news until January.  It sounds like some sort of coverup to me.

    There was no cover up.  If you remember, the situation with Trump and the classified documents was not covered in the press until there was a search warrant and subsequent raid.  Even though there had been subpoenas issued.  

  4. 10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I don't think he's been set up, but as the media are not covering for him on this I suspect they don't want him to stand again and are letting this run so he won't be able to. I doubt Harris will be the chosen one either, so who's a likely candidate for 24?


    Will Trump run- I hope not.


    As you say, the documents themselves are not the important thing here. IMO it's the getting caught doing the same as Trump while lambasting Trump for it that's the issue.

    He wasn't 'caught'.  His lawyers turned the documents over to the National Archives.  

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  5. 8 hours ago, Stargeezr said:

    What some people do not get is that the world has had hot spells and ice age spells.  Yes the world heats itself up and cools itself down.  However these days there are those who try to say it is all man kinds fault.


    Global warming yes, and the climate does change as well, but when Carbon dioxide is less than 1 percent of the atmosphere, I do not believe it is the reason for this rise in world temperatures.  Have we notices how many volcanoes have been erupting the past several years, as well as large weather changes, El Nino and El Nina, for example.  I just wished that more Real scientist would talk about what they think is happening. I am tired of Climate alarmists and their garbage.


    It's not climate alarmists you should be sick of, it's the climate denialists that have been funded by the pro-fossil fuel lobby for a long time.   They have known the truth for a long time.  Here's one example of the truth they have been hiding from you, it's from the Harvard Gazette:


    Exxon disputed climate findings for years. Its scientists knew better.

    Research shows that company modeled and predicted global warming with 'shocking skill and accuracy' starting in the 1970s


    Projections created internally by ExxonMobil starting in the late 1970s on the impact of fossil fuels on climate change were very accurate, even surpassing those of some academic and governmental scientists, according to an analysis published Thursday in Science by a team of Harvard-led researchers. Despite those forecasts, team leaders say, the multinational energy giant continued to sow doubt about the gathering crisis.







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  6. 10 hours ago, billd766 said:


    How about his grandfather George Vl, who was also a spare, yet became King George Vl in 1936 when his brother Edward Vlll abdicated?


    Or even his Aunt Anne and Uncle Edward who were also Spares. I don't remember either of them whining about that.


    Yet Anne and Edward carried on and did their duties without complaint.


    He supposedly wants reconciliation with his father and brother and if he does this is probably the worst way to go about it.

    Well, first, thank you for your service to your Queen and country.  Second, I do agree that he comes across as a bit whiny, but a lot of that is because it's hard to relate to anyone from a life of such extreme privilege being upset by anything.   

    I suspect it's not really fair to equate the loss of his mother to anyone else's loss of a parent.  At the time, he was of a pretty tender age, and it always seemed from what I saw in photos and on video clips that he had a very special relationship with his mother.  Diana had only two children, an heir and a spare.  He really had only a brother to compare himself to, whereas the queen's children had others to figure out their role in the family and in the Firm.  


    William, being the heir, was treated differently.  His path was clear to him.  I suspect the family went to great extents to see that he stayed on the straight and narrow and gave him all the encouragement he needed to fulfill his role.  Harry really had no role.  He was the understudy for the great performance.  He appears to be sensitive and his feelings have mostly manifested in behavior that is more negative -- his military service was certainly more intense than most royals.  He was in the trenches, so to speak, he seemed to relate well to ordinary soldiers.  When left to his own endeavors, he was a bit of a party animal.  William, on the other hand, was much more restrained.  He even married 'right'.   


    Make no mistake.  I admire the royal family.  I think William is an upstanding guy and will one day make a superb king.  It's a family drama playing out in public view.  


    I think it's hard to always know you will b 2nd fiddle to your brother.  I know families where this sort of thing has happened, and it doesn't usually go well.  I think the loss of his mother and watching everyone flock to support his brother was more painful for him than many expect.  


    I wish him and his family the very best, and I hope one day they will be on cordial terms.   I also believe that the passing of the Queen has made that more difficult.  The family matriarch held that family together.  


  7. 7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    LOL. How does trashing his family serve the Queen ( the royal family )?


    He did serve in the military and had the respect of most for it. His wedding had people queuing for days to cheer the carriage. Yet all that good will gone in a couple of years. This poster has no doubts as to who was responsible, and it's not Charles or William, or their wives.

    He served THE QUEEN.  He respected her, and he has not spoken poorly about her.  She is the Head of State, his military service was in her name.  


    He had no use or purpose in the Royal Family.  He had no ability to go anywhere.  He has no real role.  He will never be king and as long as he stayed in the firm, he would be locked into the role he had.  He never chose the role, it was by virtue of birth.  Like many of the 'spares', like Andrew and Margaret, they did not fare well.   

    • Haha 2
  8. 9 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    The Palace was under enormous pressure. Calculated attacks from multiple angles and they got this one wrong. A rare mistake.


    Hopefully they learn from this and never bow to Woke pressure again. I am sure they have apologized to Lady Hussey privately already.

    Well, I wonder why Lady Hussey apologized after quitting:


    Susan Hussey offered her “sincere apologies” to Ngozi Fulani for her comments and “the distress” they caused her. She pledged to “deepen her awareness of the sensitivities involved and is grateful for the opportunity to learn more about the issues in this area.”Dec 16, 2022
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Some time ago I read that most people don't become more conservative when they get older.

    The "problem" is that people around them, especially all the younger people, are often more liberal or woke or whatever the opposite of conservative is these days.


    I.e. when I was young, I didn't like gay marriage and basically nobody liked it and that was considered normal at that time. Only radicals wanted to allow same sex marriage and adoption.

    Today it seems anybody who is not a fan of gay marriage and adoption is best case a conservative or more likely called a bigot. 

    I think the current situation with the Republican Party has caused a lot of confusion about what it means to be a conservative.   The question on the issue of being woke is simply does it affect your life, and the answer is probably no.  Does gay marriage affect you?  Probably not.  Does someone being trans affect you, probably not.  Does it affect you if someone is gender-fluid, probably not.  Does a drag queen at a public library reading children books affect you?  Probably not.  Do you have to take your children to those readings?  You don't.  Stay away from body, stay out of bedroom.  Leave my religious beliefs to me and me alone.  Don't impose your religion on me.  


    I have no idea where the conservatives are headed when it comes to fiscal matters.  They seem to like to spend a lot of money but lower taxes.  That doesn't work very well.   

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