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Posts posted by Credo

  1. 7 hours ago, proton said:

    Doctors used to say smoking does not give you lung cancer, depends who is paying them. Does any Biden supporter really think a Dr could ever say he's not fit for the job?

    Practicing physicians are not scientists.  They do not conduct research.  Researchers were quick to find the link between lung cancer and smoking.  I remember the advertisements well.  I also remember that they only recommend a particular brand and they were paid for it.  As I recall, they usually said "If you smoke...."  


    Any credible physician is going to tell the truth or say nothing at all.  It's a pretty routine job of giving physicals for employment.  



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  2. 13 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Your loss, my portfolio is loaded with Stocks in gunmakers, defense companies, gas and oil.  All not friendly under ESG


    The woke world is deranged.

    Good for you.  I hope you do well.  As far as 'the woke world ' being deranged, I don't think so.  They do nothing that hurts you, unless you are a bit of a snowflake.  So which of these groups is a threat to you:


    Blacks?  Latinos?   Gays?  Trans?  


    I suspect none, but the guy who walks into a shopping mall with an AR-15 does pose a real threat.   

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Kind of own goal when she called for competency test for politicians over 75. Will anger Trump as well as the older Republican voters. 


    I think competency should be lowered to anyone over 26 and should include a full psychological work up, and it should be done before they get their name on any ballot.


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  4. 26 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Whether Mein Kampf should be banned or not is a different issue , this subject is about books which are not allowed in school libraries .

       Should "I am Jazz" be allowed in school libraries for five years olds to read, is the subject 

    Yes, it should, but most 5-year-olds can't really read and would have no interest in it.    So do you think Mein Kampf should be allowed?  

  5. 50 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    That is a children's book about a child girl who wants to be a boy and the author was born male and wants to be female

       Here is the book . 


    jazz jennings – The Baby Bookworm

    And you think this book should be banned from schools, but yet Mein Kampf is available at both the local library and the school library.  For purists, it's even available in the original language.  So, the autobiography of Hitler is 'educational' but that of a transgender person is dangerous?


  6. 1 hour ago, Hanaguma said:


    Those books have not been banned. You are free to buy them if you wish, the publishers are free to publish them. You will not be arrested for either. 


    Sen. Graham did not propose to ban abortions. He chose to keep them legal until 15 weeks- a very common standard in many countries. It also included the usual exceptions for rape, incest, etc. So hardly a "ban". 


    Columbus was a great man and fully deserves to be recognized.  


    Your talking points lack accuracy and context. 



    So, the fact that they aren't allowed in libraries -- and in at least one state, not even in public libraries-- wouldn't constitute a ban?  Sorry, but that's a ban.  Quit trying to change the definition. 


    None of those books are required reading and should certainly be available in a library.  Not everyone wishes to buy books.  That's why libraries exist. 


    Again with abortion, the limitation is unrealistic and it is a national ban.  


    And some people are born one sex and want to be another.  Did you have a point?   If you don't like it, does that mean everyone else has to dislike it as well?  The book is based on a true story.


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