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Everything posted by Credo

  1. The terms trans and non-binary are not interchangeable. A lot of people are muddying the waters with the misuse and identification of people in these categories. The Nashville shooter identified as trans. Some have reported that there have been 4 trans shooters. That is not true. One of them was reported as non-binary by the attorney. His family and friends said he NEVER identified as anything but straight.
  2. I'd suggest something closer to 'detached from reality'.
  3. I had an exchange on social media with someone complaining about transgender people being mentally ill. I explained that Gender Dysphoria is a mental illness diagnosis, but many of the right-wingers deny them treatment. Untreated mental conditions are a red flag. It's especially sad when treatment is available and denied. "4 shooters out of over 300 mass shooters since 2009 are transgender or non-binary. That's just 1.3 percent of all shooters," Anthony Zenkus, a lecturer in social work at Columbia University, wrote on Twitter. "You just proved our point: 99 percent of mass shooters in the United States are cis gendered." https://www.newsweek.com/mass-shootings-transgender-perpetrators-1790854 I don't think it would require a very extensive search to figure out a few diagnosable conditions afflicting MTG.
  4. Of course, the police are scared of those assault-style weapons. It would be suicide to face one of those weapons. They are pretty much helpless when confronted with those weapons. Dead officers aren't of any value in a crisis.
  5. Interesting that you would resurrect a month-old thread to cast aspersions on a senator who is in the hospital. Just to answer your question, why don't you stop running candidates who are as out of touch as Dr. Oz?
  6. The shooter identified as male and used the pronouns he/him. The point is, however, there is absolutely no need for the assault-type weapons to be legal to ordinary citizens. They have only one purpose, and that is to kill people. Lots of people and to do it quickly.
  7. The way the press has misused its power to harm people needs to stop. They are not investigating crime. They are simply spying on the innocent actions of people and using it in a manner that is salacious. This is nothing but greed on the part of the media.
  8. The ability of the big fish to pay their way out of prosecution is a problem in most of the countries that decide to wage a war on drugs. Drugs are big money. Very big money. I remember that during the 80s, talking to a friend from Miami about how a fair number of law enforcement had suddenly gotten rather wealthy -- nice big boats, a new house, nice cars. It's not that they were inherently dishonest cops, but the cartels could pay big bribes, and that kind of money gets hard to overlook. A friend who worked with Customs and Border Patrol along the Mexican border said it's much safer for some less-than-honest officials to get paid to simply ignore a particular vehicle crossing the border. In countries where bribes will get a person into serious trouble, the low level dealers don't have the money to pay the kind of money to get them out of trouble. Almost everyone has a price. It's just a matter of finding out what it is.
  9. More victims killed with assault-style weapons: The suspect was armed with at least two assault-type rifles and a handgun, officials said.
  10. It's not about hate. I certainly don't hate Musk. I also don't admire him. He is well out of his own lane on Twitter. It may be a hobby for him, but for many, it's a source of news and information.
  11. You will 'stop right there', but you will listen to a Trump speech with endless lies. Interesting and quite selective.
  12. The question is, who determines the value of the company? I don't see any independent source giving a figure.
  13. I am not a billionaire, so I don't know, but they usually have some angle. Maybe capital gains? I get suspicious when I see something that was purchased for $40+billion and now has been valued, by the buyer/owner, at such a low figure. Who did this valuation?
  14. I am sure glad that all this terrible weather, including an increase in the frequency and intensity of tornadoes, the massive rains, snow and flooding isn't caused by Climate Change. At least that's what the climate deniers would have us believe.
  15. Does he just get to make up a number for the value of the company? This sounds like a nice, big tax deduction.
  16. I don't think Andrew's book would be nearly as successful or as interesting as Harry's. I read Harry's and found it interesting and slightly insightful. Andrew, might want to consider a pictorial book of his social life -- that would be a hit.
  17. The dullards would be a lot less dangerous if they didn't have someone leading them and pointing them at targets.
  18. I fully support trans rights. They deserve to be in a category of their own. It is up to the governing bodies to decide how these situations should be handled.
  19. This is always so sad when it involves children. I've lived around preppers, and they gradually remove into a self-feeding loop of delusion. They cut themselves off from others and have no reasonable input from anywhere except their own delusions. The Pandemic exacerbated all this. If you are already bordering on delusion and paranoia. An actual disease can push you over the edge. The one thing I have never understood is how these people make a living. This type of lifestyle, if you can call it that, isn't cheap.
  20. As @placeholder a lot of people in the Southwest of the US are suffering. It's interesting that the right-wingers who have built in unincorporated areas and had nearby cities provide water because their wells are dry are wanting the government to force the cities to provide them with water. The cities say they can't. These are the same people, from the same places, who don't want the government telling them what to do. Apparently, it's OK for them to decide what others have to do. It seems to me it's just a matter of who gets to do the 'social engineering'.
  21. The bigotry, racism and nationalism around everything having to do with Covid has been extremely detrimental to fighting the pandemic. The refusal to use the existing mRNA vaccines is a good example. I hope this proves to be effective. I am SO done with the pandemic, but that doesn't mean it's not done with me or us.
  22. I am not sure what is misleading. There is a link to the original article. It sounds like a lot of people got loans that they wouldn't ordinarily get.
  23. Thanks. I had sort of forgotten that the CCP has denied it even started in China.
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