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Everything posted by Credo

  1. I was just listening to an American news broadcast. Apparently, this guy is still on the loose and considered armed and dangerous. The reward is something like $80,000.
  2. Well, the gun that was designed to kill as many people as possible in a short period of time has once again shown to be very successful in living up to its designer's goal.
  3. Yeah, but, but, but they can do something about drag queens. They can't do anything about school shootings (sarcasm emoticon needed).
  4. These restrictions should have been removed, simply because they were enacted based on a lie. The election was not stolen and there was no major voter fraud.
  5. It's a pretty well known theory about the origins, but since you need a link, here's a link: https://onlysky.media/jpearce/the-origins-of-circumcision-was-it-a-mark-of-slavery/
  6. An unnecessary procedure. In ancient times, it was used to mark someone as a slave. Now, I guess they are a slave to their religion.
  7. So, sending immigrants from Texas to New York is enforcing what law and benefits Floridians how? Drag Queens do not sexualize children. They are entertainers, and at no point has anyone shown any evidence of grooming. He is protecting nothing but a false narrative.
  8. No, it is DeSantis that has gone too far. Disney has not stopped showing all of us a great time. DeSantis, however, has been vindictive, seeking retribution because they have outsmarted him at every turn. It seems that harassing Florida's largest single employer is pretty anti-business.
  9. ... Oh, I forgot to mention guns. That's another endless mantra from the right.
  10. Drag Queens have no particular interest in children. They are paid entertainers. Denigrating them, discriminating against them and targeting them is a perversion. Trans people do deserve respect and treatment, another thing the Republican Party is making a big effort to see doesn't happen. They have targeted them for discrimination, probably amounting to persecution. Gay marriage is settled law? Well, not according to right-wing judge, Clarence Thomas who wrote a dissenting opinion in the landmark case of Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015. He has also signaled he wants SCOTUS to revisit the issue along with contraceptive. These are all policies that have a positive effect on no one and are harmful to many. They have no positive effect on anyone. The party of 'freedom' seems to think freedom is just for me and not for thee. On the issue of energy independence, nearly all the evidence points to the fact that the climate is changing and it is man-made. It's also pretty well known that most of the easily extracted oil is limited, and sources are getting into harder to extract areas. Coal isn't particularly feasible because of the extensive amounts of pollutants. Oil in particular is very political, and we too often find ourselves playing with the devil. Sunshine and wind are free, we just need to harness them. After Obama left office, we had 4 years of having anything, even the mention of Climate Change, erased from every government website. Trump touted oil and greatly discouraged renewables. I have yet to hear any policy on anything other than the denigration of gays, trans people and drag queens. I have no idea what the Republican energy policy is. I assume return to backing Big Oil, and probably giving Ukraine to Russia to achieve it. I have heard nothing about the economic policies, except to cut medicare and health care and stop Biden from paying bills already incurred. All I hear is drag queens, drag queens, drag queens, trans, trans, trans and other nonsense.
  11. I've never been a big Biden fan, but I certainly have nothing against him. I just find him to be a rather uninteresting speaker. That said, I am very pleased with his performance as President. He is very knowledgeable of government and how it works. He gets things done. He's a great manager and that's what the country needs. On the Republican side, I don't know who could beat him. It's a party without a platform -- except to hate drag queens, trans people, gay marriage. The only thing they seem to be for is guns. Unless, they come up with someone who actually has policies that people can get behind, they won't win. Trump and DeSantis are both pathetic. He can't even take on Disney and win.
  12. And have the Proud Boys testify against him at his trial!!
  13. And please keep her in jail for 10 years. Then when it's close to her release date, charge her with smuggling gold into the country and re-sentence her. The US has enough gun nuts. Your help will be much appreciated.
  14. I'd say that nails it. Trump has a rally a mile from the Capitol on the day of certification, he riles up the crowd, tells them to march and they did. That said, they are still guilty as sin.
  15. Good move. It is about time people start standing up to the media when it lies and cheats.
  16. I don't have a big problem with bias. Bias is easy to spot and easy to deal with. Lying and giving false information is a whole different creature.
  17. I suspect the only people who are happy about this story are the people at Southwest Airlines. This will take a little heat off them.
  18. You want a link? Have you been living under a rock? You say you watched him and still don't know that much of what he does on air is a conspiracy. Well, let's start with the most obvious one -- the election was rigged and Trump really won. He didn't. Zero evidence of massive fraud. It also landed the entire network in Court. Second, he said the January 6 insurrection was not orchestrated by Trump, but by his foes to make him look bad. That's just for starters. https://www.npr.org/2021/11/03/1051607945/tucker-carlson-fox-news-insurrection-conspiracy-new-show
  19. Tucker is a horrible person. He made racism OK and brought it along with numerous conspiracies into the homes of millions of viewers. Many of those people weren't haters, but a steady diet of hate got them there.
  20. It's sad that this officer is being shamed for an act of kindness. One of the endearing qualities of Thai people is their often small but appreciated acts of kindness.
  21. @Vlad66777 I suggest you watch "Putin's palace. The story of the world's biggest bribe". It's filed by Russians and in Russia.
  22. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are, without a doubt, the most interesting, colorful and honorable members of the Royal Family. Without them, the entire family is about as interesting as milk toast. It is a great loss to the family that Meghan won't be there, but being the dutiful mother that she is, and considering the unwillingness of the Crown to provide proper protection for her and the children , she has made the decision to safely stay in the US with her children.
  23. There are no Russian sources that are prohibited in the US. Again, you are posting false information without substantiation.
  24. So, lets take a closer look at what you are saying. First, you are saying that the media is tainted by the US. Yet, you substantiate it with nothing. You cast aspersions on anything having to do with the US, including George Soros and then the U of W. You got all the right wing ideology down pat, it's just the truth that evades you.
  25. The decision to charge him is up to the special prosecutor, a republican. You might want to inquire with him or your minders about this.
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