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Posts posted by ingvar

  1. A couple of years ago I met a busload of Icelanders on their first tropical holiday (some their first time outside Iceland) and they all seemed to suffer from sever heat fatigue, so I asked them what they have been drinking during their tour, they said nothing much, and they where astonished when I informed them they need to drink in the vicinity of two liters of water or more during a busy day touring around. They said they drank same as they usually do at home, i.e. a glass of liquid in the morning, some coffee during the day, a glass of some liquid at lunch and so on.

    I asked them if the tour operator had told them to drink and they said yes but didn't understand the significance or the importance.

    My point is, many tourists may be in the tropics for the first time and just don't understand or have the knowledge to protect themselves from heatstroke.

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  2. I have never utilized one of those buses, I had no idea they where "homemade". Thanks TV for the info, this further increases my resolve to never use those buses.

    They should ban the roads for being there in the first place.......bad roads!

    Just as an afterthought, maybe it would be a slightly better idea to improve the roads, remove the yabaa drivers, implements driver license control of all bus drivers upon exiting bkk etc... rather than banning the buses?

  3. My observation over the past decade is that the higher the degree of hate and misunderstanding of Fox News = the lower level of IQ, education and general world knowledge. Another good indication of those low levels is the amount of time wasted in this forum making inane statments that nobody cares about. Fox News is the ONLY light of TRUTH in the public media. But it requires intelligence and education to comprehend those truths.

    Why am I qualified to make these conclusions? Because I am an educated, intelligent American, with a 247 IQ (average of 5 tests) a JD Law Degree and a PhD in International Trade.

    OK, it's the morons' turn to disagree......

    I agree with the first part of your comment. However an IQ of 247 would indicate insanity. Also, a really intelligent person would not waste the time to read or comments in this forum. (I may be one of the few exceptions. So instead of drinking alcohol in the morning I check on the majority of retired/retarded farts in Pattaya. The western world has figured out that is cheaper to send the retards to Pattaya then to store them in an insane asylum at home) Any questions anyone???

    My IQ is 320 and I still do not understand anything??

  4. Dear Nomad Joe, of course I was not serious about the grass cutting thing or the car washing, nobody really cares about those things. I just pointed out that if an officer want to apply the law in the worst way he can, according to the strictest interpretation of the law, you cannot do anything that can otherwise be done by a local (against pay), this includes cutting the grass and washing your car amongst many other things.

    Now this is if the officer choose to use the law against you.

  5. This is the first time ever that I hear about arranged marriage in Thailand (been here for 20 years). Guess it must be something they do in Isan small villages? Never been there but I live in the central countryside in Thailand and as far as I know around here it is not how they do it.

    I would send the son away to a boarding school or university in BKK or Chiengmai so he can see the real world around him and then it will probably change by itself somehow?

    I'm guessing you don't speak enough Thai to understand their conversations.

    And nobody bothers to talk to you about much in English.

    Loads of guys living like that.

    Or you don't appear to have enough money to get any offers.

    As I read this forum at work I was surprised and asked around among my Thai co-workers sitting around me in the office of varying ages both older and younger than me and they all concurred, arranged marriages is not part of Thai tradition or culture. Period. Illegal!

    apart from that I do not see how the above quoted in depth analysis of my complete life situation in Thailand has anything to do with the topic?

  6. This is the first time ever that I hear about arranged marriage in Thailand (been here for 20 years). Guess it must be something they do in Isan small villages? Never been there but I live in the central countryside in Thailand and as far as I know around here it is not how they do it.

    I would send the son away to a boarding school or university in BKK or Chiengmai so he can see the real world around him and then it will probably change by itself somehow?

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