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Posts posted by mca

  1. ' MISHAPS ' ?

    Is this the latest euphemism for road accidents, which aren't really accidents either, caused by drunk and crazy driving and total inconsideration for other road users, traffic laws, traffic lights and signs etc. ?

    I recall flicking through a Loney Planet some years back and it said that many Thais were " notorious scofflaws" or similar when it came to road rules and regulations.

    I suppose saying that many Thais are a word that rhymes with a term for exoskeleton-bearing aquatic invertebrates and a word that rhymes with the verb used when you propel a boat with a pole when it came to road rules and regulations might not have made it to print.

    • Like 2
  2. Walker's Cheese and Onion or Pickled Onion Monster Munch. Halitosis heaven.

    you can't beat the pickled monster munch

    I only have one packet left... and I'm saving it for a really bad hair day.

    (I did have 18 at the start of Feb)

    Yeah my folks went to the Cash and Carry back home and brought me a load of Yorkie Raisin and Biscuit bars over a couple of months back.

    There's one single solitary one left at the back of the fridge which leaves me with the dilemma of whether to eat it and kick myself for eating my last one, eat it and not enjoy it because it's my last one or don't eat and have it taunt me every time I open the fridge.

    • Like 1
  3. A politically correct pub forum where you can't talk about a bag of crisps and use one single swear word may as well be a coffee shop with a group of burka women in the corner from the religion of permanent offence waiting for you to slip up.

    Try www.tourettessufferersreadysaltedappreciationsociety.org

    It's a MUMSLUT! great discussion forum about SMEGCHEESE! the benefits of ready salted crisps over KNICKERBATTER! the ones with the little blue TOSSPOT! bag.

    • Like 1
  4. Only five provinces have no Songkran road toll

    BANGKOK: -- Only five provinces saw no one killed in road accidents during the seven-day monitoring period from April 9 to 15 for Songkran holidays, the Road Safety Centre announced Thursday.

    The provinces are Phuket, Mae Hong Son, Yala, Samut Songkram and Samut Sakhon.

    Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Only-five-provinces-have-no-Songkran-road-toll-30258079.html


    -- The Nation 2015-04-16

    What a depressing statistic.

  5. Operators were also told to fix the problems of these buses which need minor repairs before they would be allowed to put in service, he said.

    Many were found not to be equipped with the minimum number of spotlights, fake Michelin men, bass speakers, empty bottles of M-150 rolling around the dash and " Wacky Races" style exhaust systems required under current regulations.

    " This situation is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated. " said a Ministry of Transport spokesperson.

    At least we think that is what he said, it was rather drowned out by the howling roar of 3 double deckers going past nose to tail at 120km per hour!

    Yeah one of the biggest cringe-inducing sights is driving up Mittraparp and seeing a Highway Patrol Accord with lights flashing escorting a convoy of about a dozen nails at speed with a fag paper's distance between them.

    • Like 1
  6. Hi.

    Recently after reading my emails on my mobile ( Samsung Galaxy S4) via outlook.office365.com when I then go to view them on my laptop or another computer they've been moved into my "deleted" folder. This has caused me to not reply to a couple mainly because I'd forgotten I'd read them and they don't appear in my inbox anymore. They still appear in my inbox on my Galaxy.

    This wasn't happening a week or so ago.

    Any ideas what I've done to mess up?.

    A big thanks for any advice

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