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Posts posted by kraxlhuber

  1. Any recommendations for organic pest control? Especially for the red ant. What about Neem oil?

    Probably the most popular and most effective "knock down" organic insecticide is pyrethrum, the natural chrysanthemum flower extract. http://www.livingwithbugs.com/permethr.html In a solution mixed with neem extract, you will have a good combination of knock down and residual effects. The permethrum will kill some beneficial insects too, but it breaks down in sunlight and has no residual, so the effect on beneficials is minimal, only those that are present during spraying.

    I haven't tried to find it in Thailand, but I'm sure we can. I will ask at my chemical supplier for a trade name and Thai name the next time I go in. Not being strict on organic methods and tending toward the "least toxic" approach I prefer the synthetic pyrethroids for some cases because of increased effectiveness and residual effect. But I use those sparingly and for very specific spot treatments, it violates the strict organic code and would not be acceptible for organic farm certification, on the other hand Pyrethrum is acceptable.

    mosquito coils not only for burning off and disperse the pest?

    I tried as followed,there is a japanese company and makes said mosquito coils,not strictly organic,but also not poisened,or else the kids and you and the housecat would suffer badly from the sideeffects.Now we are talking,I immersed one coil in my feedwater for my cabbage and other garden crops, and Voila,no more pests.

    Also I "spiked" a tomatoe with Severin and probably the word is out among the feathered friends DO NOT feed on the little red tomatoes,gets you indis..something.

    The coils are made from Turmeric,Lemon grass extraxt and neemoil.

    Can anybody tell me if I am wrong to do such a thing(I do and try many other remedies) as to dissolve a mosquitocoil as a pestcontroller.

  2. Well I gotta hit the gym at major ratchayothin tomorrow around 1-2pm hopefully they're outta my way by then. Better yet if I get there early enough maybe I can watch them from the giant panoramic windows. It'll be like working out at the zoo :)

    With a charming attitude like that, is it any wonder the Thais resent some foreign presence in their country? :D

    Feel free to call them a bunch of animals to their face in Thai, tough guy. I'm betting you will get a "work-out" and quite deservedly.

    smartallex,do you have any idea what the riceburners call a falang when in party of others thinking the poor round-eye longnose lobsterred(burned from the beach-sun0.it would be soo much that you run amok,calling a thai Kwai is not too bad, i called a linesman on a powerline pole Ling may mee han,he fell almost of the post,mad yes but not murderous.

    the Pied Piper T. is paranoid ,should be locked away and the key thrown off,a perfert criminal,a demagoge like A.H. or his henchman Goering.

  3. The red shirts are in a bind. Without violence they will be ignored.

    With violence they will be as discredited as they were as a result of the last Songkran events.

    Eventually the bluster will run out.

    Next step? Try to negotiate a 'victory' to justify a retreat.

    I would agree, the government can wait then out - and where will that leave the reds.

    Or they, meaning the paid lackies of Thaksin, can instigate real trouble leading to the bloodshed of innocent people conned into coming to Bangkok in the name of democracy when in actual fact they have been manipulated all for the benefit of one person - namely a convicted criminal named Thaksin and his paid hencemen.

    and lawyers,and chalerm and his unruly sons,thge wife of the killed policeman said(maybe he killed himself) as no killer was conficted and all suspected WHO the real killer was,but money talks and bullshit walks

  4. It's not going to work as planned.

    Ok, maybe a bunch of people will show up, but the existing government will be fine after the dust settles. Have there been reports of payments for attending?

    The Abhisit government is legit and decent. There's no real groundswell against him and his administration. It's another last-ditch and desperate means for an extremely selfish man to try and put his hands back on big money and absolute power.

    I see the OP photo of Thaksin with the words "Thailand needs change" He's trying to copy Obama's success with that line. Yes, Thailand needs change, it needs to get good people in leadership roles, and get away from the ugly patterns of having people like Thaksin in the driver's seat. Thailand needs to change being so tolerable to treasonous people like Thaksin. It needs to change being so forgiving to Thaksin's puppets, like Sae Daeng, who toss explosives here and there.

    The sooner Thailand changes from being harassed from Thaksin and his followers, the sooner Thailand can get moving forward to improving quality of life and cleaning up the environment and doing the many other things that have been put off because of the incessant hassling from Thaksin and his paid intimidators.

    beware Red Shirts,

    the brown shirts are already assembling,then heads will roll,

    in Spain after Franco's death the slogan was written on many walls


    that does not apply to Toxin!!!!!

  5. What a difference twenty-four hours makes. This time yesterday the total number of red shirts in BKK at each of the six meeting points was reported as being woefully low (well less than 10,000 ).

    Now with intelligence reporting that there has been a massive increase in numbers over the last twenty-four hours the government - or sources close to it - are reporting that a state of emergency may be declared sometime tomorrow on top of the ISA.

    It's still a peaceful demonstration. Up to now there have been absolutely NO reports of violence.

    What are the government scared of? Numbers.

    The government are concerned with the violent rhetoric being thrown around on stage by the Reds' leaders. If it was false bravado by individual protesters then no problem, but it is the call from leaders on stage and by Thaksin in his phone hookups. He doesn't call for protests. He wants people to fight and says he will pay them back.

    Abhisit needs laws in place to give him the power to quickly call in the Army if this thing gets out of control. It is the right thing to do. Roaming bands of out of control thugs is a real risk. While many of us that live here in Bangkok do not want violence, we do feel safer knowing that Abhisit is in control with the ability to quickly call in the Army to quell this if need be.

    Of course, if there were roaming bands of thugs in Loei or thereabouts, I may take a different view, but when it is in your own backyard it gives you a different perspective.

    democratic measures(ments) and policys do not apply for a country ruled previuosly by a despote ,now chased and run for his live.

    If money buys votes then its mob rule.First sell the daughters ,then also the dignity,and all else cashable.

    Same goes for a demonstration,everywhere such a demo must be approved with exact routes marked on a map or barricades.

    The area arount parliament and government house incl. palast ofthe king and his family must be a banned mile zone,no protest inside the zone,no violence.

    Thai's are such hippocrates, saving their face(faces) to look good in the eyes of Investors which in the mayority are blatant speculators and ripp-offs, punting their money on the stockmarket/gold and labour and exporting free of tax their ill-gotten loot,

    now thats MY OPINION,Besides those speculators are sitting safely in their bistros and sipping a Red Bull with wodka and watching the news about the red march.

    The time will come soon and the reds are hunted like in Mc Carthys time until they retreat into the burrows they have emerged from.

    In a country where the minimum labor wage a day is a can of beer for you and me,no wonder there is undrest,

    besides Thailand is one of the most lucrative markets for BMW and mercedes etc.etc. makes you wonder where that money is spinning off from??

  6. You clearly don't read the news. The red shirted leaders have made it clear they intend to cripple the city of Bangkok INDEFINITELY by blocking major roads. Is that what you call peaceful, disturbing the lives of millions of people, and potentially crippling the entire country? Get real.




    Continue to promote a Demo_crazy wit handing out money to poor farmers and do no gooders which makes the majority of the blood-Reds.

    is it the will of 60 million thai,s to be coerced to bow to the ill-will of some paid 80 000 simpleminded non educated farmers and job-less chaff.

  7. Let's not be too critical. I know a lot of people who say something and then knock on wood!

    Most of us have our little superstitions.

    I agree,BUT some have a wooden head mostly birch to knock on wood they knock on their heards.

    I live for 35 come and go in thailand,I do not contradict my wifes (superstition or not).

    If you have a strong religious believe of any inclination you dont have to fear anything exept :

    dont walk under a ladder beware a black cat crossing your way from right to left,

    today the missus started builing a riceburner kitchen annex and the doors front/back have to be offset,

    beats me why,same the stairs to your adobe cannot directly face the gate etc.etc.

    Don't call the ghosts or you never get rid of e'm.

  8. The Reds aren't any worse off because of this- as Thaksin's assets were seized, neither he nor they had access to them. You Sondhi lovers might want to remember that next time you accuse the UDD of "being on Thaksin's payroll." Paid with what? Monopoly money?

    If anything, they'll come out of this stronger, and less willing to work within Abhisit's so-called "rule-of-law" than ever.

    Red Force,

    Red Brigade

    Kmer Rouge

    Red Army

    Red Shirts,

    Samma Samma,as we say in Malay

  9. I wonder how everybody is applying hormones for growt of friuts to their trees.

    There is a liquid in the market and my neighbors are spraying their orchards liberally with that.

    Its not organic I assume,I dont ask the volk because Thais dont give away their secrets, and as a falang even the lesser.

    Anybody has a clue about the usefulness of adding hormones to the fruiting cycle,when to be done and harmful or not,GMO is near to that isn;t it?

  10. Welcome to the new organic sub-forum Soidog2 :) !!

    Thanks for sharing the pics !! Please share any info you have on growing avocado using organic methods and keep us updated on the progress (after 10 years exciting times no doubt !!)

    may your flowers all bear fruit


    Thanks, I have a question for you.

    In my garden there are Cherimoyas, Oranges, Star Fruit, Grapes , Tomatoes, Hot peppers, Lemons, Mangoes, Durian, Figs, Papaya and the list goes on.

    My biggest pest is the fruit fly, Lays eggs in the young fruit resulting in total loss sometime.

    I do grow fruit commercially and know how to get rid of it, I'd rather not use chemicals in my garden.

    Is there anything organic I can use to combat this annoying pest ?


    Hi SD2

    Sorry It's Taken so long (just been re-reading some threads and found I hadn't replied)

    Herbal extract for use on fruit fly

    also came across a recipe to use in bait traps

    1 litre water

    1 cup brown sugar

    1 tablespoon bakers yeast

    1 tablespoon Vegemite

    1 cup Urine

    Mix ingredients and let stand for five days before

    using. Change every week.

    Hope it helps, If you try it please let us know if it's effective as the missus has been buying all sorts of fruit tree seedlings over the past weeks.

    hi fellow gardener,good tip about organic pestcontrol,even I have some doubts about adding Urine ,as the liquid ()contain certain harmful bacteria,some volk even drink their own some times,(Johans believeit or not).

    Can be livestock urine or use Pla Ra from the missus kitche nor citric acid or vinegar just an idea, not to critizice anybody.

    How do you apply,spray with the cropduster or add to the soil.

    pls advise

  11. anybody can give me a advise how to get good seeds for my kitchen garden,have not been home in my country for a while and run out of seeds.

    I need (buy) seeds such as butterhead,endivie,small red redish(radieschen) good radish white,round(bierrettich)also sweet carrots etc.

    ,any help I appreciate.

    I grow local cabbage,now the bugs have their feast, eating on the leaves and preventing from forming the Head,sprayed with a concoction of neem,Jathropa and leaves of a tree name in thai Cham Cha,it helps to control the pest.

    have seede some beds with all kind of local seeds only to discover that small black annts carry the seed away.sprayed with insectizide the runway to thei underground nest,they regrouped and found a new route to the seed,also my mistake used Gap,strawhusk as a coverage and the ants now carry the bits and pieces of rice in th Gap to their nest.

    Any better pestcontrol for that

  12. post-47265-1237194931_thumb.jpg

    this is mealy bug an unarmoured scale


    and this is adult whitefly (their eggs look a little like apids)

    here's some ways of dealing with mealybug



    Identify mealybugs by looking on the undersides of leaves and around leaf joints. These insects look like small (1/10 to 1/8 of an inch) balls of cotton. Mealybug-damaged plants look withered and sickly and may have sticky sap on the leaves and stems.



    Spray a strong jet of water directly on to the affected area of the plant. The stream washes the insects off. This is the easiest way to control mealybugs.



    Spray with a soap/oil mixture if the water alone doesn't do the job. Mix 1 tsp. insecticidal soap, 1/2 tsp. horticultural oil, and 1 quart water in a spray bottle. There are also numerous chemical products available for the control of mealybugs.



    Use rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab to treat minor infestations. Dab the rubbing alcohol directly onto the insects.



    Try purchasing and releasing a natural predator called mealybug destroyer (Cryptolaemus montrouzieri) for serious infestations. Place the mealybug destroyers directly on the infested plant.



    On an ongoing basis, attract other types of predatory insects, such as parasitic wasps (Leptomastix dactylopii), that will consume and control mealybugs. Grow their favorite plants such as dill, fennel, coreopsis and brightly colored flowers near the mealybug-prone plants.

    for the whitefly you could try a simple homemade remedy

    mix 1 tablespoon dishwashing liquid detergent with 1 cup of cooking oil; add 1 to 2.5 teaspoons of this solution to 1 cup of water, spray onto plants every 10 days

    or a slightly more potent version with some garlic or other botanicals as discussed earlier in this thread starting here relevant post

    or try a commercial neem spray which will take time but disrupt the breeding cycle

    cheers Jandtaa

    mealybug's a real pest,

    when I worked in India (oilfield) a chemist told me during a conversation about plants in general and plant-pest s in particular how to get rid of some of the bugs.

    wetten the affected bush/plant veggie and then sprinkle/dust white flour or cornmeal onte the affected area/leaves.

    I tried that and Bingo for some time no more pests,same i did on my christmas flower poinsettia,no more wiltering ugle appearance,bought the plants 2 months ago and still red leaves/flowers.

  13. Wow, I'm the only one who met my wife (ex!) in a bar! It's true then that everyone here is married to Thai professionals...

    Anyway, I've learnt my lesson - I hope. Met the first wife in a bar, got married, divorced a couple of years later. Met my current (fantastic, hardworking, honest, great cook, great...) girlfriend of three years through a friend who is married to her best friend. Both lovely girls from nearby towns, not tainted by the "bright lights" of Chiang Mai or Bangkok. Fantastic!

    You know what they say... "You can take the girl out of the bar, but you can't take the bar out of the girl."

    Simple solution - DON'T take the girl out of the bar... unless you're a miserable old fat bloke living on a meagre pension - in which case I guess you have no choice!!!

    very true,leave the girls in the bar ,become friends and down the roard(when you know she is still married to a Isarn farmer,has 3 kids,speaks good english cooks good has all the tools in the normal place...THEN maybe you can ask her to live with you for a while.

    in Indonesia a time marriage is possible,do the same thenn if things work out go further.

    There is nothing wrong to met a girl in the bars,thats what they for in the first place,beside where do boy meet girl in our countrys,discos,bars etc.same of the same.

    A girl works in a bar etc.doesnt mean necessarily she is BAD, circumstances lead to that or need (or greed)I am an OLD THAI Hand,came first 1978 to Pecker Whacker,exc.the pun and fell in love with my bodymassage lady,divorced her after 4 years of futile attempts to make it work,shes now in my home-country and I see her as friends.

    I am a as you say (not fat) educated man,worked as seaman and the as oilfield thrash and could live in thailand or wherever,

    married now with a lady of 36,with 2 teenage our (kids),send them to a private school in this small town,what do you think,I met her on the other side of a bar in Pattaya, and only married her after 3 years later when she was pregnant and only 20.

    Dirty old man NO, went through 2 western marriages and the cleaners took the loot.

    any comment,no pity here pls.

  14. What Thai law says that you have to support a wife and two kids in the amount of 50,000 baht per month, excluding school fees? Otherwise she gets a divorce for nonsupport! Sounds like you are being taken to the cleaners.

    How much is enough??

    Gave her 20 000 and she cleared the bank account and the housepaper I had to recover with a lot of dough.

    I tried to transfer the land in the kids name but the prenuptial was in the way.

    The kids have to be somehow 19 years old (or 21)

    and have only one nationality/passport thats Thai,

    Landownership is a tricky thing for a mixed couple ,Farang/Thai,a friend of mine got divorced in order that his wife could buy/sell and register land again in her maiden name.She doesnt than have to proof where she got the money from,not really logical isnt it?

    Bottom line if she kicks him out of the house he gets nil,if they marry again she doesnt loose the landtitles or is there another to me unknown law

    They still live together as man and wife as nobody else know about the divorce (exept the Amphoe)


  15. everybody needs his cut right, and they forgot the luggage thieves...

    ur last surprise when you come home... if you did not end up in one of the other thai scemes to get rid of your useless baht's outside thailand...

    so for tourists who plan to come here :

    ripped on arrival

    ripped with taxi fares

    prepare to pay double in hotels, restaurants, shops ...

    watch out for security that might accuse you with dropping a sigarette bud even you do not smoke ...

    carefull when shopping in duty free, might end up in jail

    what out of buying stuff or doing business with thais as you might fly out of a window (famous in pattaya)

    watch out not to get robbed, shot, stabbed

    watch out for ladyboys, aids, veneral deseases


    CLASSIC POST.....So true. Thailand the land of lies and deception!

    So true, so true... This is the unfortunate reality. As a friend once said, Thailand is a country full of con men.

    not only men,if your own wife here rips you aff thats the top of it,let your wife to see the house/car papers and you might discover they are flogged in the pawn shop

    thank you no thanks

  16. so what,

    my wife gets 50.000 Baht a month for her and my two kids support,exept school fees,school money etc.

    I am sometimes not at home for 1-2 months working abroad.

    Thats the money I have to give her according to the law,or else she gets a divorce because (I dont support her/kids).

    Sound familiar,some guys give the missus 20K for living,from that money she can safe some money and over some years buys a piece of land ,say one rai for 30.000 in some remote village.

    Thats HER earned money regardless if its from her hubby,isnt it.Thats Her land because shes Thai

    My last maid got 3.000 Baht a month not living-in.

    How much support money is than legal and she can do with it what she wants?If she buys land with her earned money how she becomes my nominee.

    She signs a document that the money for buying the land is hers OK.

    The hubby has also a prenuptial which is in Thailand illegal unless it is approved by a court of law.

    Now I am might be wrong above and others have posted similar threads, but hwere yuo/land office draws the line?

  17. conflicting ideas of obtaining non immigrant O multible entrance visa from Thai embassy in Singapore.

    I am now in Singapore and got a non O m from the embassy.

    All I had to show was my Thai marriage cert (the lady kept the Xerox).

    the Thai bank bankbook copied all pages, with a letter from the bank stating the amount of 800 K Baht (valid 3 months).

    250 Sing $ fee paid,you can apply for a 3 year multible entrance at the cost of 500 S$,

    a passport pix you must also have.

    filled out the form and next day the visa was stamped in the PP

    to make sure the PP has to be valid 6 months more and enough free pages also for further stamps.

  18. I am fed-up big time(so are others too)

    do I have to get permission from some banana state officials to visit and stay with my family here in the land of false grins?

    NO No No,

    Its catch 22 you screwed if you do and also if you dont..

    I spend the upperhalve of 500k a year baht and thats for the last 15 Y to support my family and work my B.. off even I am a vintage old F...

    pay school fees etc and also pay for the H.J .school uniforms etc.

    Its about time somebody to mention the system here ,Old Addy will turn is his grave if he sees the abuse of his system,talk about masscommunications -massdiscriminations etc.Falangs go home in massive numbers ,all the ugly maidens in the bars can then go back to their villages and take care of the buffalo,s

    It was nice back in the 60s,a beer 15 baht asneaky 150 baht poeples respected the walking moneymachine then,do I grieve? Yessir I do ,ask some oldtimers here what not has only changed in the realm its gotten worse, soon I have to walk around the town in a Flakvest!

    now you can give me S..

  19. You will not get a multiple entry Singapore.

    If you plan on getting an extension again you don't need a multiple entry visa. A single entry is all you need.

    Then within the last 30 days of your entry go to immigration and apply for your extension.

    You can get a single entry with just your marriage certicate (plus copy), copies of wifes house book and ID card. If you are over 50 just your passport is enough as proof of your age.

    If you really want to get a multiple entry you will have to go to KL or Penang. Same documents plus bank book.

    Most of what you listed was requirements to get an extension of stay.

    There is no need for the marriage certificate to be stamped by your embassy.

    The money amount you listed is for an extension based upon retirement.

    I am over 60 and work sometimes overseas for a month or so and come back to my family inThailand.

    I tried the retirement visa but it is best suited for poeples who stay here and leave seldom.

    The re-entry stamp is also bothersome, which uses up the pages in my passport.

    A multible entry has the advantage that if I exit Thailand before 90 days stay ,no need of a re-entry stamp.

    I know there a lot of poeple in my situation and use multible entry visas.

    What can be the exemption of issuing the multible entrance visa from Singapore?

    Could be the nationality of applicants?

  20. There are different opinions regarding issuing of non immigrant O multible entry visa.

    I intend shortly to fly to Singapore to get a new 1 year non immigrant O multible entrance visa.

    I am married (in Thailand) with a Thai lady and have children with her.

    Have previously got visa as above but missed one re-entry visa at the airport ( as that service is now only used for emergencys).

    I get my visas done in the north of Thailand and was now advised to get a new visa from a embassy outside of Thailand.

    I take my marriage cert.stamped from my embassy with me.

    (some said I need a certification from a Thai lawyer for that cert.)

    The bank statement over 800.000 Baht in a Thai bank,issued from my bank that the money is longer in my account than 3 month and is only in my name,that letter is valid 3 months.

    My wifes ID card signed by her is also required

    Copys of all that I take with me as well the return e-ticket to Bangkok

    What else do I need for a successful visa application after I filled out the application form,

    any advise is very welcommed also for the benefit of other forum participants.

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