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Posts posted by cornishcarlos

  1. 3 hours ago, cmarshall said:

    No, that's an R0 = 1 which is low.  The R0 of Covid-19 is believed to be between 2 and 5.  Measles has an R0 of 18.  An R0 = 1 would result in a steady state, neither increasing nor decreasing.  An R0 < 1 means the infection will disappear, while an R0 > 0 means everyone will eventually be infected unless there is some intervention to prevent that, such as widespread social distancing.


    For a number to square, it has to be each person out of 100 infects 100 others. Are you sure that's not an RO bigger than 1 !!

  2. 6 minutes ago, HashBrownHarry said:

    I'm fully aware of how rotational jobs work, i came and went on VE's for 14 years, no problems at all totally agree.


    I then began to get questioned by IO at arrival in Suvarnabhumi when they started to clamp down on visa's / overstayers and the likes. Non is is not a hassle at Savankhet, it's easy, very few documents required and not expensive.


    Another thing i like about Non O over VE is that if you get into any sort of bind here or are involved with the bueracracy for whatever reason it carries more weight that simply being a 'tourist'.


    But up to you mate, do whatever you feel works.


    I agree that these days, if possible, it's much safer to be on a multi entry Non Imm O.

    The problem under the current circumstances, is not being able to go to Laos or Vietnam to get that new Non Imm O, if the last one has expired.

    To do that, would probably involve 14 days quarantine in Laos or Vietnam, followed by another 14 days in Thailand on entry !!

    I reckon most people,that have been away from family for 4-6 months already,will be wanting to get back asap.

    Therefore visa exempt will be the best option if it's available and considering the amount of time out of country, shouldn't be any problem.

  3. 2 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

    you know a rotational work - wow.


    I am sure people will not be allowed to return to their families by only rocking up to get a 30 day stamp, if they have non O's there may be a chance.


    Why do you think visa exempt will not be allowed !! Marriage is still valid without a Non Imm visa..

    My Non O has expired... Should I wait until I can go via Laos or Vietnam to obtain another one or just come in on a visa exempt ?? 

  4. 13 minutes ago, transam said:


    Only time will tell if Sweden got it right or wrong... They admitted to not protecting the care homes as well as they should have.

    If it turns out that they avoid a 2nd wave then that will be a good result for them. Obviously their economy has been maintained to some degree but will still be affected by the economic climate in wider Europe.

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  5. 1 minute ago, phantomfiddler said:

    It would be nice if something positive emerged from this train wreck. Events have shown that absolute power corrupts absolutely, and my hope is the the Future Forward Party can somehow overcome the immense power structure in place who,s main function is to prevent or destroy any party that threatens their tenure ????


    Future Forward Party is no longer a party, has no future and won't be going forward....

    • Haha 1
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