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Posts posted by cornishcarlos

  1. 2 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Yes I know you want people dying for you. I mean your making a stink about being stuck somewhere else and would love to get back screw the risk to the elderly when air travel opens up again. You value other things above human life as long as its not yours. I am not in the risk group but would gladly give up a few things so people in the risk group are more safe. I wear a mask not for me but for others, i stick to the rules not because I am afraid but as I would hate to be responsible for the spread and death of the disease. Just imagine being a carrier infecting some of your loved ones and they did not survive. I don't worry much about getting it myself.


    Anyway in my country they are trying to make an app that does not invade privacy but still works the idea is sound as is registering your name at shops right now for tracking purpose. 




    How does stating that the majority of Covid deaths are elderly and sick translate to "I want people to die for me" ? Ridiculous statement.

    Yes I'm stuck somewhere I don't want to be, like thousands of other people. Never said screw the risk to anyone else so we can get home.

    I wear a mask, I abide by the local rules in place just as you say you do.

    Protecting vulnerable people does not mean giving up privacy rights. Governments around the world have failed to protect vulnerable groups.

    If they really spent some time on apps that didn't harvest as much data as possible, but did the job for what it is intended, that would be more acceptable.


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