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Posts posted by cornishcarlos

  1. 1 minute ago, Skeptic7 said:

    If I didn't have a long term life and wife here...doubt I'd come back. Maybe once...but why ever return? Place has been over for a decade. :coffee1:


    Well said... I'm seriously considering a move back to U.K. If nothing else, my wife can get her ILR and passport which will make life easier down the road.

    Just put an offer in on a property back in Cornwall, can always rent it out if we don't decide to bail on Thailand.

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  2. Called Oman Air on their 24/7 U.K number and got through real quick.

    Matey told me that they can't help with refunds, only possible to request by email !!

    Been emailing them twice a week for the past 4 weeks with no response (not surprised tbh)

    So I initiated a claim just now, with Halifax, and was told they are working on about 40-45 days per claim under the current circumstances.

    Not bothered about the wait, as long as the payment is refunded. I'll let Halifax do the work now ????

  3. Underwater metal detecting. Mainly waterfalls and swimming holes but did a lot of hunting on beaches in Oz whilst working there.. 

    Got into it after losing my wedding ring whilst kayaking on a river near Phatalung..

    Still not recovered my wedding ring, even after a couple visits back to the same place.

    Have found quite a few other rings and lots more besides ????????

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