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Posts posted by krading

  1. Made me wonder too so I found and copied this from another site.

    Seems like the most logical explanation.

    To answer the question of how the leg wave started, and find out the underlying reason, we need to go back in history to find its first appearance. A quick survey of paddock opinion says that the first time that anyone - including long-time veterans - remembers seeing that now legendary leg wave was at Jerez in 2005, in the last-gasp, last-corner move in which Rossi jammed his Yamaha M1 up the inside of Sete Gibernau's Gresini Honda, barely in control, and Gibernau tried to close the door too late. That move ended up defining the 2005 World Championship, and put Rossi at a psychological advantage over title rival Gibernau which saw him clinch the title with relative ease by the end of the season.

    The move at that time was born out of a combination of desperation, determination and a feeling that he had nothing left to lose. It worked - both the pass and the leg wave - and Rossi associated that waving of the leg with the success of that pass. Like all things that Rossi associates with success - the color yellow, the ritual of supplication he performs before getting on the bike, the frankly unsightly picking at his leathers as he rides out of pit lane - he has elaborated on the leg wave and further incorporated it into his routine, seeing it as another weapon in his arsenal of luck, helping to sway the odds in his favor.

    Over the years, the leg waving has become more prominent, almost theatrical, Rossi's leg describing circles before he places it back on the footpeg. And that increase in theatricality betrays the way that Rossi views the leg wave: It is becoming less and less a physical act and more and more something entirely psychological, almost religious. It has become a totem, a symbol of his intentions and a petition to the gods of overtaking to help him get past the upstart who has been foolish enough to get ahead of him. It has become part of Rossi's mojo.

  2. OK let's jump all over the Thai judicial system again. Naughty Thais bad Thai judges corrupt Thai jurors naughty, naughty Thais - lets slap their collective bums!!!

    Now that's over what about the US judicial system with more 'blacks' in jail per head of population than Thailand. BUT where a black ex-football player gets away with murder because he has money. Where a dirty member of the political elite is involved in a suspicous drowing death of a young female yet it is covered up.

    What about the judicial system in Italy where a suspected murder is set free -- publicity and money win again --- the bloody footprints??

    No intent to start an OJ or Knox debate just drawing comparisons to prove Not only the Thai system that is rotten.

    But hey for some on TV dumping on Thais seems to be how they get their jollies.:(

    Because if we try to 'dump' on other nations we get the old "Not Thai related. CLOSED" response.:rolleyes:

  3. Have done it myself quite a few times out of Australia without a return ticket, no problems.

    I usually get a double entry and stay for 90 days booking a return flight on the net after I've made up my mind where I want to go on the way home.

    This last trip I went into a FlightCenter office and inquired about fares and the rep told me I needed a visa before I could buy a ticket plus I needed to have a return ticket.

    I told her that the visa application form requires a flight number so I have to buy a ticket before I can apply for a visa but she was adamant that she was right and I was wrong.

    I politely told her where to put her visa expertise and went home to book my flight on the net.

    I'm here, she's still in Oz spruking dodgy advice.:jap:

  4. How long do I keep my hair?

    About a month, then I'm off to the barber lady for a no.3.

    But I can see a lot of truth in thailand's post about the indians and their hair.

    Since I started cutting mine off a few years ago I've lost a few of my abilities also. :drunk:

  5. Are you a permanent employee or self employed?

    If you're permanent you should be covered by workman's compensation, no doubt the injury was brought on by the "highly physically demanding" nature of the job.

    If self employed, you should have your own 'income protection insurance'.

    What exactly do you do for a living?

    You're not SAS are you?:ph34r:

  6. I suppose if you stretch your imagination a wee bit then 'straight away" kind of equates to 3 - 4 years!!!!!

    I wonder, does the 15,000 baht a month salary/income for degree students only include those labourers with degree qualifications!!!:lol:.

    Yingluck!!!! you are a deceitful, lieing little b****.

    Come on now, cut her some slack.

    She did drop the price of petrol by ฿8 (for five minutes)

    and my niece has a paper from the chicken factory she works in promising to up the wages to ฿300 "next year".

    I read it myself.

    It think it said "next year" but my Thai is not too good.

    It might have said "when the 7/11 closes."<_<

  7. I think this works only in Bugs Bunny cartoons

    So I guess by that you don't understand fluid dynamics, flow rates versus water volume either then do you :rolleyes: ?

    Instead why don't you google up "pumping stations" ?

    In a pipe where pressure can be generated, ok

    but in an open river system?

    Now, where did I leave my Acme Tidal Wave Generator?:huh:

  8. I am still having trouble with the passive voice particles ถูก and โดน, both with their usage and with the choice of which one to use.

    I'm guessing the choice of which word to use would be influenced by the situation being discussed.

    e.g. As โดน also has the meaning of to hit , strike, collide etc, I'd guess that it would be used in situations where some sort of actual violence is involved, whereas ถูก would be used in other none violent situations,

    But reading through the examples on another website there doesn't seem to be 'set rule' to follow.

    Is it up to the toss a coin?

  9. Even when I'm really bored I've been giving this forum a miss for years, ever since I inadvertantly stumbled upon a "lubrication" thread :bah: . I'm still not fully recovered from that but that thread title was too intriguing to pass up. Hilarious!

    I've always found axle grease and a bit of spit more than adequate :rolleyes:

    I suppose that's alright if you want to spend the night sleeping with a wheel bearing.

    but getting back to the OP

    I tend to veer away from establishments that advertise THAT style of cuisine.

    "Not that there's anything wrong with that"

    but, as JT pointed out, the drinks are overpriced

    and there's no rugby on the tele.

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