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Posts posted by kotsak

  1. The US , UK , Aust, & EU should all put in $100 million dollars each then put a tactical force together consisting of some 100,000 troops including tanks, fighter jets, fighter helicopters, ATV, Hummers and various different military hardware, Hercules aircrafts to transport everything.

    Then systematically go from country to country and kill and destroy completely every single one of them.

    This would cost around $500 mill , but at least if you did this one time and wiped them all out then they are all finished and you wouldn't have these type of kidnappings again or any fighting in these countries.

    Iraq - ISIL

    Syria - ISIL

    Africa - Boka Haram

    Afghanistan - Taliban

    Pakistan - Whoever

    Philippines - Abu Saya group, Islamic liberation front ..

    Somalia - Al Quada

    That's my proposal and I think it's a good plan ........thumbsup.gif

    Yes, you may kill the man but not the idea and that's the main problem.

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  2. The Thai "HD" channels are indeed poor quality - the only real difference to before is they are now 16:9 rather than 4:3.

    Most of the other (overseas) "HD" channels on Truevisions broadcast in 1080i - with exceptions being AXN and RTL/CBS, which seem to both broadcast some of their content in 720P (even though you know it was shot at at least 1080P), and of course some older content which was never HD to begin with.

    As for quality, content that is broadcast in 1080i is quite good - definitely better than HD IPTV services (which are nearly all 720P 'HD', and highly compressed), but also definitely not as good a Bluray 1080P.

    Some local channels, which market themselves as being HD have quality bordering VCD :D Apparently placing a logo saying "HD" makes them look great. Maybe it works for very small TV screeens but even on a 32" screen it's very poor quality.

    Of course good luck with getting an answer to this problem. TIT

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